Hidden Fantasy- A Werewolf's Obsession

The history of Vampires.

The world has been a sacred place since the beginning of civilization. It was a time when people worked together in peace and harmony, but that all came to an end when the Dark Ages began. Then followed the moment when humanity gave birth to the people known as...The Old Leaders. They were made from the purest kind of wickedness. They ruled over humanity for millennia, causing conflicts and feuds wherever they went. They turned the earth into a desolate place to live. They kept hunting for new sources of power to control once they conquered the humans. Years passed, and the leaders grew increasingly powerful. One of them discovered an old manuscript in a burning village that claimed there was an artefact deep within the earth that contained the gods' power. They looked everywhere for this weapon but couldn't find it no matter how hard they looked. That is until a new leader rose from the ashes of the ones who had fallen before her. Her village possessed raw earth magic, which the rest of the world was unaware of. Her forefathers had discovered a cave in their hamlet centuries before, and inside it lay a Bloodstone with concealed magic. Each successive generation pledged to safeguard the stone from getting pilfered or uncovered by the Old Leaders.

Then, when their home was struck by a plague, her entire family became afflicted. She went inside the cave at her darkest moments, trying to find a means to heal her family, but what she discovered was even worse. A gorgeous bloodstone floated in mid-air in the small cave's centre. This enchantment was so powerful that it reverberated throughout the environment. Then, out of nowhere, a need arose within her. She tried her hardest to let it go, but it grew stronger as she got closer to the bloodstone, which was now gleaming so brightly that the entire cave was bathed in colour.

The stone said, "Ravana."

Ravana was so taken aback that she instantly turned around to see if anyone had followed her while she was distracted, but there was no one there.

"Ravana, touch the stone," the voice communicated once more, but this time with more urgency.

Ravana took a cursory glance at the stone. She walked closer to the stone as if in a trance, her curiosity began to grow. She attempted to break the hypnotic trance, but the yearning was too great. Ravana gazed at the stone in all its splendour. It had rough edges and was surrounded by a vivid scarlet red. Reaching out, she touched the silky stone in her palm without hesitation. Nothing happened at first, but suddenly the sensation arrived. Golden veins appeared all over her body and began to engulf her. Her eyes were suddenly dazzling gold, and dark storm clouds raged ferociously all around her.

"This sorcery is incredible," she exclaimed as she sensed the situation becoming more crucial. Her body was now heating as a result of the excessive amount of energy. Ravana tried to release the stone, but it was stuck to her palms like super glue and wouldn't let go.

She let out a piercing scream as the steam turned into a fire that was igniting everywhere. Ravana noticed a long serrated piece of granite that had fallen from the ceiling on the ground in front of her in her hour of need. Ravana leaned forward and snatched the rock from the ground. She looked at it for a few seconds before crying out. Ravana knew exactly what she needed to do to prevent the magic from destroying the cave and the fire from killing her people.

She stabbed the rock inside her chest and murmured, "I'm so sorry." Blood spilt from her stomach on the walls, the ground, and even the stone in an instant. Ravana slumped to the ground before she could utter anything else as the darkness enveloped her.

As she began to awake, she was surrounded by her villagers and family members, each wielding a blade and wearing an expression she was all too familiar with.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on, and why are they wielding swords?" She inquired.

Her parents took a step forward and replied with a wail.

"Ravana, you made contact with the Bloodstone. They said, "The power has overtaken you, and you are no longer our daughter or a villager."

The villagers began approaching her in perfectly straight lines, spears and arrows locked in place.

"I'm sorry, Ravana," her father continued, "but we need to make sure that no one is hurt by you or this power." They all fired arrows straight towards her at his command, but when they were 1 cm away, Ravana held out her palm, and all the arrows crumbled on the ground, leaving only ashes behind.

She became infuriated, and flames erupted in a circular motion all around her, waiting for her command to strike. A terrible glow was awoken as sparks of red power flickered in the atmosphere. As she began to morph into a revolting monster, her parents looked at her in disbelief. Ravana's attire began to shift from a filthy grey robe to a sweet cherry long-sleeved gown with a bloodstain wreath on her head with small jewellery fashioned from the bloodstone.

"It's a lot better now, isn't it?" She made a suggestion. The people were taken aback by her transformation, but she roared before anyone could say or do anything.

Long, pointed fangs began to appear a brilliant white colour. She drifted in midair, grinning at those beneath her, as jet black vines began to sprout beneath her eyes.


"WHAT DO YOU SEEK, BEAST?" A man yelled. Ravana's face lit up with a sinister grin.


Many of their faces were flushed with apprehension as they considered the decision that might affect their lives forever. Four people took a step forward and knelt beneath Ravana, one hand placed around their heart, indicating their allegiance. Her parents took a step back, showing no signs of surrendering.



After a minute, two more villagers joined the others in bowing down to their new queen, while several people, including Ravana's parents, stepped back from their daughter with swords drawn, ready to strike.

"Well, I can see your decision, but now you'll see mine," She whispered sweetly.

Then her first slaughtering awoke.

In her new form, she surged towards the villagers, biting the necks of each victim as blood poured from their throats and defiled the sacred grounds.

"What have you turned into?" Her father was perplexed. With blood dripping from her lips, Ravana beamed at him.

She said, "I'm the First Eternal." Her father was taken aback when he saw what she'd turned into.

In his gaze, he sees a monstrosity.

Then she lunged for him with utter hatred in her eyes, sinking her white fangs into his neck, causing blood to spray all over the place. As he watched his daughter drain the life out of him, her father closed his eyes. Blood escaped from his body, completing his daughter's massacre.

Her servants were finally left. She smiled sinisterly as she touched the blood oozing from her lips. Ravana strolled over the blood-soaked grounds until she reached her minions, who were still quivering with horror.

"When others rejected me, you turned to me as your leader because I wanted to protect them." "I appreciate you for that," she expressed her gratitude.

Ravana began to establish a legacy that would last for millennia.

Each servant was assigned a group and granted the ability to create immortal beings similar to Ravana, but with fewer abilities. Ravana bestowed a stake imbued with the bloodstone's enchantment on each side. Each faction's faction stake had its own set of qualities and gifts.

Ravana is said to have concealed herself in the cave where she was created after allowing her servants to travel the world, leaving just her legacy behind. Centuries later, thanks to the power bestowed upon them, an entire layer of immortals inhabited the planet. Some brought peace, while others brought feuds and fatalities to the areas where they tread.

We called these creatures...Vampires.

Demons of the dark

Some of these were able to walk in the sun because their faction permitted it, while others could only traverse the earth at night. They could control human minds and had incredible speed and strength, which increased as they drank the blood of their victims, but because this was an advantage, a balance was established. Even with this ability, the material that formed them could destroy them.

These factions became stronger throughout time, and we're now well-known all across the world. They went by the alias:

Faction 1- The oblivion.

These Vampires were able to walk in the sun and possessed the gift of intelligence, allowing them to read the thoughts of their victims. Infinity is the name of their tattoo. Grey is the colour of their eyes.

Faction 2- Caldor

These Vampires could walk in the sun but possessed the abilities of fire and Levitation. Immortality is symbolised by their tattoo. Prussian Blue is the colour of their eyes.

Faction 3- The Rebellion.

These Vampires were unable to walk in the sunlight, but they possessed the ability to communicate with the dead and spirits. Strength is symbolised by their tattoo. Cider is the colour of their eyes.

Faction 4- The Guardians.

These Vampires can walk in the sun and have the ability to erase memories. Unalome is their tattoo. Juniper is the colour of their eyes.

Faction 5- The Exiled

These Vampires were unable to walk in the sunlight, but they possessed the ability to create force fields and possessed wings. Scales Of Death is their tattoo. Amethyst is the colour of their eyes

Faction 6- The Derelicts (Unknown)

These Vampires were able to walk in the sunlight and could possess others as well as astral projection. Unknown tattoo. Wine is the colour of their eyes.

These undead monsters roamed the earth for millennia, forcing certain events to occur. Following the growth of these creatures, a sequence of reactions began to produce many more. All of these monsters and demons began to add a second layer of protection to the land we call home. They were all known as...The Supernatural. They possessed various abilities that were unavailable to others, yet despite this rule, many people endeavoured to track down supernatural beings and steal their power for their own, but none were successful...alive even when they had a herb called vervain which was able to weaken them. The Supernatural Leaders developed a veil to obscure them from human sight after this thirst for power, but for nature to maintain balance, some humans were born with the capacity to see past this veil and experience the world that lay hidden before them. The Old Leaders were enraged when the curtain was lifted, and they cast a spell preventing vampires from entering our homes and societies without an invitation. Many humans are still unaware of the supernatural, but tales and myths have been constructed by those who lived before the curtain, allowing some to know the truth while others uncover the missing pieces. Two supernatural beings had the largest feud in this realm of mythical creatures.

They were called…The Vampires & The Werewolves