Chapter 33

Underground labyrinth, three floors.

Two necromantic knights on skeletal horses, with blue eyes burning with wild fire, were burning fiercely.

They are holding white-bone spears and are wrapped in black hunting robe, their teeth are constantly biting up and down, making a crisp sound.

Claude, as if into a man's land, carried the middle, and marched straight to the gate guarded by the necromancer behind him.

The heavy armor clashed, directly alarming the necromantic knights, making them alert.

The ** skeleton war horse was restless, digging back the soil with its hooves, and the ghost fire on his body rose.

The two necromantic knights pulled the reins abruptly and rushed directly to Claude, with a bone spear in their hands, and stab Claude mercilessly.

In the deep darkness, the sound of horseshoes splashed, and the blue ghost fire was raging. Although it was a dead spirit without wisdom, the fighting instinct was staggering.

Claude's aura was not disturbed at all, and he took out the pitch-black giant sword and crashed down, hitting the hard ground, making a loud noise.

The two high-level necromantic skeleton knights in front of them were shocked by the sage-level fighting spirit, and suddenly burst and scattered on the ground, white bones.

The battle ended in the blink of an eye, and Claude placed the great sword behind his back and slammed the door with both hands. The rumble voice echoed in the underground maze.

The secret of the former kingdom that has been sealed for more than four hundred years is about to be revealed, and Alice has been closely behind Claude.

Alice found two suspicious points on the road

That is, Claude has definitely been here, because the complexity of the underground maze is beyond imagination, and normal people will definitely get lost and cannot find the entrance to the next floor.

However, Claude was a little too familiar. After entering the maze, he didn't hesitate in his footsteps. After turning around, he found the next level, and soon reached the bottom level.

This made Alice very confused. If it weren't for Claude to lead the way, she felt that she would be dizzy and could not find North.

So Alice speculated that if Claude had not been here, there must be a map of the underground labyrinth. What might be related to the former prime minister?

The second suspicious point, it seems that someone has entered the underground maze before. There are signs of battle on the first and second floors, and the undead were wiped out seven or eighty eight. Until the third level, the undead did not appear to be a lot, but they were covered by Claude along the way. Clean up seven or eight.

Alice suspected that someone who was so happy had sneaked into this place ahead of time. Either the second floor was dead, or she was dizzy and could not find the third floor entrance.

But Alice didn't think much about it, but put the investigation of Claude's identity first.

If Crowder is extremely dangerous, he must notify the elder Taylor.

When Alice saw Claude enter the hall, she didn't follow him either, and quietly followed.

After entering the hall

There is really a cave inside. The old decorations are covered with cobwebs. Eight large pillars support the hall. Rows of gold chandeliers are covered with dust. The red carpet on the ground continues to the central throne.

If it is not too old, you can vaguely see the glory of the past.

Alice held her breath and hid behind the last pillar, not daring to approach rashly, but the conversation was barely able to be heard at this distance.

Crowder stepped on the bright red carpet, went straight to the bottom of the throne, and looked up at the figure on the throne.


A cloud of wind blew by, two rows of torches lit up, and the faint blue flame illuminated the surroundings, but the secret became clearly visible.

On the throne sits a white skeleton in a red robe. The skull is filled with the words of the former kingdom. It is densely packed like an ant. There is a dark red key hanging on the neck, and the one that Karona got Very similar.

It seems to be right. The guy lurking on the third floor of the underground labyrinth is the dead spirit of the former prime minister.

"Who are you? Why did you sneak into my resting place? Before you die, I allow you to explain why."

The voice of the necromancer's words hissed haha, like an old bellows, but it had an ethereal feeling.

Its eyes are very different from ordinary dead souls. In the black hole's eye sockets, two golden flames are constantly beating, which looks very strange.

That is the soul fire of the undead, as long as it is not extinguished, there will be no death, and the golden color is the symbol of the holy order.

"It's been 400 years, Lord Ian, remember the last time we met, when the king was hanged in the palace." Claude said lightly.

"Who are you...?" The necromancer named Ian became excited, and the golden flames in his eyes rose in vain.

Instead of taking off his helmet, Claude pulled out the great sword from his back and thrust it into the ground."Don't you even know the storm fighters of the empire? Ian, you are really old and your memory has deteriorated a lot."

"Ber... Bernard!? Haven't you already died? Why are you still alive now?!" The necromancer stood up in astonishment.

"I was resurrected by the prince using black magic. Not only me, but other heroes have also survived. Everyone continues to act as the undead," Claude said in a dull voice.

"His Royal Highness is not dead yet?!" The necromancer was shocked again.

"When the former kingdom fell, His Royal Highness escaped fortunately and used the dark magic that sucked blood to extend our lives. Until today, we have no chance to see the sun again!" Claude said seriously.

The necromancer was silent for a while, and recovered a little from the shock, "What is your purpose?"

"Give your soul for the rejuvenation of the former kingdom! Admit that His Royal Highness is an orthodox heritage!" Crow said in a firm and unquestionable German language, "We need a stronger force to subvert the British dynasty, so please hand over the key to your protection. !"

"Really, I want the key..." The bones of the necromancer continued to bite, and said loudly, "You are still in contact with hell? The reason why our kingdom perished and was replaced by Britain was because the king and Satan signed After signing the contract and becoming a running dog of hell, hell is not credible, why are you still obsessed with understanding!?"

"Don't talk about Lord Ian. As an old acquaintance, I don't want to fight with you. You can't beat me. You still hand over the keys. I swear I won't disturb your long sleep again." Claude issued an ultimatum.

"I refuse!" The necromancer summoned the skeleton and shook his head in a fighting posture.

"Then don't blame me!" Claude drew out the pitch-black giant sword and suddenly rushed to the necromancer, his holy rank vigor surging.

"Bernard, don't you think it is extremely humiliating to become an undead? As a warrior, death in battle is the greatest glory. Isn't this something you have said before?" Come over to Claude.

"For me now, the rejuvenation of the kingdom is righteousness!" Claude swung his huge sword suddenly, and the holy rank sword skills came out, seemingly to be a quick fight!

"Stupid!" The necromancer's fingers flashed with black light, and a holy order magic "black death light" shot out.

The two undead holy rank powerhouses banged together, fought, and the whole hall was shaking...

At the same time, on the other side, one floor of the underground maze.

Merlin had already entered the cemetery. After walking for a long time, there were a few garbage skeleton soldiers who smashed them to pieces with a wave of hands.

It's not that Merlin likes to mow grass, but that he lost his way directly after entering the maze, and could not find the north or the lower entrance at all.


It's not good to go on like this!

Maybe Alice will be the first to get a high bounty.

In this case, am I not here for nothing?The benefits are all taken up by this scheming bitch.

Merlin stopped in place, frowning, lost in thought.

Remember Hobbes said that there are three levels down the maze?

Merlin looked down at the thick ground and moved in his heart.

"Although it's a bit messy, it's not considered a destruction of cultural relics, right?"

Merlin raised his fist and slammed into the ground with a loud "bang"!

Suddenly, the maze vibrated slightly, splashing dust and mist, and the iron wall between the first and second floors was directly penetrated.

Merlin patted the dust on his hands and grinned

"Hey, isn't that much faster~?"