Chapter 1

Mia comes out of the bathroom, a towel hanging loosely around her petite body. The drops of shower water ran down her long hair.

She moves over to her dresser and starts to brush through her brown locks.

Once, her hair is done, she goes to her closet, picking out her outfit for the day. She long black jeans and a light blue blouse, her favourite blouse.

According to some people, it makes her eyes stand out, so why not?

Once her morning routine is complete, she goes down the stairs of her apartment towards her kitchen, quickly fixing herself some breakfast before she grabs her car keys and heads out her front door.

On her way to work, she stops for coffee at her favourite coffee shop, getting her regular Americano like she does every morning.

Once she arrives at the police station, she is greeted with a very unpleasant sight.

Jake Henson.

He's standing in the parking lot, in front of his black Mercedes-Benz, leaning against the side of the car, trying to look like some kind of model.

Mia almost gags at the sight of her arch-enemy, smirking at her seductively, trying to get her attention.

Well, not today. She is not going to let him ruin her pleasant morning mood with his crap.

"Morning, beautiful. Looking gorgeous as always," Jake says with a smirk.

Mia ignores the male as she just strides past him into the fairly large building.

"Oh, come on, Mia, no comment today? How am I supposed to go about my day without your loving words of endearment?" He asks dramatically, his words dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh, buzz off Jake, I'm not letting you ruin my good mood," She says.

"Aw, and here I thought I was the reason for your lively mood," the male says with a pout and a faked sad look on his face.

Even though somehow he still makes that look attractive.

 Cocky bastard.

If he thinks she's so naive as to fall for that piece-of-crap act, he is much more of an idiot than she ever thought he was.

As she makes her way to her office, Jake keeps tailing behind her, ignoring the fact that she is ignoring him, and just keeps whining about how hurt he is that she's so mean to his little, innocent self.

Not that she could care less. She is already used to this type of behaviour from him. He's been doing the same routine for three years now. Not only that, but he acted very similarly back in high school when everything started.

When in her office, she places her coffee on her neatly organized desk and goes to sit in her comfy swivel chair.

Jake, on the other hand, plops himself down on the seat in front of her desk, finally shutting up and staring at her expectantly.

"What?" She asks, her mood starting to turn for the worse. Jake smirks at her annoyed tone and scoots his chair forward until he's leaning on her desk.

"Oh, come on, are you not gonna say anything today? After three whole years? Mia?" He asks with a cocky smirk on his face as she feels her annoyance level rising.

"Yes, Jake. I'm not gonna put up with you today, I have got work to do. Something it seems you are lacking," She throws him a snarky remark.

"Finally! My girl is back! I've missed you, my love!" He says playfully.

"Just. Don't." She says, releasing a giant sigh of annoyance, her perfect mood officially ruined by the male across from her.

"Could you just go and find something else to do besides annoy me, Jake? I'm pretty sure the Chief has got work for you," She says to the male across from her, not even looking at him.

"Ugh, you're no fun today, babe," He says, a pout evident in his tone.

"Could you please stop calling me that?" She snaps, the vein already starting to protrude out of her forehead.

"Nope!" He says playfully, skipping out of her office like a child. Well, that's what he is.

A man-child. A freaking five-year-old stuck in a twenty-three-year-old's body. Poor child. Even something as annoying as a toddler would be tired of Jake within five minutes.

How is she supposed to get through this day? It has only barely started, and she already longs for her bed and some dark chocolate. All alone. Finally, free from him.

Sadly, though, she would have to push through another workday with him. And it's only Monday! Why is life so cruel to her? What has she done wrong in life to receive a curse like Jake Henson? She doesn't know what it could be, but it would have had to be something really bad for her to get this type of bad luck.

It's been long enough, don't you think?

It must be someone else's turn to babysit the man-baby, right?!

As long as he stays out of her way until lunch, she could at least stay happy, with her little bit of peace.

She manages to work non-stop until lunchtime, when Jake bursts into her office, with a very excited look on his face.

Simultaneously, a frown starts to form on hers. "What is it, Jake?" She asks, her foul mood returning almost instantly. "I've got a surprise for you, Mia!" He squeals happily.

He places a file on her desk, labelled: GREY-MURDER in big black block letters.

Her eyes widen, and excitement starts to bubble within her. It's been so long since she's had a real case. She opens the folder and starts to read it, her eyes scanning over the instructions from the Chief until her eyes land on one request and her eyes grow big.

"Detective Mia Cooper is required to have a partner on this case. A partner has already been assigned to the case; Detective Jake Henson. If the detectives assigned are not able to solve the case, the case will be transferred to other detectives."

Great. It's just perfect.

Curse her grandfather. How could he do this to her when she is only a year away from becoming the new Police Chief? This has to be her grandfather's idea of a sick joke since she only talks with him about her Jake-related problems. If they fail in solving this case, it could mess up her case-solving record.

Seriously, what has she done to deserve this punishment?