Clash of the supreme haki

Perospero acted quickly, using his jelly powers to close the gaping hole in his right shoulder and prevent unnecessary blood loss. It may be just a short-term solution but given who his opponent is, he can't be too picky on how to survive until hopefully another of his siblings arrived.

"I bet you just thought about holding out until help arrives, right?"

A cold shudder shot down his back the instant Enel's relaxed voice suddenly resounded from behind him. Even if he sensed him appear there, it was so fast, that there was no time to either run or counter attack.

"Good luck then."

A strong impact hit his left side instantly after those words were said. Perospero was sent flying like a bullet, mowing down every unlucky soldier who happened to stand in his flight path.


His crash-landing was as uncomfortable as the flight itself. Enel, who created an attack move, similar to Kizaru's light speed kick, had punched right through his jelly, which practically melted and lost most of it's stability on contact, due to lightning's high temperatures.

Still, Perospero didn't stay down for long. Making a quick roll he sprung up and instantly got in a stance to protect himself.

'My right arm is barely moveable, while my left side feels on fire. My defence jelly melts on touch with his lightning and due to his speed I have yet to land a single attack of mine. Fuck, I'm basically a sitting duck with nothing but my haki to keep me from dying!'

Only now did it become clear to him, just how fucked he is. From finishing off an injured and weakened Nico Robin, to becoming Enel's punching bag.


He appeared again. Perospero covered his body in armament haki the very second he sensed Enel appear and made it just in time. He was still sent flying by a lightning speed punch but this time, it cause significantly less damage compared to when he used his devil fruit to defend himself.

Once more, he sprung up while on the defensive but strangely no follow up followed. For now, that is. Enel had shifted his attention into another direction and mumbled something that greatly surprised his opponent.

"Oh my. Seems like Law already bet Cracker and started moving towards Big Mom."

Beat Cracker. A brat in his early 20 beat his brother Cracker, who is among the 4 strongest under Big Mom.

"Well, I'll just hurry up, and finish as well then. You should get ready, cause next is one of my finisher moves."

Perospero wasn't given much time to ponder whether that was true and how Enel knew about their fight. He saw how his opponent's body got covered in dense electricity so he quickly covered himself in haki again. It even looked like his muscles bulged for some weird reason.

Next Enel's skin turned blue as he took a wide stance while covering his index finger with haki. The bright flashes of lightning started to move and converge at his index finger's tip before Enel's whole body began to turn light blue.

"500 million volt! Hell stab: 1 finger spear pistol!"

He vanished. Perospero lost sight of him.

'…Damn it…'

He thought as his body swayed and fell forward.

'This guy just might be even stronger than brother Katakuri.'

Despite losing sight of Enel, he still felt the hole that opened up in his throat. It was roughly the size of his opponent's index finger but the real nasty surprise came once the remaining electricity started to ravage through his whole boy, effectively knocking him out cold.

Enel who walked up from behind the laying Perospero looked down on his defeated enemy and casually commented as if this had nothing to do with him.

"Like I said in the beginning, good luck with surviving. I doubt it but if you do survive me, you'd be the first today."


Meanwhile Law was running towards where Big Mom and Kuina were fighting. His fight with Cracker wasn't much of a challenge for the current him.

Using 'Room' and 'Scan' he quickly realized that those biscuit soldiers weren't the real Cracker, so he used shambles to get him out of his armour, before fully attacking.

The only thing he had going for him was his tenacity, which made Law lose his patience. His opponent would create biscuits and use them as a foothold in the air to dodge all his slashes and whenever he used shambles to disorient him.

Though all Cracker achieved in the end was making Law use his awakened devil fruit ability, to deal the finishing blow. Thinking back to Cracker the only impression he left on Law were:

'Annoying and tenacious. Is he a cockroach?'

As he was running to where Kuina was holding back Big Mom, an oppressive force suddenly spread throughout the place, garnering everybody's attention. Shortly after a destructive shockwave followed, which caused a small storm to blast most of those who were injured or too weak to steady themselves, away and down the castle.

Most people wondered what just happened but only to notice how some of them started to lose consciousness.

"Hey! Look! Look at the sky!"

The sky split. That's what it looked like. Seeing all those familiar occurrences forced Law to halt for a moment. He knew exactly what was going on. A clash between those, who learned to wield conqueror's haki.


Between all members of Jackson's crew, Sabo and Kuina placed 1st and 2nd strength wise because they posses and mastered conqueror's haki.

Bringing his attention back to present, was a golden circle of light which appeared next to him. Out of it stepped Augur, who saw Law and asked him:

"Are you on your way towards Kuina and Big Mom? Need a shortcut?"

"Yes. Quickly open a gate, preferably directly above them."

"Sure, though I am also coming with you."

"Do whatever you like. I just want to hurry it up and beat Big Mom before searching for captain."

While Law spoke, in his usual rough and annoyed tone, Augur opened 2 gates. One in front of them, through which they quickly stepped, and another one above Big Mom and Kuina.

What now one knew was how Augur almost effortlessly beat Charlotte Snack without even being spotted by his enemies. Abusing his laser shooting rifle, his super far sight and his devil fruit, which he luckily obtained last year, he would open portal gates near Snack, and shout him through those gates, to make it harder to predict and dodge while staying who knows ho many miles away.

Though not everyone won their fights so easily. While Jackson's top fighters practically breezed through Big Mom's officers, Bepo, Sachi and Penguin were fighting quite hard.

A fairly long distance away from Big Mom, Bepo's paw repeatedly clashed with Tamago's sword. Both sides went at it for quite some time already but since no one took any risks in their approach, this fight stretched for quite a while already.

Few gun shots would occasionally try to hit Bepo when, he seemed in a pinch, or distracted, but somehow they were always dodged or blocked with haki.

After a slightly stronger clash, both fighters took a step back to catch a quick break and regain their breath. During this improvised stand off, baron Tamago actually started a conversation with his opponent.

"Hey, you somehow remind me of an ice bear mink that tried to steal our Poneglyph, years ago."

Bepo squinted his eyes at those words. He immediately guessed whom he was talking about and answered.

"You are probably talking about a guy named Zepo, aren't you? I heard he died, executed by Big Mom and only Pedro-san made it back alive."

Tamago raised an eyebrow in surprise. Bepo clearly knew about this incident, which took place when he was probably still a small child.

"Right. Do you perhaps know any of those Minks? The ice bear mink perhaps?"

"He was my brother."

Four words. Quick and short. His question got answered, yet what he just heard, surprised and partly amused Tamago. He couldn't prevent a heinous grin from spreading on his face.

"So… he was your brother. Then are you here to take revenge for him?"

Revenge for a slain family member. It was almost a weekly occurrence. There are so many people, who died by their hands, and most of them had family or friends who wanted revenge. Unnecessary to say, no one succeeded so far.


But Bepo's answer surprised Tamago again.

"I learned about what actually happened to him quite some time ago, and also though about revenge but…"

Both sides suddenly rushed at each other again. Tamago tried to pierce Bepo but he always sidestepped his blade and counter attacked with a low sweep which, if Tamago dodged by jumping, would be followed by an upper cut to his chin.

All the while, Bepo looked stoic. Absolutely serious without any signs of his usual self, who greatly expresses himself through his mimick.

"But I decided against it. Brother loved what he did and died while doing what he loved and against a yonko at that. He wouldn't have lingering resentment so I won't take revenge."

"Then why the hell are you here? On sea? On our territory? Fighting our family?"

"To reach my goal of becoming a greater pirate than my brother whom I always regarded as the greatest!"

For a second, memories of a young Bepo flashed in front of his inner eye. He would always eagerly await his big brothers return on Zou, and he would in turn tell him about his adventures and how vast and miraculous the world and it's sea was.

'Right. I always wanted to be as adventurous as him…'

*deep breath*

Bepo suddenly got on all four. Instead of continuing this pointless back and forth, he changed his fighting style.

"Wild style: Soru!"


Tamago exclaimed shocked. His opponents speed suddenly increased sharply, as he came rushing at him. He of course tried to pierce him with his sword but Bepo not only sidestepped his attack, he even stepped closer into his ideal striking zone.

In a fluid motion, the mink switched from four legs style to two legs. He instantly landed in a wide stance while pulling back his right arm. All four fingers were straightened and coated in haki.

"Hasshoken: Bear lance!"


Bepo sunk his claws knuckle deep into Tamagos stomach, who didn't manage to defend us now in agony and pain but that wasn't the end of Bepo's attack. While still in Tamago's stomach, he bent his claws and swiped to his left, effectively tearing open his opponent's abdomen.

(AN: Hey everyone! As you might have noticed I kinda skipped some fights. I just had no idea how to make a one sided stomping super interesting. Besides that, people already know most of Law's powers and fighting style as well as Cracker's. As for Augur. He now has a cool devil fruit but basically still just sniped his enemies to death. Therefore I though that it is about time to progress a bit with the plot. Jackson's top fighters are slowly gathering to where Big Mom is. Will they defeat her, before Jackson comes back or will he have to save them. Also what about the World Government's trump unit, the suicide unit? Find out in the following few chapters. On another note, I gave you 3 chapters in 3 days so my job is done for the next 30 days or so… just a joke… or was it? Hope you liked the chapter and like always let me know when you find mistakes, or you could write certain aspects you like about this ff so I know what things to keep while writing in the future. Till next time!)