With careful and expert-level precision, Cynrik efficiently guided MyrkLys, Kurza, Rimsfel, and Garrison into position after he was sure multiple layers of stealth skills covered them.
{{Keep overly attentive; although Sel's shadow skills can mask your presence, and your combined efforts and Rimsfel's Light Bending can hide you from sight, they each have flaws. Any high Tiered being can spot you, given they are paying enough attention, let alone someone with an ocular skill like [Mana Sight].}} Cynrik added as he dropped down several meters and glided into position under his first target.
{{Copy, everyone in our team has experienced Light Skills, and even if Kurza isn't great at using them, he still is a Light Affinity User. So it is safe to assume he can bend the light around his body to some extent.}} Brance replied as he calmly observed his surroundings while filing in behind everyone, careful not to disturb the ground by kicking any rubbish lying about.