Hidden Fantasy-A Werewolf's Obsession

Chapter 50-Alessia

The pleasure compelled me to revert to my traumatic recollections to commit wickedness.

"CALM DOWN, ALESSIA!" Aiden screamed and grabbed my shoulder, attempting to shake me out of my trance, but it was futile as I wanted to murder her. She was the catalyst for everything that happened, and she deserved to be punished. Instantaneously the force field shattered into fragments floating in the air. Aiden kept seeking to restrain me, but when the force field disintegrated and fell to the ground, my rage was directed at him and his frequent disruptions.

"Alessia, what's the matter? Can I help you?" As he held my cheek, he inquired, but all it did was aggravate me.

"I've never felt better, Aiden," I remarked demonically as I punched him with my fist, causing him to lose balance and slam onto the ground roughly. It sparked my curiosity in such a manner that it frightened me to my core. I knew what I was doing was immoral, but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Kill her," said a voice in my brain, urging me to focus on Olivia, who stood immobile, trembling in misery as a result of my new figure. I began running towards her with a serrated knife in my grasp, ready to assassinate her, but Logan got in the way, and I shot him down, causing him to whimper in distress.

Slowly, I withdrew the thick knife from his now-damaged, blood-stained flesh. He lay there, his wounds bloodied, gaping at me, mortified at what I had become.

"What's wrong with you, Alessia?" I could hear the squeezes of crimson overflowing on his thick wound flowing to the soaked grounds as he pleaded in a trembling tone.

"What do you mean?" I wondered as I shoved him aside as if he were a useless piece of meat and began marching calmly but menacingly towards Olivia.

"Please forgive me, Alessia!" Olivia pleaded on her knees as her eyes swelled with terror.

"Say that to Noah," I yelled as I struck her across the face, producing a bruise, as she slumped to the ground, her clothes soaked in sweat.

"Oh no, he isn't here, is he?" I kept beating until she was motionless on the ground, blood gushing from her injuries. I promptly took out the smeared knife and hurled it into the air, aiming for her heart, but Logan hollered.

"Alessia, return to me." I know this isn't you; please don't let it be. Noah intended you to be happy, and this is wrong, Alessia, so please let go of your hatred and allow everything to go back to normal." He exclaimed so dramatically that I dropped the knife on the surface, leaving a mark on the ground. I reached out to him right away, grieving from what I'd just done and the individuals I'd injured.

"Aiden?" I inquired as I turned around to find him winking at me with a tortured expression on his face, his clothing dishevelled and splattered with crimson.

"Come back," He ordered, and I promptly started wailing all of my energy out of me, flooding the entire atmosphere with a dense dark shadow, then when I checked my veins, they had all disappeared into the surroundings, leaving me feeble and with a tear on my palm. Eventually, all of the mist began getting devoured by the ring, and it vanished in seconds, leaving the ring shimmering ferociously. I collapsed to my knees in melancholy at what had transpired, but Logan tilted his head towards me with a yearning in his eyes as a drop of my blood tainted the earth.

"Logan? " I inquired, but all he could do was stare at the scar on my palm craving torn blood. Once large, sharp fangs appeared, along with his eyes blazing dangerously and veins appearing, I whimpered. He sprang at me before I could react, but Aiden caught him and threw him to the ground, snarling and trying to sink his teeth into Aiden's flesh.

"Alessia, go to the Bloodstone and find a cure for Noah!" Aiden shrieked vehemently, his face flushed with vengeance.

"What about you?" I was startled by what I was witnessing. Logan struck Aiden abruptly, causing him to fall directly into a column, fracturing everything. I started sprinting towards him right away and shuddered when I saw him. He lay on the ground, his bones splitting into pieces, as though somebody was mercilessly slaughtering him. His howls radiated across the island, expressing suffering in each syllable. I stood there speechless, knowing what was going on, tears began to flow down my face. Aiden was turning. Soft black hairs sprang all over his body almost instantly, rising in number by the second.

"Aiden?" I murmured in a hoarse voice that conveyed my panic and fear.

"MOVE, ALESSIA!" Aiden roared. Just in time for a brilliant light to appear across the environment, Logan began screaming in agony as he crashed to the ground, his shoulders covering his eyes from the luminous light. The radiance faded away after a few seconds, and in front of me stood a gorgeous black wolf gazing at me in the eyes. The wolf was as dark as midnight. His fur was silky and lustrous, with a short length across his torso and a greater length around the neck. He understands how to take care of himself, as seen by his confident attitude and powerful frame.

Aiden gives me a sweet grin before shifting his gaze to Logan, who was groaning in pain and clutching his stomach fiercely on the floor. He immediately began walking, his delicate paws digging into the soft earth and leaving imprints wherever he went. I would huff and puff if I had to walk a couple of miles bathed in perspiration, yet he moved fluidly and without apparent effort. Logan sprung to his feet in bewilderment when he saw Aiden in front of him, but he quickly changed his expression into a grin, as if he had already won the fight.

"It appears that killing you will be easy now." He spoke in hushed tones as if he were in a trance and not in control of his body, and something snapped within my head. Logan was being manipulated in the same way as Devora and the Vampire was.

"DON'T HURT HIM, AIDEN!" "HE'S UNDER CONTROL!" I screamed, but it was too late; the fight had already commenced, with Aiden ripping Logan to shreds, yet each wound healed twice as fast as the last, almost like a hydra. Logan screamed and dug his teeth into Aiden's flesh, forcing him to yell in agony. The struggle was horrific to see, with blood squeezing out in all directions virtually without effort.

Aiden was thrown to the ground in an instant, with Logan laughing uncontrollably like a guy suffering from a mental illness, but that wasn't the worst part. His appearance was unmistakably inhuman, having more inhumane traits than human. The cave immediately began flashing warmly, almost beckoning me within, and I began heading inside with a quiet mellow voice calling aloud. As I continued travelling deeper into the cave, the exquisite inscriptions on the wall began to shine a dazzling golden colour, and I exclaimed. Beautiful bloodstone floated in mid-air on a little granite pedestal in the centre, blazing so brightly that my eyes only saw gold. When I leapt out to feel the smooth edges, I felt a flash of boundless strength running through my veins. I was staring at it in bemusement when something captured my interest. There was a large portion absent from the bloodstone as if someone had ripped it apart. The ring on my finger kept pushing me closer and closer to the stone, and I eventually realised why when I glanced at it. It was the missing element that was the solution. It shot right into the blank portion as I wrenched it out, as though it had been attached to a magnetic attraction. Instantly, a tremendous horn boomed everywhere, knocking me to my knees and causing me to clutch my ears in anguish as I peered at the now-complete stone, which began showering the atmosphere in such vivid colour that it appeared artistic. The sirens ceased after a few minutes, and a powerful beam shot from the stone at a figure behind it. I immediately heard rubble and plaster cracking on the ground, casting a gentle smooth radiance over the figure. I decided to approach cautiously towards the apparition and nearly passed out when I saw it. Gorgeous caramel hair stretched to both sides of her shoulders, a gorgeous black gown created from the most exquisite silk known to earth packed with varied golden jewellery all around her, and a magnificent black crown with bloodstone gems set on her head.

"Ravana," I remarked gently, almost unintentionally, but I knew it was correct. A magnificent golden stake soaked in red spirals was clutched between her palms. I attempted to think of an application for this, but nothing came to my memory. I dashed outside to find Aiden in human form, and I hurriedly wrapped a large towel around his body as he shivered in anguish.

"Are you all right?" As I knelt alongside him and placed my palm on his sweat-soaked brow, I inquired.

"Yeah," he answered quietly, his voice frail, which upset me. I glanced around to see Logan on the ground, blood streaming from multiple wounds all over his body, and I grew concerned pretty quickly.

Aiden murmured, "Check him," as he clasped my palm warmly in gratitude. I decided to check on Logan, who was sprawled on the ground clutching a large wound on his stomach that revealed his tendons, and I was repulsed by how pale his skin appeared. I sprinted over to him and sank to my knees, seeing blood running from his mouth and tears streaming down his face as he stared at me.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered as he knelt in humiliation, and I understood the only reason he did it was because he was being misled.

"That's ok. Now let's treat your wounds," I murmured as I drew a smooth glass veil from one of my pockets, exposing a soft purple liquid. Slowly, I lifted his head and began to pour the liquid into his mouth, which immediately began to mend his injuries. Within seconds, his ripped wounds started to improve, and a grin began to grow over my face as his face began to return to its original colour.

"Thanks," he sighed as he sat up straight, and for a brief moment, we stared into each other's eyes, fully enamoured.

"I'm going to give Aiden a potion," I whispered as I hastily averted my eyes away trying to bury my sentiments. I dashed over to Aiden and forced him to sip a potion that instantly continued working. He then started putting clothes on from dead victims on the floor, which I found repugnant, but it was either that or the blanket. Then, out of nowhere, a voice beckoned to me from the cave, its vibrations giving serenity to my entire body.

I began walking slowly, as if in a trance as if a force was guiding my every step. I could see the Bloodstone blazing brilliantly reaching out to me, and I had no choice but to comply. The colours drew me in and beckoned me to touch them, which I obliged. It began to take shape around the memories I cherished the most and a person came in front of me very rapidly, and I nearly broke down in tears when I saw them.

"Noah," I murmured as he motioned me to come forward with his hand.

"Help me, Alessia," he screamed out in desperation, and I felt inclined to assist him. I wanted to rescue him. Memories began to overwhelm me, making it difficult to even breathe.

"I'm on my way!" I panicked as I dashed into the cave entrance, nearly tripping over the fallen statue who began peering into my soul with anxious eyes, warning me that this was a deception, but I was unable to control my impulses. I intended to help Noah, and the only way to do it was to use the Bloodstone. I was dazzled by how magnificent the stone was becoming and soon as I stepped inside, a fire unleashed inside me and gave me the energy I sought. I proceeded forward to see Noah standing in front of the Bloodstone, a shattered smile on his face." It's too late, Alessia," he remarked softly, and he started to crumble away as if he were made of sand. I dashed beside him, but he was practically gone, leaving a great mound of golden sand next to me whilst his beautiful eyes beamed at me with a bright smirk, although it was the end.

He stated, "This is the beginning, Alessia," and with that that he was gone, the remainder of his body dissolving into the sand. I wailed as passionately as I could, tears streaming down my face, as I fell to the ground, clutching the pile of sand as if it were him.

"I'm so sorry," I muttered as I clutched it to my chest, hoping he was near.

"Alessia, are you all right?" Aiden yelled from outside, his voice distressed. I brushed the streams from my eyes and forced the flimsiest smile I could muster. I stepped outside to find Logan and Aiden looking at me, relieved.

"Yeah, let's get going," I spoke as I proceeded towards them, trying not to communicate as I started gathering our belongings into our backpacks. At that moment, I began to create a gateway with all of the unbearable pain I was experiencing as a result of what had transpired with Noah.

Slowly, I began rotating my hands in a circle, visualising Noah at the end of the doorway, in hopes that we may see each other once again. With him running towards me with a huge smile on his face and his hair blowing in the soft breeze. Instantly, a shape began to develop, and I continued to unload more and more of my emotions into it, articulating all I was suffering and the way I had betrayed my friend. A golden red portal appeared in front of me in about a minute, with the Werewolf Mansion nearby. After it was over, I collapsed to my knees, depositing drips of dark blood on the ground.

"Let's go home," Aiden stated, as he began raising me from the earth and supporting my hand over his shoulder.

We were walking slowly towards the portal when I recognised I had misplaced my backpack, which contained all of my magic books.

"Guys, I forgot my backpack in the cave," I explained as I let go of Aiden's shoulders and rushed towards the cave entrance, Logan grinning behind me. I immediately spotted my bag near the statue, which was unexpected, but I cautiously wrapped it around my shoulders, staring at the lovely bloodstone one final time, soaking in all of its beauty, before heading back towards the portal, still heartbroken that I had betrayed the promise I had intended to keep.

The frightened looks on Aiden and Logan's faces told me something was wrong, and I knew why when Olivia appeared in front of them and shoved them inside the portal, their voices screaming my name just as the portal closed completely, leaving me alone with a psychopath on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. Anxiety grew inside of me almost instantaneously, but I put on a strong front and thrust out my fists, ready to fight, when she suddenly burst out laughing, her hands on her face. I rushed towards her, ready to knock that laughter out of her face, when she vanished into the mist, swallowing me as little sparks of red lighting began to strike me from every direction.

Suddenly, the mist began to expose all of my recent memories, from encountering Noah and our final conversation together to Aiden and Logan's battle.

"All of this would have been different if you had just picked Logan, but of course, you had to meet him that day," Olivia raged, exposing herself with each utterance. And I was immediately taken back to the recollection of colliding with Aiden as I rushed inside the barrier and collapsing on his shoulders.

"This is revealing mist, Alessia; it displays all that has happened, as well as what is conceivable," Olivia said as I saw her form hovering above me, engulfed in mist, gazing at me with her awful grin.

I gasped as I saw a person walking in front of me with lightning crashing all around me, one directly in front of the figure, and I almost sobbed when I was able to see again.

"Noah!" I exclaimed, almost unsure if he was real or not, as I peered at him. But he was here in person, with his lovely brown eyes, which I had always imagined twinkling and beaming at me. I raced towards him and gave him a warm hug, but I immediately realised something was amiss. He felt almost too cold to be human, and the worst happened just as I realised what was going on.

As he plunged the golden spike into my heart, I wailed in melancholy and hugged him firmly in pain, blood dripping from my hands all over his t-shirt. I glanced at him with tears in my eyes, thinking that this was only a hallucination.

"Noah...Why?" I asked when the mist had vanished into the skies, I collapsed to the ground, attempting to pull the stake from my heart in torment when suddenly someone pulled me forward and disgust overtook me.

"Olivia," I murmured, realising that this was all her doing.

"Who else could it be?" She inquired as she knelt next to me cleaning the dirt from her trousers.

"Alessia, don't you understand?" Nobody can have Aiden if I can't. He is, after all, my greatest passion. The one I breathed for every second the one I would do anything for which is why I need to kill you" She whispered as she began caressing my face with the delight of what she was going to achieve. With blood squirting all over her face, she continued twisting the stake in my heart even further, while she started licking my blood with her tongue in joy and satisfaction.

"Alessia, this has been quite a ride." However, you made it personal when you went after him, so this was bound to happen. After all, doesn't a Werewolf's Obsession endure an eternity?" She questioned as she burst out laughing before she withdrew the stake from my heart, causing me excruciating pain and depleting my oxygen supply, causing me to gasp continually. My eyelids instantly lowered, signalling that I was near death, but all I could do was remain there, shivering in misery, waiting for the darkness to embrace me and claim my soul.

"It hurts, doesn't it? That's how I felt every time Aiden turned me down, but things are about to change, aren't they?" She chuckled just as I was about to pass out from exhaustion. But there was no way I was going to perish without her. Slowly, I drew a little dagger from my pocket, engraved with the tattoo of her pack that Dad had given me as a gift that I was lucky enough to have retained, and just as she got close enough, I stabbed her in the heart, hearing the tissue shatter with blood splattering all over my face.

When slowly I began hearing the last of her heartbeats, she gazed at me in disbelief, gripping the blade in despair, comprehending what I had just done. I could hear her agonising screams echoing within my skull as she erupted into ashes, but I couldn't let her win. Carefully, with blood-stained fingers, I drew a little crystal from my pocket and crushed it on the ground, with a destination in mind. The gateway emerged instantly, but it appeared to be unstable, and I realised it would only be open for a few seconds, therefore I began dragging myself into the portal with the rest of my power, relying solely on my final strength to assist me.

I forced my way inside just as it exploded into flames. Suddenly, darkness descended upon me, causing me to pass out as Olivia's cries echoed in my ears. But I knew it was just a matter of time until this happened.

After all, death has a date with every one of us…