Straasa attempts to reason with Daelynn. "Why would you need Lambert Aldmin to come with you? I assure you, Morkai and I are more than enough to keep you safe on the road."

She quickly cuts him off, not wanting to hear it. "I saved him too, and I want him to come with us. I grow attached to people easily, and he is so very pretty after all," she croons, gazing at you with a look that can be described as nothing but predatory.

Yeah, she definitely has a hidden agenda. But what on Talhamsyn could it be? People keep helping you like you're a big deal or something—like you can give something in return. You keep telling them there's nothing there! You don't have any hidden depths, or secret stashes of coin, or anything of the sort!

Frell, what's next?

"That's Lambert Aldmin's decision to make. I can't speak for him," Straasa says diplomatically. He looks at you for confirmation, and his eyes look troubled. He shakes his head no with a barely perceptible motion.

Morkai has no such need for discretion. He is quite obviously shaking his head no. His gaze is fixed on the gray-eyed woman, but he addresses you when he speaks. "Don't be an idiot, boy."

Daelynn is looking at you expectantly. What are you going to do?