Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Annie's POV:

We have been in the same class for the last two years, yet we barely knew each other. We had a minimal conversation, like when asking something or greetings and all.

I think – no, I know that whenever Ace interacted with people, he didn't behave like his usual self. As if he switches his personality. I wonder why?


Ace's POV:

It's been a while since I am on call, Weird that I haven't –

"Why do you act like someone else when you are around people." She asked me this out of nowhere.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I questioned her,

"Sorry, but I always feel like you are wearing a mask to hide your true self."

Was I that obvious?

"That's because one's life isn't simply influenced because of himself. A major role is also played by the people that surround his life. Don't you think Annie?"

She instantly agreed and replied, "Well, that's true, but how is that related to changed behavior around people?"

"Then it might be because I don't have any friends, or it also might be because no one wants to be my friend," I replied; A simple answer…

"Oh, then what do you say? Can I be your friend?"

I slightly laughed and replied, "You are too straightforward, you know that?" or it is just because that is simply how you are.

"Alright, if you think I am worthy of being your friend, then I will be happy to have a friend like you."

And this way, Annie and I became friends, and it was just the beginning.