You get off the barge as if walking in a dream. Voices all around are you raised in anger, concern, and every emotion in between. Something, something, sirens, something. You can't really focus on what's being said.
As you predicted, you weren't able to get even the smallest amount of sleep before you reached the port. Your mind was too on edge. Take the events of the evening, add your worries plus being afraid to fall asleep in case of nightmares again, and you have yourself a nice cocktail of insomnia and crippling anxiety.
You are keeping it together though. You think.
You follow Straasa's and Daelynn's backs as they lead the way, Cederic Oakbar's reins in your hand. Morkai brings up the back. At some point, he takes the reins away from you, and you barely notice.
You are ushered into a dingy-looking inn, the smell of stale drink and piss assaulting your nose as soon as you step through. It all feels like it is happening to someone else.
You are brought inside a room and deposited on a lumpy bed. You can see Straasa's face, his lips moving as if he's talking to you. You try to focus on what he's saying.
"Are you going to be alright on your own, Lambert Aldmin? I can stay with you if that would help," Straasa offers, a worried frown marring his brow.
"Or I could keep him company. Would you prefer that, pretty eyes?" Daelynn pipes up from somewhere in the back.
"Yeah, that's not happening."
That's Morkai. Are all of them inside your room?!