WebNovelMiaw Miaw52.38%

Chapter 11

Mia sighed as she saw the man she had learned to despise enter her home, her safe space. Her annoyance seemed to have reached new heights as she observed Jake walk around her home, as he touched and picked up everything within his reach.

"Come in and make yourself comfortable, Jake," Mia said sarcastically as she stepped aside so that the male could further explore her house.

"Thanks for letting me crash here, Miaw Miaw. I really appreciate it," Jake's said, that dreaded nickname making her feel nauseous. He hadn't called her that is a while. It brought back too many memories.

"Please don't call me that, Jake. Let me show you to your room. Follow me," Mia said with a sigh before she took some of Jake's luggage and walked up the stairs, as Jake followed her closely.

"So, here is your room. The bathroom is just down the hall next to my room, so if you need anything just call. I placed some extra towels and supplies in your room so I hope they're to your liking. If you will excuse me, I want to go and take a shower, make yourself at home," Mia said, as she tried her best to be a good host to Jake as a favour to her grandfather but she wanted to rip the male's head from his shoulders.

"Sure. Want me to join you in there?" Jake asked in a flirty way before getting way too close to Mia for her liking. "No, thank you, I can manage by myself," She simply said with an eye roll, before she backed away from the smirking male and made her way towards the bathroom.

When she closed the door behind her, she sighed, as she looked at her perfect bath waiting on her.

Some other day I guess, Mia thought to herself as she sighed unhappily. So, instead of a long bath, Mia decided to take a short shower instead.

When she finished, she walked out of the bathroom, the towel wrapped around her small body, as she made her way towards her bedroom.

When she entered her room, she quickly went to her dresser and picked out a pair of loose-fitting shorts and a shirt. Just as she was about to change, she heard a shuffle in front of her. She looked up, and saw a certain male stare back at her, a huge smirk on his face.

"Jake! What are you doing in here?" Mia screamed at the male on top of her bed. "Aw, just when things were getting good!" Jake said with a pout. Mia looked at him with a disgusted expression on her face. "You're being really creepy," She said with a deadpan tone.

"Relax Mia, I would have made myself known if things were going to go too far. I was just lonely, and you were taking forever. So, I decided to keep you company. No harm intended," Jake said in an apologetic tone with an innocent smile.

"Well, could you maybe keep me company when I'm not only wearing just a towel?" Mia screamed.

"Isn't that the best type of company? I mean, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before. Without the towel is even better, don't you think?", Jake remarked teasingly, his famous smirk displayed proudly, the smirk that Mia despised so much.

"No! I do not think it's the best without a towel nor do I think it's good at all!" Mia said as she tried her best to keep her face from turning crimson upon hearing the male's comments.

Yes, the proud Mia Smith was as shy as could be right now. Not because of the situation she was currently in or because she was only wearing a towel, but because the person that was currently witnessing her shame was Jake.

She couldn't begin to understand why it had to be Jake that made her feel so shy. Was it because him seeing her like this only caused more strain on their hate-love relationship?

Or was it because of something else?

However, before she could even think further on the subject, she stomped towards her fluffy, comfortable bed and pulled Jake off of it, before she shoved him in the direction of the door.

"Jake, get out so I can change, it's cold in here!" Mia whined while she pushed the male even further out the door. "Well in that case, let me keep you warm Miaw Miaw," Jake teased, earning a punch on the shoulder from Mia. Suddenly, his voice went deeper, making a chill run down Mia's spine as he spoke. "I know you remember everything," He said before going to his room down the hall.

She closed the door behind her and let out a breath she had been keeping in. She walked over to her bed she sat down on the comforter. She felt the warmth Jake left behind, slowly fading. Her heart was beating rapidly, and her face was beet red.

Why was she freaking out like this? What was he doing to her? She didn't know the answers to these questions but she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of a win. Never ever.

Behind the door, Jake was dying of laughter as he managed to get Mia flustered.

This was a personal victory for him and the first step of his plan was now complete.

Time for phase two, Jake thought to himself as he went to go and take a shower before getting ready for bed.

As for Mia, it was not all that easy. She was freaked out about Jake going into her room while she was about to undress and so she was slightly paranoid that he would do it again.

The other reason for her consciousness was the fact that she was still trying to figure out why Jake had that effect on her earlier and if it was something she could change.

With a head empty of ideas and answers, she decided to just figure it out in the morning with a rested mind and after some sheep counting, she was floating around in her dreams.