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Chapter 16

"Chris? Christopher!" Jade said as she touched the male's shoulder, which made him flinch instantly. "Oh, I'm sorry. I got a little sidetracked," Chris said shyly, as he forced himself to focus on their conversation once again.

"It's okay, I know I'm boring you, it's alright if you go to your appointment, your mind is already there. I'll explain to your father," Jade said with a smile. "I don't want to leave you here on your own, it's not right. I'm sorry, I promise I'll pay more attention," Chris said stubbornly as guilt flooded his system.

Guilt from abandoning Lily and also guilt from being rude and not paying attention to his guest. So, he stayed in the company of Jade for the entire evening and only a few hours after they met, he sent her home in her limo.

He was exhausted. Jade talked a lot.

Mostly about herself and her life. He couldn't get much of a word in with her yapping about something he had no interest in whatsoever. He decided to go to his room after taking a quick shower and sunk onto his big bed.

He took out his phone from his bedside drawer and opened his messenger app.

He opened his and Lily's chatroom and quickly sent her a good night text, but didn't expect a reply since it was already quite late.

However, to his surprise, he heard his phone ping with the sound of an incoming message. He looked at his phone to see that Lily had texted him back.

Chris: Good night honey. I'm sorry I missed out on our date, I'll make it up to you I promise.

Sleep well 💕

Lily: Good night baby! It's alright, you had business to take care of so I understand.

We'll catch up at a different time.

I love you♥️

Chris: I love you more♥️

Lily: Not possible💕

He shut his phone down, and crawled under the warm covers of his bed, smiling as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber, it being unbeknownst to him that his life would change beyond recognition.

Months passed and Chris was getting annoyed beyond explanation. Like incredibly annoyed. Jade was making a habit of showing up more and more and he was getting sick of it. He had already been neglecting Lily because of his job, now because of Jade and he was not happy about that.

All of Jade's visits destroyed his plans of helping Lily since he had no time for her anymore. No matter how much he tried, it was pointless, Jade had stuck her claws into Chris and didn't plan on letting go any time soon. He was surprised that Lily hadn't yet left him. If it were the other way around, he would have been very hurt and wouldn't feel like continuing such a pointless relationship. Hopefully, that's not what she was thinking.

But that was all going to change that night.

He was taking Lily out to dinner and no one was going to stop him. He had missed her so much and couldn't wait to hold her in his arms once again. He smiled at all the memories of them joking around and going on little ice cream and coffee dates. He lived for those times, and he was going to live for it again.

As he made his way down the stairs of the manor, the doorbell rang, and Chris prayed that it wasn't Jade. He took in a deep breath of air and opened the door to finally see that it wasn't her.

Before he stood the most beautiful girl in the world.

Lily smiled at her awestruck boyfriend, turning around so he could get a better look at her long black lace dress as he noticed how her eyes stood out because of the light makeup.

"Did I do good?" She asked the drooling boy.

"Good? No, 'good' doesn't define how amazingly beautiful you look right now," He said as he took her in his arms, kissing her red lips as if it were his first time kissing the sweet girl.

He pulled away, took her hand, and lead her towards his black Bugatti, as he opened the door like a proper gentleman, and helped his girlfriend get into the low seat.

An hour or so into their date, the couple was sitting and chatting quietly in the big restaurant, as they ate their romantic dinner in peace when a shrill voice shouted out Chris' name.

"Christopher?" Jade shouted as she ran up towards the table the male and the clueless girl in front of her shared. He sighed to himself as he rubbed his head, before forcing a smile as the annoying female approached their table.

"Evening Jade, what a coincidence to see you here," Chris greeted the woman as politely as he could without letting the annoyance he felt seep into his tone. "Oh, I was just having dinner with one of my modeling photographers. We are planning my next shoot. I missed you at the mansion today, Damon said that you were busy today," The female said with an overdone pout as she gave Lily a poisonous side-eye.

Lily felt incredibly uncomfortable as she watched the woman and her boyfriend converse.

"Well, you should get back to your dinner, your photographer must be waiting," Chris said as he tried his best to politely get rid of the woman.

"You're probably right. I'll see you around, Chris," The female said in a sickeningly sweet voice, as she pecked Chris on the cheek, a visible disgust displayed on his face as she walked to her table, the photographer waiting impatiently.

Lily cleared her throat, uncertain about what had just happened. "So uh, who was that?" She asked as she tried to be as calm as possible.

The male looked down at his food, his smile nowhere to be seen.

"She's no one, let's get back to our dinner shall we?" Chris said as he tried to get that disgusting woman out of his head.

"Oh, okay?" Lily replied as an uncomfortable atmosphere hung over them.

Why wasn't he telling her who that woman was?

What relation did she have with him?

And how could he just let her kiss him like that?

Lily started to think about all the worst possible case scenarios. Was he seeing that beautiful woman behind her back? Is that why he had been so busy the last few months? Is it because of her? Was she, not enough?

She started to hyperventilate and she grabbed the glass of water on the table, quickly gulping it down, to try and calm her nerves.

Chris started to panic when he saw his girlfriend feeling out. No, not again, she had been doing so well, Chris thought to himself as he held her small hand in his own, calmly stroking her hand with his thumb as slowly but surely the female down calmed down.

"Are you okay? Do I need to take you home?" Chris asked, worried about his girlfriend and her health. "It's alright, I'm fine, it was just a small one," Lily replied to her boyfriend when she saw his visible look of uneasiness. "Chris, I'm fine," She said as she held the male's large hand with both her hands.

"Are you sure?" Chris said as he cupped her cheek with his free hand, softly stroking the skin.

"Yes, I am. Now let's continue our dinner," She said as she took a bite of her chicken.

However, the negative thoughts never seemed to leave her mind, not even when she was in her bed later that night. She couldn't seem to get the glare on the woman's face out of her mind and even in her nightmares, that particular face haunted her.

Was she going to lose him to her?

That, she couldn't know...