Chapter 11

The small form of shin swimming around the deadly spikes surrounded by the dead skeletons of fish could be seen to any who passed by as bubbles exited his tiny mouth.

After having evolved, he felt more stronger with slightly elongated limbs.

During it all he could feel a commotion in the water outside in which he went to observe.

He saw the battle between one of those Cartica fish and… it was that weird snake creature with all those eyes and teeth!

They were both bloody but still kicking.. he didn't know who to root for as they both had tried to kill him.

Watching the battle next to a large seaweed plant, he watched in fascination as they literally went for each others throats.

[Ding! Gained one level!]

'Huh? How'd I gain a level.' He wondered looking around.

A peculiar scent entered his nostrils pointing him to where it came from.

Looking right at the seaweed plant, a small yellow goo could be seen sitting on its multiple leaves.

It almost looked like honey.

He noticed small yellow particles floating around here and there which had entered his mouth without him knowing.

Swimming up to it, he decided to taste the strange goop by scraping it off with his tooth.

'I-t's so sweet!' Shins eyes bulged in happiness at the sweet taste.

Biting off more and more of the goop he noticed that he had leveled up four times before it had all gone away.

Opening his status he looked at his new progress.

Level: 11




Required Bio-Mass to next Evolution:

Bio-Mass: (97/100)



"This is going smoothly. Hmm… I should use the new progression skill but since I'm already close to evolving I might as well find something to eat." Shin muttered as he looked around.

The seaweed from earlier was right next to him, but he didn't want to try and destroy it.. he wasn't even sure if it would give him anything.. he had once owned a plant named Stewy that had been with him for seven whole years.. such a lucky number to live to.

He called it that because of its white, red, and yellowish colours that made it up.

Sighing at the nice memory he noticed what was around him..

This small crack in the ocean wall with an imposing statue guarded by deadly spikes covered in skeletons and a helpful plant reminded him of a small fortress.. and it has been suiting that purpose for a while now.

'Maybe this could be my home for now..' Shin thought.

He needed to stay somewhere until he was big enough to do things safely without being eaten by around seventy percent of the things he saw

Nodding in agreement he turned to look at the large plant that had helped him.

Seeing as he and this large plant that somewhat hid his new home he decided to name it like his past plants.. peculiar habit but he didn't care.

"What should I name you… Ricky.. nah.. Berry.. nope.. Ooh, let's go with Welty!" Happy with his decision, the plant almost seemed to wave before he turned to the task at hand.

"Now where to find some food…" Shin wondered while looking around.

Everything beyond his new home was too dangerous and he knew it. He would have to become more stronger than he was now.

He didn't prefer becoming a dish on a silver platter currently, but suddenly remembered the skeletons of the fish still impaled on the spikes.

'I do remember bones having marrow in them.. maybe that will be of use?' Shin swam to the closest skeleton showing its giant black eye socket void of any flesh or eyes, slightly creeping him out.

"Well here goes.." Activating his piercing bite, he lunged at its rib with his teeth creating cracks around it.

Pain entered his mouth like a sore tooth ache as blood seeped out.

The bones were strong.. but he was stronger.

Twisting himself at an angle, the piece of bone finally broke free, but not without its cons.

-3 Hp..

Letting go of the piece of bone, he saw one of his teeth fall to the ground along with splatters of blood that stretched out.

The strong smell of iron hit his nose making him worry.

'This isn't good.. not good at all.' Shin knew that blood could attract sharks from miles away but in this world who knows what would be coming to investigate.

[Ding! 'Piercing Bite' reached [Level 4]!]

'Well at least something good came of it.' Sighing at this predicament, he tried to feel the area where his tooth had fell with his other teeth but was confused to feel nothing had changed.

Wondering what had happened, he bit a piece of the bone get a feel and noticed his tooth had been replaced, even sharper than before?

"Nice." He remarked.

But right now he wanted one thing and one thing only..

To get some of that sweet, succulent, double A batt-I mean bone marrow and then get the hell out of dodge before something comes for that blood.

The piece of bone that he had let drop, floated beside him as it fell down to sandy bottom.

Taking a big munch, it was like eating a very stale cracker.. but it still held a bittersweet taste.

The system had notified him that he had gained seven bio points, which was more than enough to evolve.

Happy at the development, he swam back inside the crevice for protection before evolving.

The once again excruciating pain entered his veins and all parts of his body as he began to grow.

His spikes began to grow slightly bigger in his back as well as his whole body.

The once small teeth had became sharper, claws became thicker and longer, eyes becoming slightly bigger and more profound.

Feeling the changes come to a stop, he heard the system..

[Ding! Successful Evolution! Gained random reward!]

[Reward Received! Acquired Divine Wheel ticket x3!]

'Woah! You can get divine wheel tickets from evolving!?'

[Ding! Affirmative, Divine Wheel Tickets can be acquired through loot, battles, drops, and just about anywhere else but only by you, if one were to discover a ticket it would be seen as a golden piece of paper but not usable for them. There is no limit to how many tickets you may receive!]

*Happy noises made by shin*

"Alright.. now that that's over, I'll us-"


'..Maybe later.'

To be continued.