Sweet like Pudding

3rd Person POV

Sunny Village. A rather small town, without great history, influence or any other remarkable characteristics besides it's rather popular alcohol. And yet, it is in this small and seemingly unimportant place, where one of the world's most shocking events occurred.

"Here, please say ahh."

Hancock shyly said as she tried to feed someone with HER spoon. A light rosy tinge cutely painted her cheeks while her icy blue eyes looked up at the MAN she was trying to feed, with all the warmth in the world.

That's right. THE Boa Hancock, who hates all men with passion, was sitting next to Portgas D. Jackson, a young male pirate and acting lovey dovey for some reason.

While Shachi and Penguin were silently crying tears of blood, Marigold and Sandersonia couldn't close their mouths from shock after witnessing this surreal sight. Though they knew of her feelings, nothing could have prepared them for this.

Meanwhile the man in question was still wondering how it came to this situation, seemingly unable to wrap his head around everything that happened in the last hour or so.


Jackson POV

"Here, please say ahh."

Hancock said as she offered me a spoon of Kench's newest fruity pudding creation. Now many would probably ask how it came to this. A proud woman like her, shyly trying to feed me, here in the middle of Sunny Village where we partied last night.

To be honest I too would like to know! Let's think back and analyze how it could happen. It all began around an hour ago, when Augur told me that he spotted the Kuja-Pirates. Truth be told I didn't care much and decided to continue whatever I was doing but strangely enough, as if she knew where to find me, Hancock approached this humble one first.

It didn't take long until she and her crew appeared. Like normally the case, she instantly started ordering everyone around. Arrogantly looking at them from above while shouting out orders and verbal abuses while looking unreasonably sexy, everything was as expected. Not just villagers but Penguin and Shachi as well, we're doing what she told them to do, like idiots with hearts in their eyes.

'Hmpf! Simps!'

Was what I though. But it wasn't long until everything turned weird. Hancock sought me out, but once she arrived before me, her personality seemed to have made a 180 degree turn.

'Strange but you won't me hear complain about it.'

I thought. Last time we met, I accidentally saw her naked taking a bath in a hot spring. She went crazy, attacked me, shouted at me, was willing to fight with me to death and so on.

"Jackson! Good to see you again!"

This time instead, she was giving me a gentle smile together with a kind greeting.

"Eh? Ah! Sorry I was surprised to meet you here. Good to see you too."

Is what I answered while smiling back at her but she suddenly turned away and mumbled something I didn't hear while placing her soft hands on her perfect cheeks. (Don't ask which ones please.)

While the others silently looked in mild shock, Hancock started following me. I tried to do some small talk and such but every time I complimented her, no matter how small, she would suddenly turn away and mumble something.

Her reaction intrigued me so when Kench came with the mentioned pudding, I intentionally told her a cringey line, something like 'You are as sweat as this pudding' or such. Interestingly Hancock didn't turn away or mumble. She froze for a minute before turning completely red and shyly offering me a spoon full of her pudding.

I was shell shocked. Hancock couldn't even look into my eyes at this point and this is how it came to our current situation. My conclusion after mentally going through today's events again: whatever bullshit I told her the last time we met, caused her to fall for me…

'Pff! Yeah sure! Last 2 times I though a woman liked me, I was friend-zoned first and family-zoned later!'

Deciding not to think about it more than would be good for my mind, I gratefully accepted her offering before continuing to drink and play around, this time accompanied by Hancock for whatever reason.

And like this another day went by.

(AN: Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is a bit short for certain reasons. Just a joke! Ah yeah felt like I haven't done this in forever! Enjoy the rest of the chapter!)

Kamis (Village Head) POV

Another renowned pirate crew arrived yesterday. One the the 7 warlords of the sea 'Snake Princess' Boa Hancock. I've heard a lot about her arrogance and beauty that seemed to go hand in hand and I must say every rumor was true.

Even I, an old man in a small town, was affected by her beauty. So much so that no thoughts of rebuking her for her arrogance, came to my mind. It was as if she was the head here.

But even such an arrogant woman, was acting all cute and shy in front of 'him'. Coincidentally I walked by Ella's house, the young woman who spent a night with Portgas D. Jackson. She was sitting in her garden, letting melancholic sights escape her lips from time to time.

"What in the-"

"Ah! Good morning, Kamis!"

From behind, a voice suddenly greeted me. Turning around I saw Anne, her younger sister. She was as tall and fit as Ella, wears her platin blonde hair openly and has cute freckles beneath her bright green eyes.

After a little chat she told me that the reason for Ella's strange mood was the departure of Jackson and co. At first I thought she had fallen for him in that short amount of time but according to Anne, she just lamented that they couldn't spent another night together. She definitely told way more details than I wanted to know…

That's right. A while ago Jackson together with his crew-members and Hancock with hers, departed together. Going by what I heard them discuss last night, Jackson invited her to be his date for a party, hosted by Big Mom.

A normal person should have some danger sense ringing their bells after getting such an invitation but not her. She became happy and agreed with a mesmerizing smile handing on her lips.

"*sigh* Youth nowadays."

I continued my walk. Last two days were unexpected and a bit strange but all in all not that much different from when Shanks comes by to party.

My last stop was by the old church on which's tower Red-hair's Jolly Roger was standing… or it least it should have been there…

Realization suddenly hit me.


Quickly running towards the old church without caring for the looks, others gave me on the way, a colorful note hanging on the doors, caught my attention. It says:

'Dear Kamis and residents of Sunny Village, thanks for your hospitality. Your drinks were so good that we decided to take the stash you hid away for Shanks and his crew, as well but don't worry, since I got manners and shit, I left you the money in the secret warehouse. Stay healthy and till next time.

Yours sincerely

Portgas D. Jackson

PS: Tell Shanks to come and get his Jolly Roger before I use it as burning material!'

Speechless. No words came to my mind. This shameless motherfucker took both, the alcohol and the flag before pissing of to Big Mom's territory and even provoked Shanks into following him! A sudden headache warned me to calm down before my blood pressure rose any higher.

"*sight* Guess I'll have to make a call the Red Haired…"

(AN: Hey everyone. Still a bit short compared to previous few chaps but this time it's not a joke. Sorry for cutting short the interaction between Jackson/Hancock/Crew so short but I'm not completely sure how to have them act. Boa is a simp but her feelings are the real deal, where as Jackson still doesn't have a real reason to fall for her other than her beauty. I'm not good at this but will try to come up with some hopefully good solution. Till next time!)