11 - NPCs?

Players had spent the entire day killing monsters. The feeling of getting stronger was much better than the other games they had played before. Even though their base strength was still the same, but being able to dodge the monsters in time, hitting the most critical places, learning the best way to kill the monsters was very rewarding.

So much so that after learning the Souls God method for killing monsters, most players stayed connected all day, just leaving the game to go to the bathroom or eat when they were in great need.

Among the players who stayed all day, "Love Potatoes" was a player without much talent in fighting, even in games where you controlled the character with a controller he wasn't very good, now in Elder Worlds where the player had to use his own body to do this, Love Potatoes managed to be even worse, as he had never been trained in martial arts.

But there was something special about Love Potatoes that always made him stand out in the games he played.

Love Potatoes was well known in the gaming community for always finding Quests that other players didn't even know could exist.

He initially thought about trying to talk to the Cult Master to try to get some hidden quest, but as the Master had made it clear that anyone who couldn't even complete this initial quest could be considered a disciple, Love Potatoes had already understood that the minimum requirement to get it other quests with that NPC was that the player needed to be a disciple first.

So Love Potatoes in addition to killing monsters, began exploring the area around the Sect to try to find other NPCs to get quests. Even if they were simpler missions, this could help him get stronger before other players and be able to kill more monsters to become a disciple faster.

But despite exploring the game for several hours, Love Potatoes hadn't found any other NPC to try to get a quest.

Feeling disappointed, Love Potatoes was preparing to return to the sect to find out if the players had figured out a better tactic for killing the monsters before the mission's end time, but he was startled by a noise of conversation.

"Are you sure about that?" a female voice asked angrily.

"Yes, it was a human who killed the Elemental Core monster. But that human's blood was useless." Another female voice said also annoyed.

"If I find out you drank that human's blood without telling me your fate ends here." The first voice said angrily before leaving.

"Humph." The second voice snorted before chasing after the first voice.

Neither of them had realized that a human was listening to their conversation. But Love Potatoes heard this part of the conversation clearly.

From what he heard from these two women, he deduced two possible answers.

These two women were either part of some kind of evil cult that needed human blood, or these women were from some other race that needed human blood.

When Love Potatoes thought of other races that could potentially represent these women, only one came to mind.

"Are they vampires?" he asked himself shocked.

But seeing how fast those women were moving, Love Potatoes knew they were so strong, so strong that he couldn't even tell if he could touch them before he died.

"Perhaps I have submitted a story sequel? Probably their strength is much greater than the strength of players currently, but once players reach a certain level of strength they can be part of the first story the players will face?" Love Potatoes wondered excitedly.

He had spent tens of hours looking for some kind of hidden mission, and now he finally got the result, being able to figure out the plot of the next missions they would face. This made him very excited.

Without thinking twice, Love Potatoes returned to the sect excited.

Unfortunately, because of the noise he made, some goblins noticed him and started chasing Love Potatoes.

He got scared, as he knew he couldn't handle these 4 goblins that were chasing him, so he started his escape movements to the max, amplifying his leg muscles so he could run as fast as possible and finally went back to the sect. with a scared and tired expression.

"Brothers, I think I discovered a hidden quest!" He yelled to the players who were talking near the entrance of the Sect.

Love Potatoes liked to find hidden quests, and if it were possible to finish those quests before other players, he wouldn't tell anyone about it.

But now that he had discovered the strength of monsters, and knowing his own difficulty in leveling up, Love Potatoes knew that other players would have the strength to fight vampires before him, and would likely find out about vampires before he could have enough strength. to deal with it.

So he decided to tell the other players so they could start preparing and with that Love Potatoes could take advantage of the other tactics to level up and have enough strength to deal with this new plot in time.

"What happened? Did the Master give you a quest?" Another player asked confused.

"No, I met other NPCs in the forest, they looked like vampires! I don't know if they're friendly or not, but their strength was probably stronger than Souls God's description of the Elemental Core monster." Love Potatoes explained everything he had discovered to the players.

Hearing this, players were excited. Who didn't think vampires were cool? And as good pop culture consumers, they knew vampire weaknesses and things they could do to kill those monsters!

"Come on, tell Sect Master, maybe he'll make it up to you!" One of the players said excited.

"But the Sect Master is an NPC, will he know what to do if one of the players discovers the future plot of the game?" One of the players asked worriedly.

"Maybe an Admin will see this and change the story..." Another player said worriedly.

"I don't think so, the DM has always shown himself to be more intelligent than normal NPCs from other games, he really seems to think for himself, maybe he's even an overdeveloped artificial intelligence." Another player said confidently.

Hearing what this player said left the players a little incredulous, but remembering everything they saw in this game, even the intelligence of the goblins, the players finally thought that what this player had said was reasonable and that it really was. it made sense.

Having made up his mind, Love Potatoes headed towards the building that the Sect Master always had a slightly worried expression on.

Initially he had called the Master in a low voice, but no one answered. After a while he yelled louder, but still no one answered.

Confused, Love Potatoes looked around and couldn't see the Sect Master.

"He is not here?" he asked himself confused. Usually NPCs were in a fixed location so that players could find that NPC whenever they wanted, not having to look around. But had the Master really changed his position? "What should I do?" Love Potatoes wondered confused.


Arthur had killed some goblins, even some High Mortal Core wolves, and an Alpha Peak Mortal Core, but he still managed to kill those monsters very easily. Especially after getting used to rolling on the floor to dodge monster attacks, killing this type of monster became a much simpler task for Arthur.

Monsters normally had a much greater strength than humans at the same cultivation level, but for Arthur who also had much more mana than other humans at his cultivation level, that monster advantage vanished.

"They are good disciples." Arthur said happily as he thought how much easier it had become to kill monsters after using the crazy tactic Souls God had invented. "If they keep coming up with weird tactics like that it might make the Sect a little weird, but as long as it makes everyone more powerful it won't be a problem, as in this world power is reason, and with enough power no one can disagree with you. " Arthur said with a smile.

After a while killing monsters he had got used to his own strength and went back to the Sect wanting to get some sleep, as it was approximately 02:00 am.

But when he arrived at the Sect, Arthur saw that the players were talking about something he didn't understand.

"Did you hear about the new quest?" A player asked his friend.

"New quest? The master didn't give me any quests." The player responded.

"He didn't issue any quests, but one player found some NPCs and guessed that maybe that's the next storyline." The first player said with a smile.

He was about to continue explaining, but when he saw Arthur he quickly fell silent, finding it strange to say things like that around an NPC. 'Maybe he even thinks I'm cheating!' The player thought worriedly.

But Arthur ignored this and walked thoughtfully towards the building he once again stood in.

'As far as I know there are no other humans in an area several kilometers around the Sect, where these players met other people?' Arthur asked himself confused.

But when he got closer to the building, a player called him.

"Master! I found an NPC... I mean, I found other people!" Love Potatoes shouted excitedly.