Making Their Move (3)

In the Shadow Realm, half a dozen meters below the Tier-1 and Tier-2 VSFA Teams, Cynrik clapped his hands loudly, causing everyone to flinch, before he began speaking.

"Change of plans, no riot for you lot, blame Brancie; instead, I will have to do some micromanaging. Here's the plan; above us, you will see the two teams and the chaperones from our Academy." Cynrik stated as he pointed out above.

"When they approach the tunnel leading into the Arena, I will position you directly under them. Before they walk across the threshold, marking the halfway point, I plan to expel everyone from the Shadow Realm.

"Your job is to guard against anyone tagged as hostile. Do not hold back if anyone aside from VSFA students or staff comes within your pre-established attack range. Oh yeah, that goes for you two as well." Looking away from the geared-up and ready-to-fight members of MyrkLys, Cynrik tilted his head to the side and examined Garrison and Rimsfel.