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Chapter 17

Nothing made sense. She couldn't wrap her head around the idea. Chris wasn't that type of person, he wouldn't cheat or do anything that would hurt her on purpose.

She knew him well enough. Or so she thought?

There was no definite way to tell if he was seeing this Jade girl or not. She would just have to trust him and she did trust him with her whole heart and her whole being, but there was always a chance.

That small chance that maybe he was making a fool out of her. But he wouldn't do that. Would he? No. He was caring, honest, lovable and the smartest person in the world and she knew that he cared for her deeply.

Back at the mansion, Chris was once again blessed by the presence of none other than Jade.

She was also once again rambling about her life and how hard her job was juggling a modelling career while trying to become a designer.

And once again, Chris couldn't care less.

That is until the conversation topic changed all of a sudden.

"So Christopher, who was that girl that you had dinner with at the restaurant the other night? She was cute," The female said in a voice that was very obviously faking interest.

"That girl is my girlfriend, Lily. Yeah, she is adorable, I couldn't imagine my life without her," Chris said lovingly as his tone turned happy once again, his expression reflecting his emotions very clearly. Jade didn't like that one bit. Chris was hers and only hers. No one was going to take away her chance with him.

"Oh? Your father never mentioned that you have a girlfriend, why is that?" Jade asked curiously, as she tried to fish more about his relationship with Lily. "I just never told him. He wouldn't be interested anyway," Chris said as he replied to her question with a shrug. If only you knew, Jade thought to herself as she smiled at the man.

"Well, that's too bad. What did you say her name was again?" Jade asked as devious thoughts floated through her head. "Her name? Oh, it's Lily Baker. Why do you ask?" Chris asked, confused as to why Jade would need the information on Lily.

"Oh no reason, I was just curious. May I be excused, I need to use the ladies room," Jade asked Chris as he just nodded his head as the female made her way into the bathroom, where she took out her phone, and dialled one of her most trusted contacts.

"Hi, yeah, get me all the information you can on a girl named Lily Baker. I need to know her whereabouts as well," Jade ordered the person on the other end of the line, her voice cold and devoid of any emotion.

"Right away boss.", The man on the other side of the line answers. She ended the call and washed her hands before looking at herself in the mirror, and checking if she still looked fine.

Oh, who was she trying to kid? She always looked gorgeous. She went out of the restroom and made her way back to Chris, who was still waiting on her.

"Sorry that took so long, so tell me a little bit more about your girlfriend," Jade asked as innocently as she could as Chris started to tell her more about his amazing girlfriend.

A couple of days had passed and Lily was sitting and enjoying the warm sun that was busy kissing her pale skin, in her favourite coffee shop, in her favourite seat.

She was enjoying the strong taste of her American as she sipped the hot drink slowly, her mind absent of her surroundings.

Before she knew it, an unknown female made her way in front of her, as the unknown body blocked out the sun, the sudden loss of warmth causing Lily to snap out of her daydream.

"Uh, can I help you?" Lily asked the stranger, as a pit of uneasiness started to settle in her stomach. "I don't think we have formally met.

I'm Jade Song, your boyfriend's mistress," Jade said as she took off her sunglasses which somewhat hid her face.

"E-excuse me?" Lily asked as she immediately recognised the beautiful woman from the restaurant. "You heard correctly. I'm here to tell you the truth about your boyfriend," Jade said, as a smirk appeared on her perfectly sculpted face.

"Let me start from the beginning. I met Christopher when I was at a meeting with his father at their mansion. I immediately noticed him checking me out and so I became intrigued by the notion of a possible relationship. I wanted to get to know him some more that day but he already had plans, however, once I asked him nicely, he cancelled them on the spot and told me they weren't important anyway," Jade said as she saw a look of horror appear on Lily's face.

Lily's eyes widen at the statement Jade made.

Was it his plans with her that he so carelessly cancelled? Her heart ached as Jade continued her story.

"About two months after our first meeting, we were busy talking and we got a little tipsy so we started to fool around. He kissed me and picked me up before taking me to his room. After a lot of foreplay, we slept together. As he was inside of me he kept chanting about how much he loved me and how I was the only one he wanted to be with. He never mentioned you once, he didn't even seem to remember you at all," Jade said with an arrogant smirk, as she saw the tears forming in Lily's eyes.

"The next morning, we slept together again and he told me that he loved me. The night before, I thought he was too drunk to know what he was saying but the next morning he was very much sober. I felt something move inside of my chest and I told him I loved him as well," Jade felt a pang of pride in her heart as she saw the tears fall down the other girl's cheeks, as she felt a feeling of accomplishment bloom inside her.

"Look, Lily, I'm so sorry I had to be the one to tell you this but, the truth is, Christopher never loved you, he told me himself that the only reason he was dating you is that he felt too bad to dump you. Just because you are poor and not as eligible to get someone else, he kept dating you. All he feels when he looks at you is pity," Jade said as she spat her poison into the heart of the female in front of her, loving the fact that she was making tears run down Lily's emotionless face.

Finally, she was going to get what she always wanted, a handsome walking chequebook. This was too easy, she thought as she revelled in the trauma she caused the poor girl in front of her.