Chapter 19

Strange creatures…

Strange terrain…

Strange power…

Swimming through the ocean brought wonder to my eyes.

There were things smaller than me, things that came close to my size trying to challenge me.. they were quickly scared away thanks to a few water blades.

I stayed away from the larger than life creatures with looks that could kill, one looked like it could eat a whole yacht.

Picking off some small creatures here and there that approached me, the journey was rather easy as I followed the blood trail gaining xp along the way.

Vast amounts of species were added to my codex as well.

The strange names and abilities were very reminiscent of earths creatures, save for their monstrous evolution.

Every few minutes of swimming was met with a ding from the system letting me know I had leveled up, the blood had managed to get me up to level 75.

The level that I was at made me wonder for a moment, usually a being at this level would surely be extremely powerful.

I was powerful but not at such a level.. maybe the cap was very large.

'Oh well, I'm getting stronger aren't I?'..

Moving the forward on the laid out path, my mind would wonder at times as I thought about what would be around every corner.

A giant killer squid? A swarm of man eating fish?

Shaking my head, I continued to follow the path for what seemed like hours as it kept going.

Eventually, the trail of blood began to blend with a strange green algae.

The landscape around me had slowly changed to a desolate grayish area with sickly green material covering the sea floor with algae substances filling the water.

The entire ocean ahead was blocked with this phenomenon as far as I could see, but it was still surrounded by water.

Without much difficulty and some brain power, I made short work of the wall of sickly algae by tunneling through the parting waters.


[Liquidzer skill leveled up!]

Just after five minutes of parting the sea I had gained a level from its usage.

'Let's keep this up.' I smirked.

It was like cutting through cake without much mental strain even with how thick the layers were.

Unfortunately however, the water turned dark green as clumps and clumps of algae were floating around making the blood trail hard to follow.

Scarily through the visible parts of the water, skeletons of dead fish and.. people were left to the rotting waters.

Nervousness began to well up in my body, as I saw tons of bodies from small areas.

'How many could be hidden here?'..

My question was answered when I ran into a severely bloated and decomposed corpse of a human, its clothes resembling something out of old fashioned nobility.

It had managed to slip into my path when I wasn't paying attention.

I felt slightly sick at the sight, but quickly recovered before sending it out of my way.

At some point more bodies began to emerge hitting against me with the algae completely blocking my sight.

'The blood.. where is it!' I looked around in a panic.

My senses were clouded by the smell of algae and my vision was blocked all around.

Where I sat now, multiple bodies and skeletons floated against me as I tried moving them back out.

In frustration as dozens of limbs brushed against me like tentacles, I lashed out with a large boom as the water expanded around me like a bubble.

The algae and rotting corpses were pushed away from my body as I grunted before I felt pressure building outside the bubble.

In an instant, the bubble I formed collapsed from the insurmountable pressure, before it all came back down crushing into me.

The barely recognsizable corpse of a man slammed into my face making me shout in surprise.

Condensed algae and corpses slammed against my body like rubber bullets, it hurt but it wasnt very harmful.

A more important thing at the moment was the dangerous substance of algae entering my throat.

Commanding my gills to close, I barely squinted my eyes open as I was watched by the decaying corpses flowing around me.

An unbearable pain began to build up in my head from the collapse as I could only think on what was happening in front of me.

[Ding! Warning! surrounded by multiple levels of radiation and viral cells!]

[Ding! Be cautious Host!]

Shin floated there processing what the system had just said.

I was surrounded by radiation.. the main power source of Godzilla… but also these strange.. viral cells.

The levels of radiation surrounding me were lethal to any human, but to me.. it could help me significantly.

My situation was getting dire as my liquidiser skill couldn't form directly from the pressure, it would need to level up a few more times..

Ideas tried to form in my mind on what I should do, I tried rushing forward but I was held in place, stuck like a pack of sardines.

Blood began to seep through my gills as I couldn't hold my breathe and longer.

I felt myself take a big gulp as the water rushed in.

It reminded me of the time I was at the ocean in Florida and took a big gulp of the seaweed water.. disgusting.

[Ding! Evolving!]

[Ding! Level Up!]

[Ding! Multiple harmful products entering the body!]

[Ding! Attempted assimilation of the viral cells… fail!]

[Retrying assimilation.. fail!]

[Retrying assi-]

My body began to grow like before as I felt the familiar pain of evolving course through my body.

[Warning! Viral cells have inflicted a cancerous incurable disease unto your body!]

[Ding! 500 HP will be taken every minute!]

[You have been affected by poison!]

[You have been affected by dead-eye!]

[You have been affected by virus A028/Locus!]

The notifications popped up one after the other like blue fireflies buzzing in front of me as I wriggled around as the pain increased.

It was strange.. I could feel myself growing powerful, while also growing weaker.

After a moment of intense pain, I saw the notification for an upgrade in my skills and without thinking I immediately activated my liquidiser skill.

The control of the water had been returned to me as I pushed away everything around me.

Taking a moment to breath as I held the virus and radiation in place away from me, I didn't notice any immediate changes as I formed an idea.

It was time to use the newly acquired molecule skill granted by the system.

A piece of chunky algae that I was looking at began to shrink in my vision down to the molecular level as I watched in fascination.

I could see everything the virus and radiation was made of.. every atom forming each cell.

[Ding! Retrying assimilation… success!]

The moment the notification sounded, the feeling of growing weaker had disappeared as my body regenerated with the incurable disease leaving my body.

The viral cells that had entered my body began to strengthen me similar to the radiation.

'Oh yeah.. here we go.' A toothy smile formed on my newly evolved face.. an entire buffet was around me.

With a single thought, the barrier around me collapsed letting it all rush at me once more.

I felt power coursing through my body once more as I absorbed the radiation and viral cells around me, I didn't even need to try and gulp it down anymore.

The radiation felt familiar and comfortable as it swelled inside me while the viral cells took some getting used to.

Its properties that I couldn't very well understand took a different toll on my body as I began to mutate severely from the increasing absorption.

Regardless of the strange feeling, I scanned around my surroundings with ease locating every single cell that seemed never end, before motioning it all towards me.

A large whirlpool began to form suctioning everything around me as the tides turned violent.. I essentially created a maelstrom.

Notifications increasingly popped up before me, but I could tell without them that I was growing stronger.. rapidly.

Rewards and gifts were added to my inventory at every moment giving me glee.

All around I could see the waves of green made of radiation and the viral cells crash into me making an aura of green and purple rupture around me.

My veins pumped against my skin like scarlet red stripes all over my body before my eyes turning pure green increasing my vision ten-fold.

A powerful roar charged out my throat tearing through the water all around me.

The feeling of insane power knew no bounds as I felt body unconsciously activate my atomic breath.

Deathly green and purple smog could be seen flowing from my throat and through my gills with the increasing heat building out for an attack.

My jaws that showcased a maw of hundreds of teeth, began to split like a large and powerful yawn with flesh stretching apart to accommodate the growing expansion.

'This power.. so.. much!' A guttural growl echoed at my response.

The smokey smog disappeared before turning into a fiery inferno that managed to burn into the water while boiling everything to over a thousand degrees.

The water turned molten as the incredible rising power finally reached its mark.

Before I knew it a massive beam of energy shot out of my jaws vaporising everything in its way decorated as a bright green and purple flame much thicker than the originals shins design.

The beam traveled for leagues and leagues eventually reaching open air..

Piercing the surface of the water, the fiery power of the beam shone into the sky brighter than any star.

It could be seen from all around the world as it lit up the atmosphere like dazzling fireworks.

Shins objective took notice of this moment immediately changing its directory straight back to its origin.

All the while, I grew bigger and stronger every second as the power didn't stop.

Before long every ounce of radiation and viral cells had been absorbed leaving a clear ocean with the once visible bodies burnt to a crisp or melted beyond recognition.

I didn't have a chance to move when the energy stopped as a hard crystalline material began to form from my feet encompassing my entire body putting me into a deep rest.

Shins nice rest wouldn't last very long though..

Far and wide this event would become a spectacle.. but also a reason for fear.

Would a battle take place or would a something else come in its wake?

To be continued..

Oi, sorry for late updates, finished my graduation party and birthday as well, sleepless nights for what's to come in my future but anyways have a good one.