Chapter 28

Countless burning rhinos rushed in, and the trampled ground kept shaking, and the roar was full of momentum.

There is no obstacle in their eyes, and everything that is blocking is instantly destroyed.

"God! Damn it!" Claude felt his legs feel weak and couldn't stand up.

Cecilia's eyebrows were tightly locked together, and she became anxious as she watched the burning rhino group approach her.

Kyle's defense line doesn't know how long it can last, and it is estimated that he has no bottom.

In order to resist the impact of the rhino herd, Cecilia, as an intermediate priest, has to go all out. Her magical power surges and continuously sends out buff gains.

"Strength gain +200%"

"Agility gain +200%"

"Endurance gain +200%"

"Ice attribute attack enchantment."

"Holy Light Arbitration is fully open!"

The white-armored knights felt power gushing out of their bodies, the weapons in their hands glowed with white light, and there was a hint of cold air overflowing.

As for Kyle, with Cecilia's buff bonus, the high-level vindictiveness is raised to the apex and enters a state of full preparation.

The black was illuminated by the burning rhinos, and the flame seemed to roar from hell.

Everyone held their breath, and the battle was about to start.

But right here, the epee Crowder enters the arena

Claude strode to the front, his armor clanging, passing by Arnold and Cecilia and others, not even looking at them, and went straight to the front, facing the raging rhino herd.


Facing danger, there is chaos inside.

Is standing at the forefront planning to die?

Cecilia's eyes widened and stared at the pitch-black epee.

As a sacred priest, she couldn't feel the breath of a living person at all, and she could even smell a hint of black magic.

"Your Excellency, don't stand at the forefront. We should get together and resist the impact together." Kyle felt that Claude was not weak and wanted to pull him into the group, so that he would have a better chance of survival.

"I don't need to be with the weak. Holding a group for warmth is something garbage can do." Claude said lightly.

"What?!" Kyle was dumbfounded, wondering why this person looks down on people so much?That being the case, let's be trampled to death by the burning rhino!

The dark night merged with the dark armor on Claude's body, but it was shining with fire, and facing such a huge battle, it seemed that there was no pressure.

Claude drew the heavy sword behind him, and raised the golden holy rank vindictiveness, dazzling in the dark night.

Cecilia and others were shocked. They didn't expect to be a strong Saint, no wonder their attitude was so bad!I can't even look down on myself.

When the distance was enough, Crowder took a step, holding the giant sword in both hands, and set his posture.

Suddenly a flat cut, violent winds, flying sand and rocks, and even the air instantly solidified!

The powerful saint-level sword wave slashed out, and in the blink of an eye hundreds of burning rhinos turned into meat sauce, splashing blood and staining the earth.

A flat slash, and an instantaneous extinguishment, returned the night to peace, allowing everyone present to see the tip of the powerful holy iceberg.

Alice was standing outside the jungle, watching the rhino herd disappear in consternation and could not speak, feeling that Crowder was different from the previous holy orders, so powerful that people could not speak.

Alice was a little shaken, maybe Claude was right, even if there are parallel imports in the holy order, the holy order is just a threshold to distinguish between strong and weak.

Kyle couldn't close his mouth anymore, and wanted to be strong!Too strong!Worthy of being a holy order!

Arnold stood up slowly, wiped the dust off his body, and said with a smile, "Miss Cecilia, let me introduce to you, Mr. Claude, my teammate, fellow adventurer, and powerful saint~"

Cecilia recovered from the surprise, stepped out of the carriage and asked, "How do you find a strong Saint to be your teammate? What conditions are you driving!"

"That... two hundred thousand gold coins." Arnold said awkwardly.

Cecilia turned her head and walked to the vicinity of Crowder, and said arrogantly, "How much does that stupid son of the landlord give you, I will give you double! How about being a team with me?"

"What is your purpose?" Claude put the epee back behind him.

Cecilia looked at Arnold next to him and saw that he was too far away to hear the conversation, so she lowered her voice and said, "I have secret information. The necromantic incident in Denby County was triggered by two grave robbers, and the graveyard It is the tomb of the former prime minister of the kingdom. Follow me to find out the truth. You are the hero of Denbigh County."

"I refuse." Claude is merciless.

When he planned to arrive in Denby County, he left Arnold and his party behind and acted secretly, so that there was no risk of revealing the secret.

Claude wished that no one would follow him, it was impossible to form a team.

Cecilia is also an arrogant master. Seeing that her initiative invitation was rejected, she turned her head and left without stopping, thinking angrily in her heart, isn't it the holy order?What to install?This bitch with a trash attitude, continue to play with the landlord's stupid son!The adventurers of Wrexham are all **!Humph!

"Miss Cecilia, don't you continue to retell the past?" Arnold said anachronistically.

"Arnold, you are mentally retarded, and you are not allowed to talk to me!" Cecilia spread the anger on Arnold.

"I..." Arnold scratched his head and said awkwardly, "What happened to me?"

Cecilia got directly back into the carriage and greeted, "Kyle!"

Kyle, holding a spear, immediately went forward, respectfully, "Miss, what's your order?"

"Let the team speed up, as much as possible, even if the horses are exhausted, they must arrive in Denbighshire in the first half of the night!" Cecilia said in a commanding tone, her face full of hostility.

"That...Miss, is it necessary to be in such a hurry?" Kyle was puzzled.

"It must be fast! I must show my abilities to my father, and prove that I am a member of the Rose family and have the talent not to lose to others. This time the necromancer of Denbigh is the best trial. I can solve it by myself!"

Cecilia's face turned black and fell into a very paranoid state. She wrinkled her white robe and looked very ugly.

She was very annoyed when she thought of her father's contemptuous attitude towards herself, saying that she was the most useless child in the family, with poor spiritual talent and no wisdom for strategy.

Cecilia is a girl who refuses to admit defeat. She is very disgusted with her father's contempt, so she urgently needs to prove herself. This is also the reason why her eldest lady came to Denbighshire.

"I see, Miss Cecilia." Kyle lowered his head in sympathy.

"We arrived in Denby County as soon as possible, and then we were the first to enter the cemetery to solve the crisis in Denby County, so that my father will be impressed with me." Cecilia said seriously.

"But shouldn't we organize vigorous forces to fight against the dead, and first eliminate the threat to the lives of the people of Denby County?" Kyle suggested.

"Who is rare for this kind of little credit? Is there a big credit for resolving the whole incident?" Cecilia said lightly.

"It's very important to help the people. For your image..."

"Enough Kyle!"

Cecilia interrupted Kyle's remarks, her face turned black, and she was obviously a priest, but she didn't feel a trace of holiness.

Cecilia looked down at Kyle, her eyes cold and hollow, and asked without mercy.

"What does the life and death of untouchables have to do with me?"

"I only care about the results, the process is not important."