Chapter 35

Immediately, the first thing Evan felt was rage and hollowness.

Some of that rage was his but most if not all belonged to someone else.

The somewhat pointless attempts to move the animatronic suit like it was natural without using some power.

Evan sighed in his mind for a brief moment before looking around.

When he had left, the voice told him that the night had started.

So far, everything was starting to dim in the little parts and service room.

With Spring Bonnie chillin on the wall.

Frankly, when he was in this position with that voice aka Cassidy, he felt like a side character.

And if he was being honest he might've been.

But that's not much of the reason he came here.

He didn't come for glory, attention, to be the first in line.. no.

He came to grow.

He came to strive.

He came to purge and assimilate.

Whatever powers the Fnaf universe can offer, Evan will gladly take and use to his advantage.

Of course he will explore the world and not just ignore everything he doesn't deem useful.

Interact with the killer animatronics on the stage.. maybe.

Progress with the Fnaf timeline… possibly.

He quite literally had all the time in the world.


Controlling time was something he couldn't do just yet.

Only being able to pause time when he left this gaming dimension.

But let's save those thoughts for later.

I've had enough of the clueless soul asking me why I was talking to myself in a weird way.

As much as he wanted to check his stats and abilities as a reminder.

He didn't want to risk exposing himself too much.

The reason why as to do these actions?

Simple, he didn't want to change the timeline or mess anything up accidentally when a very vengeful spirit gains knowledge on something beyond itself.

So that is what he will do for now.. or at least until he figures out how to separate the vengeful Cassidy from him.

He knew all too well what Cassidy would do to achieve her goals.

Even to the point of throwing her 'friends' into the pits of hell just to get closer to the finish line which seems never ending.

For now, Cassidy was a girl according to him until proven wrong.

'Enough talk.. we have work to do.' A haunting child like voice spoke within Evans mind making him shut up before he began to move.

Although he himself was not moving but Cassidy.

The golden Freddy suit they both inhabited began to slightly twitch around.

It's head that leaned on its right shoulder moved straight up before slumping forward.

Evan was about ti question what Cassidy was doing before he heard noise from the other side of the metal door.




Evan could somewhat recognize the sound behind the door.

The walking cycles of the animatronics feet meeting the hard surface floor.

The whirs of the joints moving.

If he remembered correctly, there should be a camera in this room.

He tried to move his large metal head but it was unfortunately like trying to move a truck with your own bare hands.

Sighing, Evan tried to looked through the eye holes from within the suit.

A table in the middle with some parts and tools, shelves on the walls that held Sapir heads of the animatronics.

Before when he saw the trio on the stage he couldn't exactly get a good look on their figures.

He assumed that they would look like how every fnaf fan recognized them to be.

But oh boy was he wrong.

These animatronic heads on the shelves were more freaky.

They were slightly bigger, more dirtier, and the eyes were somewhat smaller with see through black eyelids covering them.

A Bonnie head with buck teeth had its eyes shut but peering through them he could see it's eyes staring straight forward.

It was quite unsettling considering this is what he was in a way.

The golden Freddy suit he inhabited retained its original look like in the series making it look different from the trio, or at least their heads especially Freddy's.

Even though he was afraid he was slightly excited to get closer and see their actually models in person.

The heads themselves were motionless not doing much.. but for some reason each one albeit with the mascots head or not felt strange.

When he looked very hard at a single head he could feel as if something was watching him back.

'They are victims.. we need to kill.. kill.. kil-' The child like voice spoke again speaking deeper and deeper before turning silent confirming evans theory.

Almost everything in this room was possessed by a spirit.

Meaning William, his 'father' had actually killed more than just children.

When he decided to peer into the souls of the actually spirits he could see somewhat see what they looked like.

One resembled a young male teenager with navy blue jeans, a red t-shirt and black jacket that had a hole resembling a slash possessing an endo Skeleton head.

Apparently, he had taken a knife directly to the heart killing him in seconds.

But this didn't exactly explain why he possessed this beheaded.. head.

He would of have to have been stuffed or killed by it to possess it.. at least I think so.

He wasn't at all sure how remnant worked but this was just plain confusing.

Deciding to investigate this later, he moved on to another head sitting on the shelves this time a chica head with a large position of its mask torn off showing the endo skeleton skull within.

Inside this head was what seemed to be a woman in her thirties with black eyes leaking an oil like substance.

Her mouth in a constant frown like she was in despair which did match with how she looked.

Wearing an old 1920's dress with a top and some heels.

Might've been some kind of famous person or something but she would've been long sought out when she went missing ending in Afton getting caught probably.

The rest of the spirits possessing these heads and parts were all somewhat the same, black oily eyes and a big frown.. did I forget to mention their skin were all a ghostly white.

As I looked at some other parts I saw the familiar red blinking dot belonging to that of a moving camera in the top corner of the room.

If evan had organic eyes or more control over Golden Freddy without Cassidy's interventions he would be wide eyed with glee present on his face.

He wanted to see this.. night guard and talk to him.

Wanted to see where everything was at currently in the world since he couldn't rely on the system at the moment.

But moving was a problem.

To even walk without using powers was a challenge, a challenge that didn't have any entrance.

'We stay here.. The game has started. Do not break the rules.' The chilling voice said meant for Evan.

Ah yes, the game in which they all participate to kill the night guard in cold blood.

Although he couldn't blame them since they couldn't see their killers face, only seeing the purple uniform which the night guard and day guards wear.

Maybe he could convince them to not kill the guy in there.

He wasn't exactly sure who was in there, but whoever it was didn't deserve to die.

'H-hey cas-''Do not say that name!'' Evan tried to speak to the vengeful spirit to be met with a vengeful voice.

Evan internally gulped when he heard the extremely loud and deep glitchy voice directed towards him.

Metallic breathing could be heard in the tense silence between them.

Cassidy nor Evan said anything not moving an inch.. literally before Evan decided to speak up once more.

'And why not? You need to listen, that guard in there isn't who your looki-''I don't care''. Cassidy cut off Evan snapping at him.

'The person in that room is evil.. they kill.. kill.. kill' The voice said with anger.

'How do you know? What if they're an innocent person?! You'd be just like your murd-'.


Evan found himself unable to continue speaking.

The reason for that was because he felt like he was being choked.. by a very strong and cold hand.

Within the Golden Freddy suit, in a void of darkness were to ghostly figures.

One a young girl with short hair in overalls while the other was a young boy with a striped shirt and shorts.

The young girl was holding the boy in her hand by the throat with the body trying to pry her hands off him.

Out of the girls mouth an echo sounded throughout the void like space.

'You.. you are on my last nerve.. nothing but a mere speck in this existence! I can see so much more than you could possibly believe. I can and will erase you with out even a single thought.

Your only a leech along for the ride.. I will tear out your pathetic vocal cords to prevent you from talking, Evan if you are a spirit. Now be quiet'

Evan felt the hands release him from the pain of not being able to breath.

Collapsing to the ground he felt his throat with hands printed into him.

Coughing a little he stood up to see Cassidy gone.

He felt genuine fear during those few moments in her clutches.

She was broken and corrupted with only anger left.

It would be very hard to try and make her understand.

And I doubt she ever will.

A small tear came out of evans ghostly big eyes before he faded into a mist reappearing back in his position of the service room.

This time instead of silence or the metallic walking of the animatronics, he heard a scream.. that of a man.

To be continued