WebNovelMiaw Miaw57.14%

Chapter 12

Mia woke up to the distinct smell of scrambled eggs and toast. First, confusion stuck her as to what was going on, so she made her way down the stairs towards the kitchen, stepping softly and quietly down the stairs to not disrupt the scene in her living room.

As she made her way down the stairs, the smell intensified and she could actually taste the food in her mouth. Her stomach growled at the thought of breakfast. When she finally got to the bottom of the stairs, instead of food greeting her, she was greeted by something very different.

There before her was a sight she never, in her twenty-two years of life, would have imagined seeing. Jake was busy working out in her living room, sweat trickling down his exposed arms as his hair stuck to his forehead.

Mia's mouth hung open at the sight of the male working out in front of her. Her heart started to race once again and her body reacted quickly to the sight before her. She continued to stare at the male doing his push-ups in front of her, not noticing his gaze on her until he spoke to her.

"Like what you see Miaw Miaw," Jake huffed out as he jumped up from his position on the floor.

"W-what? No! I was just wondering what that smell was," Mia deflected hid question as she purposefully looked at anything but him, her face flushing crimson.

"Yeah? If you say so. I made you some breakfast as a thank you for letting me stay here. Please go and enjoy while I finish up over here. But if you want, you can always watch me a bit longer, maybe I'll also get to work out with you then," Jake said cheekily, his eyes hiding different emotions than what he was projecting.

"Uh, n-no thank you, I'm fine," Mia declined hastily before willing her body to get out of there, as she cursed at herself because of her stuttering, not noticing her face was practically as red as a cherry.

"Okay. But if you change your mind, I'll be happy to make you sweat," Jake said with a smirk, purposely turning around and flexing his defined back muscles for Mia to see.

"I'll go eat. Just continue", Mia said, quickly making her way towards her kitchen, seeing the food Jimin had prepared for her upon entering the kitchen.

Unconsciously, a small smile broke out on her face when she thought about Jake waking up and cooking her some breakfast. The picture of his defined body also not leaving her flustered mind.

As she pushed her thoughts of Jake away, she went to get some orange juice, poured out two glasses and made a note that she was low on groceries. Because Jake was also staying with her, she needed to restock, it would look bad for her image as a host if she had no food or supplies. So, she decided that after breakfast, she would head down to the grocery store to buy her supplies.

After quickly thanking Jake for the breakfast, she headed up towards her room to start her morning routine, consisting of a quick shower, and then some light make-up with casual clothes. She finally got to wear some of the new clothes that she had gotten from her shopping trip with Austin.

A black cropped top-like hoodie with some black tights and some black and white Converse. She tied her hair into a high ponytail, letting her hair fall in curls behind her. She wanted to ask Jake if he wanted to come with her, but the said male was in the shower at that time. If she had waited any longer, she told herself that all the good stuff would be gone, so she decided just to write a quick note before making her way towards her car, quickly driving down the road towards the store.

Back at home, Jake finally came out of the shower with the towel loosely wrapped around his waist, his V-line standing out very much.

"Miaw Miaw? Where are you?" Jake shouted down the hall, hoping to get an answer from Mia, but all that he heard was silence.

Maybe she's in her room, Jake thought to himself.

He quickly went into his room and changed into some loose grey sweatpants and a black hoodie in his room and he made his way towards Mia's room, knocking on the door before calling her name again. There was still no answer.

So, he gave up and went downstairs to get some juice when he saw a piece of paper on the dining table. He went towards it and read the small note from Mia.

Hey Jake

I quickly went to the market for some groceries and supplies but you were in the shower so I went alone. I'll be back in about 2 hours, so don't burn down my apartment!!


He placed the note back onto the table after reading it and chuckled at how cute the note Mia left him was. That girl really was going to be the death of him. He sighed and looked around for some stuff to do as he was bored. That's when an idea popped into his head.

What if he read Mia's diary? Then he could find out how she really felt about him. Would that be the right thing to do? It would help him figure out where Mia's headspace was. The hard part would be finding the thing. She could have hidden it anywhere!

So Jake just looked through everything he could, making sure not to disturb the scenes too much.

From drawers to little compartments in her closet. Just when he was about to give up, a certain drawer he hadn't looked in, caught his eye.

He walked over to it and slowly dragged it open.

His breath was taken away by what he found.

The entire drawer was filled with skimpy lingerie! From lacey bras and panties and much, much more. Mia, you naughty girl, Jake thought as a smirk spread on his face. Just imagine how amazing she would look in some of these pieces, Jake thought as he felt himself getting a little turned on at the thought.

Control your urges, Jake, it won't be long until you're the one seeing her in these, he thought to himself, being reminded about his initial plan.

He closed the underwear drawer back and put everything in its original place before he exited her room, just as she was pulling up into the driveway. A few seconds later he heard the door being opened, along with a groan and something falling on the ground.

Jake quickly made it down the stairs to check if everything was okay when he saw one of the many shopping bags that hung from her thin arms, on the floor, its contents spilled out everywhere.

He chuckled to himself and went to take all the shopping bags from her, carrying them easily towards the kitchen counter. "Why did you buy so much stuff? You can hardly carry it," Jake said, chuckling at Mia when he saw her pouting.

"Well, I didn't know what you liked, so I just bought a little of everything," Mia said, suddenly shy. "That's considered of you. Thanks a lot, I would have been fine with anything though, I'm sure you know me better than you think," He said, looking at Mia, who was avoiding his gaze like the plague.

"Well, as a good host, you need to let your guest feel at home. So, that's what I did, it's no big deal," Mia shot back, feeling shy. "Well, then you won't be happy with what I do at home," Jake said, as he stepped closer to Mia, the female backing up until her back hit the wall behind her.

"I can let you find out, Mia. Just tell me what you want, and I'll be happy to give it to you," Jake whispered into the female's ear. He got closer and closer to her, his lips only centimetres away from hers, Mia not seeming to have the will to push him away.

Just before his lips managed to touch hers, he smirked and pulled away, taking the last bag she was carrying with him and placing it on the counter. Mia released the shaky breath she didn't realise she was holding in and looked on at the male's back as she felt the warmth radiate off her cherry-red cheeks.

He called her Mia. Something he rarely did so seriously. What was going on? What was this? Why was this happening? It's not right! She needed to get rid of these feelings before they grew attached to her. Before she started to fall...

Before she started to fall for her enemy.