Chapter 32

late at night.

Time is approaching dawn.

The party of adventurers has long since ended, leaving a messy year.

Almost everyone has fallen asleep, seemingly peaceful and peaceful.

In the single-person tent, Alice seemed to sleep deeply, but her ears moved frequently and kept alerting her surroundings.

When Alice heard the clatter of the armor, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked outside the tent. With the moonlight, she could clearly see a dark shadow passing by the tent.

Alice lifted her quilt, she didn't even take off her clothes, and the sword was still hung around her waist.

She tiptoed to the door, opened the curtain of the tent and looked outside

With an epee, Claude walked straight towards the north gate, walking steadily without hesitation.

This swordsman in black armor looked quite mysterious in the deserted moonlight.

Sure enough, it is suspicious. I have to see who you are today.

Alice did not hesitate, and sneakily followed Claude, who had run away late at night. In order to avoid being discovered, she was far away and did not dare to approach.

The two left the camp one after another. It just so happened that Hobbs was throwing water outside because of too much peace, as if seeing a silver-haired Alice in a daze.

Hobbs patted his forehead to make himself awake, but Alice disappeared.

He smacked and muttered to himself


Out of the camp.

Alice discovered that Claude was going to the forest to the north, which was the cemetery where the former prime minister of the kingdom was located.

This makes Alice very puzzled.

Could it be that Claude is a lonely hero.

Want to solve the crisis in Denbighshire by yourself?

Alice thought about the impossible, and decided to follow up to figure it out.

There were a few wandering skeleton soldiers along the way, and Claude didn't need to practice swords, and he broke with a punch.

Alice breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the dead spirits along the way would be wiped out by Claude, so she didn't have to fight and avoid the possibility of being discovered.

After entering the forest, Alice found that there were not as many dead spirits as she had imagined. It seemed that someone had come before, and there were traces of battles on the ground.

Could someone have entered the forest before?

Alice furrowed her eyebrows, feeling that the deeper she went into the graveyard, the more complicated things became and the fog filled her.

After reaching the top of the mountain, there was a building resembling a temple. It looked a bit old and weathered severely, and the statue was no longer visible.

Cloud didn't stop all the way, and went straight into the temple.

Alice hurriedly followed, and looked up to see Claude standing in front of an underground staircase.

"It seems that there is the entrance to the underground labyrinth..."

It has been a while since Alice left the camp.

The flaming sun shone from the horizon.

Most of them have already woken up, ready to go, ready to go to the northern forest to fight against the dead skeletons inside.

But Merlin and Hobbs, the two drunks, were still sleeping, snoring loudly, and seemed to have forgotten the crusade against the undead.

The sleeping position of the two of them was very ugly. They slept around on the floor. Among them, Hobbs was still wearing very sloppy pink underwear. He looked like a man full of masculine uncles.

"Miss Alice?"

Arnold's voice sounded outside the tent. He had intended to give Alice the first smile in the morning.

But when I went to find Alice just now, there was nowhere, as if he had left the camp.

Arnold suspected that Alice was fooling around with Merlin, so he came to the door with a heartache.

"Miss Alice!?"

Arnold rushed into the tent and saw Merlin under the quilt and bulging under him as if there was a person hidden.

God!Couldn't it be Miss Alice who came to Merlin to be happy last night and fought all night in front of Hobbes?

God!Why did Miss Alice fall so far and become so lewd?How can I purify this sin...

Arnold stepped forward and lifted Merlin's quilt, shouting angrily.

"Miss Alice, with me...Huh!?"

Arnold looked mentally retarded, and saw that there was no Alice under Merlin's quilt, but a big pillow, which was also sandwiched between his legs, which was probably more comfortable.

Hobbs woke up when he heard the noise and rubbed his eyes.

"What's wrong? It was noisy early in the morning."

Merlin felt the little cold wind blow, and his frozen buttocks trembled. He immediately became sober and immediately sat up.

"Arnold, I swear, if you dare to lift the quilt while I sleep, I will definitely send you to hell. The quilt blends with me. What's the difference between you lifting the quilt and peeling my skin?"

"No, Miss Alice is gone, can't you find it anywhere?" Arnold tried to ask Merlin and Hobbs to help. "Mr. Crowder is gone."

"If you don't see it, you won't see it, what does it have to do with us?" Merlin is now in a state of getting up, and no one is pleasing to the eye.

"It disappeared overnight, don't you feel strange?" Arnold spread his hands.

"Don't you look for it? Look around." Hobbes hammered his waist like an old man.

"I've looked for it. Both of them are gone." Arnold looked very anxious.

"Where can Alice go? Look at the women's toilet, flip through the trash, and swill buckets. You can definitely find it." Merlin said casually, embarrassing.

It seems that in Merlin's worldview, Alice is a cockroach.

"Actually, I have been to the women's bathhouse..." Arnold said seriously.

"Uh..." Merlin looked at Arnold in surprise, and said awkwardly, "You are really... a hall-level stalker..."

"And Mr. Crowder is gone. I eloped with Miss Alice, right?!" Arnold said with grief, "Miss Alice's private life...why is it so messy? It's so profane, sooner or later it will become a bitch of..."

"Stop talking, your imagination is too rich, and Alice knows you will be cut." Merlin said blankly.

Hobbs touched his forehead, calmed down a little, and thought for a while.

"Speaking of it, when I released the water in the middle of the night, it seemed that I saw Alice and went north...Isn't it to get a high bounty and went to the cemetery in the forest alone?"

"The cemetery is so dangerous, how could Miss Alice go?" Arnold wondered.

"Isn't that holy-rank rookie, Claude, disappeared? Maybe they'll follow it together." Hobbs spread his hands.

"It turned out to be like this. With Mr. Crowder here, it would be much safer. It seems that I am away from Miss Alice's mating rights and move forward steadily. Oh ha ha ha..." Arnold turned from grief to joy and smiled very much. Happy.

Merlin covered her face with a look of consternation, not caring about mating rights, but

Damn it!

Is that so?!

Alice, this scheming bitch!

Didn't play the card according to the routine?

I want to take a high commission by myself!

Obviously I've been thinking about it, how could I give it to Alice?!

Merlin stood up with a serious face, quickly put on his clothes, and slung the sword on his waist. He swept away the decadence and became wary.

"Merlin, what are you doing..." Hobbs widened his eyes and was frightened by Merlin's speed of light dressing skill.

"I want to go to that cemetery too." Mei Lin replied lightly.

"Don't make trouble, you are a black iron, and you can only help if you go. We will just follow the big army to get a subsistence allowance." Hobbs suggested that a black iron adventurer in the small area, shouldn't he go to the graveyard to find death?

"No! I won't be willing to receive subsistence allowances. High bonuses are my food." Mei Lin said lightly, and walked out of the tent without looking back. This time the enemy is a necroman and cannot be continued. For life, if you still can't get enough bonuses, what are you doing?

Arnold put on a serious face: "Oh, it seems that for Miss Alice's mating rights, Merlin is also serious. Although it is my rival, I appreciate his spirit."

Hobbs put on a serious face: "Actually, I already knew that Merlin was looking forward to mating with Alice both physically and mentally. You can tell by looking at his squinted eyes."