Chapter 12

The ripples of water vibrated violently when a loud roar could be heard through his ears.

"What the hell was that!"

Looking through the crevice he looked around to see what was happening.

Out into the depths of the ocean, the once deadly creatures that were able to eat him in one fell swoop had disappeared.

He noticed fish zooming away into the distance in fear.

The deadly carnivorous plans from before were tucked below the sand, barely visible on the ocean floor.

Looking around Shin couldn't find any signs of life besides his plant Welty and other parts of the environment.

As he watched the quiet ocean, a large shadow suddenly covered his crevice where he peeked out of making him flinch in fear.

What he saw would cause nightmares for even the strongest of wills.

A titanic creature slowly moved above him passing over mountains.

Its large serpent like body was covered in large black tentacles and giant teeth that was covered in blood.

He saw the elongated body of the creature stretch behind it for miles into the dark abyss.

The creature was trying to pass over his new home.

The crevice in which his home resided was connected to an undersea mountain that he didn't know how tall it was.. but it seems this thing could get over it easily.

Just looking at the beast gave him a sense of unease and disorder.

Shin felt his spine shudder as the creature moved around, its features very vague as it was still a bit far from him but that would soon change…

The massive creature that had been slowly moving between the massive undersea mountains suddenly jolted and aimed one of its massive void like eyes with to where Shin hid..

A deathly quiet was all that he could hear as the creatures head aimed in his direction.

Seconds seemed like hours and minutes seemed like days.

How a creature as large as that could even notice him all the way down here made him question everything.

Was he its favourite meal? Why did it notice him out of everything else around him.

While Shins brain was trying to process he noticed the creature change its trajectory and move from the mountains down to where he was.

In fear, he wished Welty luck while springing to the very back of the cave hiding behind the statue of Poseidon.

He had no other option on what to do in this situation, he couldn't fight it, couldn't escape it, and he definitely wouldn't try talking to it.

Hiding behind the large trident, he watched as the massive shadow slowly took up any light that was left in the cave.

Nothing could be heard except for the shuffles of water being moved around caring the piss out of him.

How a creature as big as that could move so silently was a thing of nightmares.

Peeking around the trident, he looked towards the crevice but only saw a glossy black circle filling its entirety.

He could barely see past this massive shadow even with his night vision but something seemed to click.

When he had looked at the creatures eye just from before it was a glossy void of nothing..

And here it was once again.. staring right back at him.

'I-I think I shit myself.'

Closing his eyes in fear, he awaited death as this thing could probably just bite into the mountain side taking him along with it.

But it never came.

The slow moving of water could be heard as he squinted open his eye.

The light had returned into the dim cave giving him his sight back.

Still shaking and stiffened from the experience, he didn't dare move until he mustered enough courage to do so.

Slowly and surely, he moved over to the crevice with robotic like movements, a halting every moment in case it was still there as he crept closer.

Swimming around the crevice he saw no signs of the creature when he decided to take a peak..

Red was everywhere…

The undersea mountains from before had giant red splatters all over it followed by the ocean floor and some plant life.

The once lifeless ocean had began to reform when multiple small fish swam around as well as the larger fish that he noticed had come out from holes or hiding spots.

The sight shocked him as everything quickly turned into a free for all.

Every creature went into a frenzy with their mouthed wide open trying to take in as much of the red liquid as possible

If they weren't doing that, they were in a battle to the death.

Looking around at the battle Royale, he looked down to see another haunting sight.

Skeletal remains of what seemed like humans littered the floor all around some fully intact, some without limbs, and some without anything but a head or torso.

Shin felt sick at the sight trying his best to suppressed it.

Turning his eyes away at the view, he looked over at Welty.

His plant had been covered in the red liquid as well with multiple leaves having been torn off.

Moving over to the plant concerned, he could still feel the plant was alive making him sigh in relief.

He watched as the many creatures swallowed the blood like it was all there was to eat in the world, some taking jabs at the human skeletons down below, picking them clean.

Wondering why they were so animaslitic he looked towards the blood covering Welty.

Sniffing it smelling a revolting stench filling his senses.

Almost barfing, he backed up from Welty and continued to stare at the fish feasting upon the blood.

'Why are they eating it.. It smells horrible.. Does it taste good or something?'

The curiosity peaked over his cautiousness as he went to reluctantly take a bite of the blood..


It tasted bland not even any gross flavor just nothing.

Dumbfounded at the result, he sighed as he tried to shake out the remaining blood.

As he did so, the familiar ding of the system sounded in his head.

[Ding! Gained XP! 3 Levels Gained!]

'I gained levels?'

Shin quickly opened his status and checked for the results.

His level had gone up to fourteen which was so much more than it had been earlier.

'Holy cow! T-this blood… it's… it's so powerful!'

[Ding! New Quest! Consume as much blood as possible!]

Excited at the new quest, he scraped his plant clean gaining more levels by doing so.

[Ding! Gained XP! Gained 21 Levels!]

Shin quickly swam around, making sure to stay close to the crevice in case anything came to attack him,

[Ding! Gained XP! Gained 12 Levels!]

[Ding! Gained XP! Gained 15 Levels!]

[Ding! Gained XP! Gained…]



'I'm… so… full…'

Shin let out a gasp for air as he felt his stomach bloated from all the blood before getting smaller from his stomach acids.

The power he felt overwhelmed him as he flexed his tiny muscles and felt all around.

He checked his status to notice the huge changes.

Name: Shin Gojira




Level: 64

Age: 3 Days old

Gender: Female

Bloodline: None

Strength: 72–> 532

Defense: 54–> 453

Health: 97–> 861

Stamina: 156–> 1,243

Intelligence: 37–> 200

Luck: 2–> 15

Mana: 200–> 10,000

Weight: 13 pounds

Height: 14 Inches

Length: 16 Inches

[System: Your are small and weak. Grow to be stronger you worm!]

Divine Wheel Ticket: 3

(Passive Abilities: Undersea gills [Level 5], Swim [Level 5], Night-vision [Level 5], Sensor [Level 5], Defence counter-attack [Level 5], Radiation [Level 5], Ultimate Transformation [Level Inf.], [Level 5] A Means to Survive)

(Active Abilities: Piercing Bite [Level 5], Tail whip [Level 5], Radial Arrow [Level 5], Radial Breath [Level 5])

Required Bio-Mass to next Evolution:

Bio-Mass: (2,400/150!)


Consume as much blood as possible

Rewards: Divine wheel ticket x1, ??? Item, 1 XP


The dramatic change in his stats and bio-points made his jaw drop in amazement, just this amount of blood had given him this much power.

No wonder the creatures outside were going bonkers.

[Would the host like to have the rewards distributed currently?]


"Yes" Shin replied.


[Calculating Rewards… Rewards Received! Gained Divine Wheel Ticket x1, ??? Item, 1 XP!]

"Thanks!" Shin said with glee.

His body had slightly grew to accomodate the new power from the blood, he decided to use a ticket.. but first in the safety of his cave.

Moving back into the cave, he noticed he was almost too big to fit in.

'This isn't good.' He thought.

He needed to be somewhere safe to use a ticket and soon he wouldn't be able to exit or enter his newly found home.

[Dont worry Host, Once a ticket is used, time is stopped when you are transported.]

Heaving a breath of relief, he spoke to the system while in the safety of the cave.

"Use a divine wheel ticket." Shin said swimming around.


..and once again everything changed around Shin as the bright lights passed through his eyes and body before he appeared onto the white platform much easier than before.

'That was a lot better..' He thought while getting used to the change in pressure.

Once again faced with one of the most powerful objects he's ever seen, as it rumbled due to its mechanical like structures like a steel storm.

Swirling around he quickly yanked down the red lever from with his sharpened teeth and strengthened jaws before hearing the mega wheel churn and screech as it moved.

The pointer above the wheel had materialized and would land on what would be chosen.. hopefully something good.

Shin looked at the names on the wheel before it would start going fast and recognized a few but most were in another language or showed symbols of sorts.

The wheel began to spin faster and faster flying past multiple options on the planet sized wheel before ahe turned to the red stop button behind Shin.

"For Welty, let this be good." Shin spoke before pressing the red button with his head.

Everything sucked into the wheels movements were expelled like a firework making a beautiful scene before shin, as well as a nasty one for the ears as the sounds of metal on metal rubbing against each other screeched to a halt showing Shin his prize.

"T-this is...."

To be continued