Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I am done with my work, and I now have to call her. How will this call go now… a tricky question. "sigh," but I gotta call her. And then I finally called her. She picked up, and the first word I heard was "sorry" and followed by another "sorry" and so on until I interrupted her.

"Shhh…." And she finally stops.

"Now calm down and let me be sorry too," I said, and of course, she is confused since it was her who pranked me, and why am I apologizing.

"I am sorry for playing along with your pranks, too, even though I knew it was a prank."

"You are kidding, right?" she replied.

"I am not that dumb to not understand anything, I think. I might be indifferent, but certainly not dumb. So next time, don't underestimate me, maybe? After saying this, it was silence. Suddenly she started laughing, saying, "You are weird."

"Well, more or less, I am aware of that!" I chuckled and replied. " So you don't need to be sorry; that all I have got to say."

"Hey… but how did you recognize that it was a prank? Even though I carried out my plan so smoothly."

I then explained to her how I actually got to know that it was a prank. To be honest, what I think is the result of the prank is because of me. If I hadn't played along with it, then it might have ended with a different ending.

After explaining to her, I remembered why I actually messaged her, and so I asked her, "By the way, Why did you call me on that day? And also, why did you reply to Shawn that way? Well, this question, I am just curious."

"Well… I called you that day because you left your book in the lab, and the teacher told me to get it and return it to you. And regarding the reply to him, that day it was just solely because I was angry at that moment.

" I see…" Well, that was obvious, I guess.

"Okay, then I am gonna say this last time. I am extremely sorry for all the troubles that I caused you." She once again apologized, but this time it's the last time.

"I forgive you…So don't ever mind this."