Kids, always remember that ganging up on someone is totally not cowardly! It is even strongly encouraged!

Having one's abdomen ripped open by electrically charged claws, would have meant that their fight was over, if it weren't for Tamago's devil fruit. Bepo quickly noticed, that it wasn't blood, sticking on his paw. It was another slimy, sticky, yellowish fluid.

"Is this… yolk?"

He asked, after inspecting it a bit closer. Meanwhile, baron Tamago stood up as if he was never wounded, but surprisingly, he looked completely different from before.

"Eh? What happened to you?"

His transformation seemingly stunned Bepo's thought process, cause now the baron looked like a human-chicken hybrid.

"Fufufu. You insolent mink. Watch closely, this is my devil fruit's power! Under certain conditions, I can transform, which greatly enhances my strength, speed and stamin- ARGLh…"

"A power up, I get it."

Bepo casually commented after appearing with soru in front of Tamago and doing exactly what he was thought to do. Punching his opponent right in their face.

"You bastard!"

Of course bird-face wouldn't just take it, so he sprung back up, with two daggers in his hands and rushed at Bepo.

A furry of attacks was unleashed upon our strangely cute mink, as Tamago's blades practically danced through the air like a ferocious whirl wind, though without hitting Bepo, even once.

"How? Why aren't my attacks landing even when I use observation haki to predict your dodging?"

The answer to that was kame-e. Bepo used observation haki to better sense Tamago's movement, which let him know, that the later, was much faster than before, but it was nothing that Bepo couldn't handle. Tamago did not surpass Bepo in physical stats just yet. If anything, they are more even now.

Both fighters moved at the same time, with a speed to quick for the archers and snipers nearby to follow. On top of that, whenever a spear or sword wielding soldiers came near, they were sent flying like broken dolls without clearly knowing who of these two hit them.

"Shigan: Rapid fire!"

Deciding that it was time to counter attack, Bepo coated his index claw in armament haki, before going on the offense. Another flurry of attacks, not any less impressive then Tamago's from before, was unleashed but this time at the bird-hybrid.


Every time, he blocked a finger pistol with on of his daggers, sparks flew and a deep metallic sound revibrated until Tamago hurriedly stepped back and tried to pierce his opponent once more. Another forth and back took place.

Like a devastating storm, they jumped and dashed from place to place in a shower of fiery sparks and accompanied by the sound of air being cut.

'This can't go on any longer. Captain went MIA and I have no idea how everyone is faring. This guy already stalled me for so long that it's getting frustrating. If we could somehow gather, steamrolling them would be no problem.'

Bepo made up his mind to engage more aggressively. Instead of a safe approach, while blocking and sometimes countering Tamago's attacks, he surprised him by stepping into his favoured striking zone while only dodging hits to his vitals.

Two deep cuts on each of his arms as well as one at his left side appeared on Bepo's body but Tamago, who just dished out his slash attacks, was now in a position where he could only block whatever was coming next.


Bepo would not let this chance slip by. He coated both his paws with armament haki, before solidifying his lower body and pressing his fists against, Tamago's sternum.

"Rokushiki Ogi: Rokuogan!"


A devastating shockwave was unleashed into Tamago, pushing out all the air in his lungs. He couldn't even scream, as only bloody gasps escaped from his mouth. Bepo was actually 1 of 3 Jackson pirates who could use the Rokuogan and similar to Sabo and Jackson, he too, made his own variation. With the addition of the Hasshoken technique, the internally damaging shockwaves would gain the attribute of vibration and spread out wider and faster in most opponent's bodies.

Tamago's sorry figure was no different as he fell on his back, still gurgling his own blood. His whole skin showed cracks like a hard boiled egg about to be peeled. Though he would have had one more transformation and power up to show, it was useless since he already lost consciousness after his brain was shaken like jello.

"Phew! Finally!"

It was an exhausting fight, mentally much more than physically since his opponent had a similar fighting style to his own. Still, in the end, he won, with just some cuts here and there.

"Ba- baron Tamago was defeated!"

"Quickly leave and bring another officer!"

"Form an encirclement. Don't engage just keep him here!"

Sadly, Bepo wasn't given any time to enjoy his win and catch his breath. Before anyone could say 'fried human-chicken hybrid looking like weird old man' he found himself surrounded from all sides. Not that it really matters.


Vanishing from his spot and appearing right in front of a group of either brave or suicidal soldiers was the beginning of their end. Brandished claws, abnormal speed and strength as well as mastery over advanced martial arts techniques gave Bepo everything he needed to cut through their encirclement like a hot knife through butter.

Still, Big Mom's soldiers didn't just pack their things and left. Baiting, surprise attacks, pursuing and following him wherever he tried to run to, they tried everything humanly possible to either stop him or remain hot on his tracks.

And since we already mentioned hot, Bepo continued his mowing until a hot, glowing red fist almost struck his head. Despite blocking with his in haki coated arms, it still felt hot like hell and hurt.

'Damn, I was careless because only these chess like looking soldiers were visible during their encirclement."

The man, guilty of this surprise attack revealed himself shortly after. Tall, strong muscular upper body and a glare that could kill. His hair was arranged into three curved sections while his hair colour was a gradient that resembles something being baked, starting out blond and turning into a dark orange, where as his short beard was a light orange shade.

"It- It's sir Oven! Our minister of baked food is here!"

"Sir Oven! But when did he arrive? Where did he even come from?"

"Doesn't he… look somewhat… injured?"

Injured would be an understatement. His left eye was swollen and purple, cuts and holes could be seen on his whole torse and even his ears and nose were heavily scarred.

Ignoring their yapping, the man in question got ready to engage his new opponent, before he could rebalance himself but just when he was about to reach him, Oven had to jump back, dodging a spear tip that pierced his prior location.

"There you are! Bastard! How dare you run away?!"

Two more people appeared. One was holding his spear while the other was readying his sword, yet what really stood out were there swollen heads. It spoke more than any words could about what kind of beating they endured. Swollen lips, charred cheeks, black eyes and broken noses. These two were Penguin and Sachi.

"Persistent cockroaches!"

"Eh?! Sachi! Penguin! You… What happened to you two?"

Seeing them follow him all the way here, almost sent Oven into another fit of rage. To him, those two were evil demons who ganged up on him after an ambush.

Individually he should be strong enough to deal with 3 or 4 people on Sachi's and Penguin's level, but because of their near perfect chemistry and team combos as well as their battle suits, Oven was almost one-sidedly beaten to death. Had it not been for his younger siblings to pop up and swarm and reverse gang up on them, he might have died to these two.

'Wait… If both of them are here, where are my younger siblings who intervened and ganged up on them?'

While he started worrying for his younger siblings, Sachi and Penguin reached Bepo.

"Finally found you. Law sent us to lend a helping hand if needed and damn he was right. You were almost overrun by a small horde of charlotte family members!"


Bepo exclaimed shocked after listening to Penguin. He didn't even know that heavy reinforcement for his opponent, was about to arrive, had it not been for those two.

"So, does that mean that the two of you fought them all of?"

With stars in his eyes, their navigator asked them, admiring how they held out and endured such a beating, to help him.

'They both endured so many beatings to help me that their heads turned into pig heads! On top of that it was them who won! So admirable.!'

But reality was a little bit different from what Bepo imagined, as Sachi reluctantly admitted.

"Well… we were about to despite it being a fight at least 15 on 2 but Kench, Marigold and Sandersonia arrived and help up beat them to an inch of their lives. But most impressive was Hancock! After hearing something about a planned arranged marriage between sweet general Smoothie and our captain, she almost turned into the devil himself! Unnecessary to say she won their duel!"


Oven who listened in, suddenly felt dread.

'So many of my siblings were defeated by a few bastards?! And Hancock beat sister Smoothie?! Impossible… how could this happen when we were supposed to have both, numerical and power advantage on our side!'

For the first time the thought of them actually loosing appeared on his mind.

'If everyone from this crew is a monster and they defeat us before they flock Mama… No! We must immediately gather around Mama and turn this into a group fight with her involved. If she is hold back any longer this could become really danger-!'

Two punches, one from Sachi and one from Penguin hit his left and right temple like a truck-kun, an isekai main character and cut his thoughts short. Their battle suits had the hidden function to direct and store part of the received kinetic force into a modified impact dial device, hidden in their left fists each.

Once all that force, which got accumulated during the royal beating they received, was unleashed at such a vulnerable spot, Oven started bleeding from all seven orifices.

"Tsk! How can he get lost in thought so easily?!"

Sachi commented without hiding his disdain for Ovens stupidity and carelessness.

"I know! We might not be the strongest but we sure are experts at recognizing chances to strike someone's head! How could he not be fully focused while facing US?! Courting death!"

Penguin joined him while shamelessly boasting about something that most would consider immoral.

Next, much to the shock off everyone present, they started resentfully kicking the unconscious Oven.

Meanwhile Kuina's fight with Big Mom reached a completely new level.

(AN: Hey everyone! It is me! Your beloved and worshipped Author of flaming darkness! … *painfully embarrassing and cringe silence* Ok that was enough chuuni for a year, sorry for that. Anyways, this arc is about to reach it's peak! About damn time, right? Well *spoiler* I planned something nice during Big Mom's fight so look forward to it ;) Though it might take 2 or more chapters to reach that point. Anyways! I hope you liked this chapter and will read the next ones as well. Till next time!)