Be There For You

I let Alastair sleep for another hour or so before I gently squeeze his hand.

"Star, wake up. We have to go back to class."

His big purple eyes blink up at me. He smiles sleepily. "What did you call me?"

"Um… Alastair?"

He chuckles lightly. "You know I can tell when you're lying. I can literally read minds. Although… I'm too tired right now to bother."

I furrow my brows in concern as Alastair yawns. "Wha- what did you do?" When he doesn't answer immediately, I forge on. "It was like you were inside my mind and I couldn't think about anything except what you told me to: breathing, the wave. That was you right?"

Alastair doesn't meet my gaze. He looks… nervous? "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that," He mumbles.

"I'm glad you did. You really saved me… again."

Alastair blushes beautifully and my heart sores.

"But, are you ok? That looked like… a lot."

"It… was. Thanks for letting me sleep a little. I've never done that on a werewolf before, much less a transformed one. It's draining even just practicing on Addy for more than a minute."

"But, what exactly did you do?"

"Addy calls it 'inception'." Alastair smiles weakly. "It's something like thought projection or a very strong form of suggestion. But, I shouldn't have done it without your permission. It's one of the most invasive things I can do."

"Hey, don't worry about it. Like I said, I'm really grateful." I lightly squeeze him, trying to be reassuring.

"Oh!" Alastair pulls back slightly, looking away, his face turning the enchanting shade of pink. "I- I brought your clothes." He holds out the armful of clothing he is carrying. I laugh lightly, not feeling embarrassed in the slightest. Alastair has seen me naked before.

I take the bundle from him and begin to dress. He even grabbed my phone, which I check for the time. Ten minutes till the start of seventh period.

"If we go now, we can still make it for precalc."

Alastair nods and I help him stand. Our hands linger after I pull him up, fingers brushing. His palm is soft, but his fingertips are covered in calluses. So, he's good with his hands. Fuck, that's hot. I reluctantly let go and turn back in the direction of school.

"How did you know I was out here anyways?" I ask.

"Oh. Addy let down her block to tell me you ran away from the cafeteria upset after she had a spat with a werewolf. She wants me to tell you, and I quote 'That girl was being a total twat, but upon reflection I realize: informing her of that fact may have been detrimental to Cam's image and perceived ability to choose acceptable friends.'"

"Pfft. That sounds like her. What a round about way to apologize for something that clearly wasn't her fault."

"That's my sister for you."

I hum in agreement. "But I still don't understand how you found me. We are at least a half mile from school out here."

"Well..." Alastair nibbles on his bottom lip, avoiding my gaze.

"Is it a telepath thing?"

"Sort of? It's just, I figured you would head to the woods, but then, as soon as I stepped outside to try to find you… I… um… I could feel you."

"Feel me?"

"Yeah… your mind… it felt like it was hammering against mine. It felt desperate to get my attention, I could almost smell your distress and the closer I got to you the more potent it became."

I gulp. "That sounds… unpleasant. I'm sorry I bothered you with my drama."

"No, it's ok. I wanted to be there for you." Alastair flushes again and I feel my blood rush downward, although I'm not sure whether I'm more attracted to his cute expression or his kind words.

But then he breaks the pleasant spell he cast on me with his next statement. "Besides, I didn't help anything by agreeing to go to that football game with you. Us being friends will only end badly."

I groan. "Why do you always have to do that?"


"Remind me that you don't want to be my friend!" I growl. "If you're that against it, why did you help me at all, today or on Monday?"

Alastair frowns. "I already told you. I wanted to."



"Why do you want to? What am I to you anyways?"

"N-Nothing. I would have…" He trails off, looking away as we walk through the forest towards school. "I would have done that for anyone," he whispers.

I scoff. "What? You swoop in to save random strangers all the time? Who do you think you are? Superman?"

Alastair's expression hardens a little. "No. What those warlocks were doing on Monday was wrong, an abuse of their powers. I had to intervene."

"And who was abusing their power when you expended all yours inside my head? Do you do that with just anyone?!" I know my emotions are getting the better of me, but I can't help myself, even as Alastair's eyes fill with hurt.

"Being associated with us jeopardized your relationship with the pack. I had to do something!"

"So, what? I'm your charity project? No thanks, I already have an overprotective boyfriend."

Tears well in his eyes, but his expression is hard and angry. "This isn't even about you, Cameron!" He takes a deep steadying breath as we break the treeline and the school comes into view. "I'm not trying to be your protector," he says more calmly. "I have certain responsibilities in the coven—"

"Right, the coven," I spit. "So where were you when your coven was bullying me for years? Why didn't you stop them then?"

Alastair halts just short of the school's back door entrance, gaping like a fish. When he doesn't immediately respond, I yank the door open and storm into the hall without looking back.