Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Shawn walked towards me with not so happy face; I tried my best not to laugh looking at it.

"Why the gloomy aura, Shawn?" I asked him

"Shut up, you TRAITOR." He spoke.

"Huh? Me… traitor?

He glared at me and sighed, "Annie said that she called to confess to you."

"That's quite a hard lie right there," I said, and he nodded.

Well, we both knew that it was a lie; Nope, I think she just snapped at him and told this lie. This indirect plan failed, eh? I guess I will ask her directly, but I at least don't want to ask her in front of everyone. It's an attention seeker's thing.

And thus, I decided that I would text her after school.


"Hey, Ace here. You called me on Thursday, and I didn't receive your call. Sorry about that. So, I wanted to know why you called me…." I texted her, and the message was sent!!

Seconds later, she replied, "Hey there, I called you because I wanted to tell you something."

"And what is it?" I texted her back.

A minute later, she replies, "Come on, that's something you should have noticed."

Noticed? Huh? I didn't understand this line and asked her this, "Is that so? Then I am really sorry I haven't noticed anything."

"That's weird," she replied and sent a "sighing" sticker and again texted, "Come on, I did give you hints every now and then. You are not dumb, right?"

This conversation is bizarre… It's going nowhere... And that's when I remembered what Shawn told me. If I consider that, then it's a prank, right? A confession pranks?

But then I shouldn't jump to a conclusion, so I will just go with the flow for now.

"Hints? Did you? Then I should know."

"Did you get it?" she replied.

We kept on conversing until we reached a point where she texted this, "I love you." By this time, I was sure that this was a prank… But I also replied with, "I also have been in love with you." A total cringe line for me, at least.