Chapter 27

Under the moonlight.

Claude, wearing a jet-black armor, is like a demon in the ancient battlefield, and the pressure of the holy ranks instantly dries the humidity in the air.

The pitch-black mottled giant sword was frightening under the swing, and it struck Alice straight at the forehead.

Alice's expression was dull, her eyes widened, she was so frightened that she didn't even make a scream.

She thought she was dead, yes, in less than a second, she really felt like a walk in hell.

But Alice has always been lucky. The huge sword hovered above her forehead, less than three centimeters away from her death.

Alice looked at the sharp blade of the great sword, gleaming silver, as if it had the power to break through the earth and shake the sky.

"It turned out to be Miss Alice, I thought it was a little thief..."

Claude put away the great sword and hung it behind his back. No face can be seen under the deep helmet, but the voice does not contain any emotion at all.

As soon as the giant sword left the top of her head, Alice suddenly broke down in cold sweat. She stepped back again and again, her eyes uncertain, and she couldn't tell if Claude was an enemy or a friend?

"I'm sorry to scare you, I apologize." Claude paused, and continued to ask, "What's the matter when you come here suddenly?"

"I'm going... I'm leaving, I'll let you know." Alice calmed down a little, her expression very unnatural.

"Troubled Miss Alice..." Claude walked straight out of the jungle and suddenly stopped. "Did you hear anything just now?"

Alice hesitated for a while, remembering just now, and asked faintly, "No, did you say anything?"

"Come on, Miss Alice, if you're lucky, you can be in Denby County tonight." Claude left without looking back.

As for why Claude didn't kill Alice?

It's because Alice, a member of the team, will cause trouble if he dies. The goal now is to go to Denbighshire to get the key, and not to lose time.

What's more, this team is its own cover, like a protective color, how can it be easily destroyed?

Alice stood there, watching Claude's back without speaking, thinking

What a suspicious guy.

Overreaction is hiding a secret, right?

What is the revival of the former kingdom...

Claude waited in the carriage.

After seeing Alice coming back for a long time, she couldn't help but feel a little confused, ready to go down and look for it.

As a result, as soon as Crowder got out of the car, he saw a group of gorgeous carriages passing by. Knight guards in white armor, printed with the pattern of the rose family, were Cecilia who had been upset with Merlin before.

Ok?The power of Grand Duke Rose?How did you meet here?

Arnold was a little surprised, standing still and watching.

As a result, the gorgeous convoy stopped in front of Arnold, and the windows opened, revealing Cecilia's beautiful face.

"Isn't this the stupid son of the landlord, Arnold? I didn't expect to meet him here."

"Oh my God, Miss Cecilia, are you here? I remember the last time I met, or the dance party at the Ducal Palace a year ago." Arnold grinned, and he really matched the name of the landlord's stupid son.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. Now it seems that you are as stupid as you were a year ago." Cecilia said with a scornful face, seeming to look down on someone like Arnold in the heart?

"Hey, Miss Cecilia joked, have you graduated from the seminary in London now?" Arnold asked tentatively.

"No, it's a holiday." Cecilia replied lightly.

"If you don't enjoy your vacation at home, what are you doing here?" Arnold asked curiously.

"I want to solve the crisis in Denby County on behalf of my father." Cecilia said seriously.

"Coincidentally, this is the purpose of my trip." Arnold said with a smile.

"Um..." Cecilia frowned and looked a little unhappy. There is only one hero who solves the problem. Arnold will be a competitor if he blends in. "Heh, Arnold, you are just a low-level rookie. I advise you not to go to death. You can't participate in this matter. What can you do with a horseman alone?"

"No, no, no, I still have teammates, a high-level magic swordsman, and a holy-level powerhouse." Arnold said confidently.

"What?! Holy rank powerhouse!"

Cecilia was obviously taken aback. There were not many holy-level powerhouses in Great Britain. The strongest guards of her father were only a few high-level ones.

Holy rank powerhouses can only be hired by royal family members.

A silly son of a landlord's house, could he find a Saint-Order powerhouse to team up?What a joke!

Cecilia's psychology is very unbalanced, and Arnold is getting more upset.

"Just blow it up! You want face..."

"I didn't..." Arnold felt wronged.

The two noble children were fighting each other, but the groom suddenly shouted in panic.

"Not good! Master! Master! Look over there... over there..."

Arnold looked back and saw a long line of fire igniting on the horizon, illuminating the dim evening, dotted with the dusky night.

"Burning! It's a group of burning rhinos!"

Fire-red skin, sharp rhino horns, and flames burning all over his body, with every breath expelling a hot breath from his nostrils, making the whole body surrounded in white mist.

The Burning Rhinoceros is a social middle-level beast that migrates to the south every autumn. This time it was directly mentioned by Hobbes and Cecilia came across.

Although a burning rhino is not terrible, hundreds of them are terrifying. Can you imagine the scene of countless heavy trucks crashing together?

Even high-level, in front of a group of intermediate-level burning rhinos, they will shudder, be trampled by severely, immortal and disabled.

The burning rhino seemed to be crazy, straight like Arnold and others rushed forward, destroying everything in front of him, and the earth was buzzing and shaking.

" Why am I so unlucky..."

Arnold was pale and fell directly on the ground.

"Hey!" Cecilia was ashamed, her expression dignified, thinking that she was really hit by the two untouchables before, what a crow's mouth!

"Everyone listens! Miss protection!"

Kyle is still calm, but the ugly face is obviously pressured, and he regrets not observing Merlin's words. It would be better if he took a small path.

The horses began to be frightened and neighed uncomfortably.

The white-armored guards dismounted and quickly circled Cecilia's carriage, seemingly about to coexist and die with the carriage.

"Listen! Don't leave the place one step away! The far spear picks, the near sword cuts, don't let any beast approach Miss Cecilia!" Kyle shook the spear in his hand, standing in the front, sweating coldly. Said loudly, "The glory of Duke Qiangwei is with us!"

"Oh my God..." Arnold was groping on the ground, very embarrassed, watching the fierce and merciless burning rhino get closer and closer, his courage was almost broken.

Miss Alice?

Lord Claude!?

Where did they go?!!