Chapter 2

"So it seems like fate just wants to keep us together, eh?" Jake says, with a huge smirk plastered on his face.

"Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out what I did in my life to deserve this curse," Mia says with a straight face and a monotone voice.

"What!?" Jake asks dramatically, his hand clasped over his chest. "Why do you break my heart like this?" He asks, obviously fake tears starting to form in his eyes.

"You should try pursuing an acting career because that performance was spot-on!" She says, showing him a sarcastic thumbs up.

"Gee, thanks. I'll consider it because my baby said I'll be good at it!" He says like a fanboy who just received a compliment from his favourite celebrity.

"Okay, Jake, as much as I despise working with you, we need to do this. Together," Mia says with a very audible sigh.

"You made that sound like something dirty..." Jake says with a smirk while he wiggles his eyebrows playfully.

"Just so you know, I'd do something dirty with you any day of the week, babe," Jake says with a wink as he sees Mia's face turn crimson.

"Shut up, you idiot!" She says, trying to regain her thoughts, as pictures of them together intimately keep popping up in her head. She shakes her head to try to get rid of the very explicit ideas when Jake starts to fawn over Mia.

"Aww, you are so cute, baby!" Jake coos before proceeding to sit across from her.

"Will you please refrain from calling me that?" She asks, her head hurting because of Jake's shouts. This must be how celebrities feel about their fans.

"Can you be serious, please? This is an important case and we need to figure it out or we will lose it to some other investigators. I am not willing to mess up my record because of you," She tells the man in front of her with a stern tone while looking through the file Jake gave her earlier.

To her surprise, he immediately turns serious. Wow, talk about a sudden change of character. She didn't even have to nag at him or anything. He looks at her intensely, causing her to start to feel small under his fiery gaze.

"U-uh, yeah, so, according to the file, Mr Grey was found two days ago in his mansion's bedroom, the mansion that he shares with his four sons. The file says that the cause of his death is still unknown. Maybe the autopsy hasn't been completed yet. We just need to double-check on that," She says to herself while scanning the document, making some notes of her own along the given ones.

"Do w have any suspects yet?" Jake asks, his voice suddenly going deep and raspy.

"Not yet, that is if you don't count the sons, which of course I do. So, not so much to go on, this might be a tough one," She says, scratching the back of her head. Luckily for her, she has never backed down from a challenge, which will make her a great chief in the future or so everyone says.

"Okay, I can check with some of my contacts and try to find some info on the sons and their relationship with their father," Jake says, standing up from the chair and heading toward the door.

"I'll get it to you as soon as possible, okay?" He says while walking out of her office. "Yeah, thanks, Jake. I'll try to find some clues in the photos they sent." Mia says, not noticing that he was already gone, before immersing herself in the photographs once more.

Two hours fly by, with her not even noticing, before Jake pops into her office, placing a cup of coffee and a muffin on her desk. She looks at him with a raised brow.

"What? I'm assuming you skipped lunch?" He says, and as if on cue, her stomach releases a loud growl, signalling her hunger. Guess she has just been too busy to notice.

"Thanks, Jake, I appreciate it," She says, the hunger making her nicer for food.

"Anytime," He says with a smile, his hazel eyes turning into crescents.

As the day passes by, Mia sits in her office quietly, humming a tune to herself with her back to the door. As she hums the tune of the random song, she slowly starts to sing along. Her singing distracts her as she nods her head to the song playing in her head.

"I never knew you could sing so beautifully," She flinches and hears a deep voice with a whistle following the words. She jumps in shock and turns around abruptly, almost falling off of the chair. What she sees is gleeful Jake standing at the door, leaning against the door frame with his arms folded and a smirk plastered on his face.

"What do you want, Jake?!" She asks full of humiliation, still trying to get her heartbeat to calm down. "I want you, baby..." He says with a dangerously deep voice, his devilish smirk never leaving his plump lips.

"Excuse me?" She asks the male warningly.

He chuckles at her facial expression.

"Chill, I'm just teasing you, I got some information on the Grey siblings," He says boredly, placing a thin file on her desk.

"Oh really? Great, thanks a lot! I'll make sure to visit them this week," She says, ignoring her embarrassment and presenting a mood a little more pleasant than before.

"Oh no, you're not..." Jake says simply.

"And why would I not?" She asks with a confused look on her face. "Because why in the world would I let my girl go to a big, creepy mansion, where there are four possibly attractive men that can steal you away from me, huh? I'll be going with you," He says, his tone serious with an undertone of real jealousy, something that is quite surprising to Mia.

"I'm not yours, Jake," Mia says, looking annoyed at the male at the door

"Oh, it's just a matter of time, don't you worry, love," Jake says as a matter of fact.

"Don't hold your breath," She says, rolling her eyes at the male. "Don't worry, I'll wait as long as I have to. You'll be mine at the end, you'll see," He says, giving a small smile but being completely serious.

"Ugh! Fine! I guess you can come along, but don't get in my way," She says, a small pout on her lips.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He says with a satisfied smirk on his face, astonishing Mia as to how fast he can change his character.

Oh, this is going to be very interesting.