Chapter 20


It felt so cold.

The dark abyss acted as my blanket once again enveloping my entire being.

I could only look and move with my evolved form now standing at 263 meters high with 640 meters in length from the systems notifications.

From my point of view alone I could see that I had undertaken massive changes with a strange green toxin oozing from my being.

I looked over towards a small model of myself from the system..

One glance at my face was enough to send even the slightest shivers through my spine with a hint of delight.

A face of death and destruction.. a short snout with thousands of teeth and a sharp metallic tongue that made clicking sounds every time it moved.. deep within my blazing green eyes was a reflecting green hell.

Pulsating spikes from my dorsal spikes led all the way to down my tail which still remained the same without a face despite its extra hundred meters of pure muscle.

Each of my limns were bulging with red shiny veins staring from my strong forearms to all the way around my whole body.

Even though I didn't know what was going on I could easily tell that I was flowing with power and no little amount of it.

The never ending abyss before me urged me forward to look for a way out as I began to move, slithering forward.

'System, what is this place?' I asked moving ever so slightly as the humming of the system became active.

[Host is believed to be undergoing evolutionary stasis to account for your increased progression, the area the Host is in now seems to be your minds interpretation of what's happening at the moment.] The system finished as I listened.

'Fascinating, glad to know I'm not dead however.. so many questions.. so..I guess I have time?' I mused with curiousness unfolding as I moved ever onward.

Minutes turned to hours or for however long I've been here before the dim existence of light lurked into my ranged vision.

I'm excitement at a chance to leave this place I picked up speed moving me forward instantly as the strange light came into view.

A small circle with multiple figures of all shapes and sizes came into better view as I took a closer look.

Creeping closer I began to here light whispers.. speaking things I didn't understand..

Unbeknownst to Shin however, the powerful entities before him would come to be his first encounter with this worlds rulers..

We've all gathered once more to face a common enemy…

It disrupts our order and grows powerful everyday..

A circle forming dozens and dozens of beings who sat, floated, slept, or stared at each other with a particular pudgy man eating something similar to steak with a large barrel of wine…

Commotion was spread amongst each other before an old yet strong man stood up surrounded with a flurry of bolts and lightning.

When he spoke it was like thunder, booming with every word that came out of his godly voice.

"I assume you all know why you've been gathered here.." The mythical being spoke with power overlooking every being there.

Some nodded, some shook their heads, some didn't react, and some questioned him.

"What's this all about Zeus! I have things to do with my territory! A literal army of goblins are marching on my doorstep! Maglubiyet over there won't budge an inch!"

A woman covered in branch like skin with leaves and vines as hair that went all the way down to her powerful thighs… her body was curved and stunning able to make any man drool at the sight.

Said being pointed at an giant ugly green monster that was the size of a tow truck.. its body was full of fat and covered in jewels and gold with its face hidden by a cloth like mask for which a bride might wear… it wore no other clothing except for a necklace and a type of under garment underwear that showed the outline of something large and meaty making most in the circle disgusted.

The goblin god spoke in a snake like tongue talking slowly, "It iss not my fault… Mssss Mother Nature.. I ssssimply let my sssubjects have free will with their sssssuroundingss." It let out a chuckle before going silent.

The god of nature, Gaia, fumed at this and was about to show the ugly pig a piece of her mind, no offense to the god of pigs of course..

But a large thunder bolt was thrown in the middle of the circle shutting everyone up.

"This is no time for trivial foolishness!" Zeus the god of thunder let out a booming voice sending shivers down most of the other veins spines.

As you might have guessed it the beings that made up the circle were each a god of something in this world… everything was managed and there were newly created gods that appeared everyday…

Some like the god of radiation that only showed a green midst and kept to itself as well as the brand new god of pollution that no one exactly understood what it's purpose was… it was a diseased like monster that was made of trash and almost anything dead or disgusting you could think of it never spoke and kept to itself but recently the two gods spoke with one another and seemed to find something in common.. but the others didn't know what.

Some other beings in the circle weren't gods but beings who were capable of godly powers and ruled or wandered around the world.

Zeus spoke again…

"We're here because of that creature! The monster from out of our grasps! The being from another dimension!"

He raged in fury as he lifted his hand opening his palm to show lightning creating a huge organism that seemed to go on forever… its mouth and face were monstrous with countless teeth forming a maw and tentacles covering its body with big black pupils.

Gasps formed around the circle at the sight of this beast.

The might god of lightning looked for a moment at the creature before letting out a sigh.

"We… I… do not know what this being is…. every attempt to kill or subjugate it has failed.. my lightning cannot pierce it's hide nor can the god disease or the god of hell can.."

Zeus looked to a certain being that wore a black choke and a staff withy skulls surrounding his… body, looking up the beings face was that of a skeleton and so were it's exposed hands, chest, and feet.

The being scoffed before looking away.

Zeus let out a sigh before looking back at everyone.

It was a rare sight to see the mighty god look so downtrodden.

"I do not wish to admit it but… I require assistance, if this creature continues its destruction on our creators creations and even our own creations, everything will fall under its fury and even then this creature might still survive… I've asked for help from the leviathan in orbit but she has refused.. I do not know why…"

Zeus paused in silence and felt disgrace as he had to ask for help.. him! The almighty leader and king of the gods!

Each god, deity, Demi-god, and powerful human muttered to one another.

They talked of benefits and why they should even help.. completely disconcerting the fact that the world could be destroyed and them as well.

The gods of animals spoke with his subordinates for example the god of dogs, god of cats, god of cows… you get the idea.

The god of love, Aphrodite, spoke with Athena the god of knowledge about trying to find her a man, completely ignoring the threat of doom, but Athena flat out refused and tried researching the creature for any clues on the creatures weakness.

Everyone spoke with each other back and forth before they came to a decision.

"Let us do a vote, even the odds so to say.." The god of luck said to Zeus with a noticeable smirk on his face..

Zeus nodded before creating a box of lightning and placing it in front of the god beside him… he placed a paper holding his vote into the box before it floated to the next god.

It went like this until every god voted but two.

It were the new gods… radiation and pollution.

It was radiations turn but the being didn't move and openly stared at the box of lightning.

Zeus wondered if it couldn't move but he had clearly seen it floating around before.

The god of radiation seemed to pulse as well as the god of pollution that sat next to it.

The gods looked to each other in confusion at what was happening before other gods began to pulse as well… the god of viruses, god of disease, god of death, god of power, god of life, god of hell, and the god Gaia herself seemed to pulse in red and blue rather than the others who were in green, black, and red.

Everyone looked around to each other questioning what was happening.. Zeus was darting his eyes from god to god with lightning growing in his eyes as he grew angry at not knowing what was happening.

The god of pollution and radiation both looked to each other doing a silent agreement before looking off into the distance.

Some gods followed their vision to where they looked.

Everyone turned to meet their gaze and it horrified them.

A massive creature in the distance had been slowly approaching, its terrifying form making the god of ants piss itself.

Everyone who saw it saw the massive amounts of energy being expelled from its giant body forming an image surrounding the creature that was even bigger than what the real creature was.

Nothing has ever entered the void space without the permission of the creator who had been absent for some time but laws of reality were still fundamental here.

Some thought that maybe this was a new god or a powerful being that had come into existence just now but the feeling it gave off was something not even death or destruction could match, the two beings feeling just as inferior.

Coming closer the being could also start to see them more clearly.

This creature was naturally shin who got closer as he could feel himself get nervous at the sight of many beings staring at him with mixed expressions.

Shin could only gulp as he stopped his movements before a man glowing a deathly yellow and blue approached.

To be continued