12 - New Mission

"Master! I found an NPC... I mean, I found other people!" Love Potatoes shouted excitedly.

Arthur was surprised. He knew that in an area hundreds of kilometers away there were no other humans, as there was a sect here, the monsters around were nourished by a large amount of mana in the air, making the monsters even stronger than they were. .

And because the sect was destroyed and there was no other sect around, humans couldn't conquer the lands around the sect for hundreds of years.

Almost all the humans who came here died before they even managed to get back with the things they stole.

But how did this player find someone else?

"Other people? Come with me." Arthur said in a calm voice as he moved towards the wreckage of a large building.

He had discovered that this building was the former Sect Hall, the place where the former Sect Master lived or received important guests.

But now, after the sect's destruction, it was just a big empty, dilapidated building, with a few places on the roof open.

After Arthur entered the Cult Hall, he sat on a destroyed throne and looked at the Love Potatoes waiting for the player to explain.

Love Potatoes was a little intimidated by how this was happening. He had played a lot of computer games, and even a lot of VR games but he had never seen an NPC that was so intimidating. Luckily the Sect Master was an allied NPC for the players, if not he would be scared to face that person.

But after taking a deep breath he collected himself.

"I was wandering through the forest looking for different monsters that could be fought with less difficulty, or even people in need of help, until I found two women who spoke..." Love Potatoes began to explain everything that happened to Arthur with a serious expression.

Arthur listened calmly while inside he was worried. In none of the books he'd read in the family library was there anything explaining about vampires, and according to what Love Potatoes explained, these two women were probably actually vampires, and far more powerful than he'd imagined.

'From the description of the speed of these women that Love Potatoes gave, they are probably Elementary Core, but in a realm much bigger than the 1st Elementary Core...' Arthur thought silently, making Love Potatoes even more nervous with the Master of the Sect.

But luckily Arthur soon responded with a small smile. "Very well, your efforts to get information for the sect are commendable and this Sect Master is very pleased. As a reward you will receive 50 points!"

Love Potatoes was shocked. That's exactly what he wanted, a hidden mission! "Thank you so much Sect Master, now I only have approximately 20 points left before I can be accepted as a disciple!" He responded with a big excited smile.

But Arthur said something even more exciting for Love Potatoes. He had seen that this player really was good at hiding and getting information, as people in the 1st Elementary Core already had a sensitivity to other beings far greater than Mortal Core, and yet these two women couldn't notice his presence by listening to their conversation?

"This Sect Master has a mission for you, dare you accept?" Arthur said with a serious expression.

Love Potatoes was overjoyed, even though he was only 20 points away from being accepted as a disciple, he was too lazy to kill those annoying goblins, he was even thinking about researching more about vampires to try and get the missing points without having to kill monsters .

But contrary to what he imagined, he already got another hidden mission that the other players didn't even know about?!

"Yes Master, this disciple is honored and will do everything to complete the mission that the master defined." Love Potatoes assumed an honorable posture and dropped to one knee as he spoke.

Arthur was pleased with the way this player was acting and explained. "I have a suspicion that these two women are vampires, but much more powerful than our sect can currently handle. Dealing with unknown enemies is much more dangerous than dealing with enemies we already have prior information on, so you'll be in charge of getting it information about our potential enemies. You will be rewarded with Contribution Points based on the quality of the information. Is that understood?"

"Yes Master, this disciple understands perfectly." Love Potatoes responded with a beaming expression as he stared at the screen floating in front of him.

[The Sect Master saw potential in you and charged you with getting information for the Sect.

The reward will be evaluated when it is given to the Sect Master.

Basic Information - 20 Contribution Points.

Average Information - 100 Contribution Points.

Valuable Information - 400 Contribution Points.

Vital Information - 1,000 Contribution Points.

Extremely Precious Information - ???? Contribution Points. ]

Love Potatoes got even more excited after seeing the rewards. To be accepted as a disciple he would only need some basic information, but if he got some even more valuable information he could complete the quest with extra points, which would probably yield him an even better reward when the quest hits. Besides that this quest apparently had no time limit, so he believed it could be done multiple times, meaning he believed he had found a Contribution Point Farm!

Seeing the reward of 1,000 contribution points, Love Potatoes got greedy and thought about what kind of reward he could receive with these contribution points after finding vital information!

"Master, this disciple has a doubt." Love Potatoes said a little excitedly before leaving.

"Yes?" Arthur asked in a calm voice.

"Can this disciple ask other disciples for help in getting even more information?" Love Potatoes asked a little worried, afraid of losing the mission after saying this and the DM getting angry.

But Arthur just looked calm and replied. "You still need to prove your worth before thinking about it, maybe in the future I can allow you to invite other disciples to help you."

When Arthur finished speaking he waved his hand at Love Potatoes, who soon understood that this was the Master's way of telling him to leave.

As much as his request was denied, Love Potatoes was excited, he understood that as long as he got valuable information he could invite other players to accept this mission and form an information center for the sect, meaning he could form a guild who was looking for information in the game!

'The first guild in the game...' Love Potatoes potatoes thought with bright eyes as he ran out of the sect in the direction he had found the female vampires.

Even though it was at night, Love Potatoes lived alone and made money doing Livestream, he didn't have to worry about what time he went to sleep as long as he streamed 3-4 hours every day.


Arthur was left alone in the Sect Hall thoughtfully.

Just as a quest appeared in front of Love Potatoes at Arthur's command for System, so too did a quest that System issued for him.

[Hidden dangers have been found around the sect. As Sect Master, you cannot allow this danger to destroy what is left of the place and end it all. Kill the enemies that aim to destroy the sect before they succeed.

Reward: ???? ]

Arthur knew that Love Potatoes' information was very valuable to him, as without it he would still be in the dark about these enemies who were likely vampires.

With that in mind, Arthur decided that tomorrow he would complete the Sect's first mission and help players get 100 points while he slew the 1st Elementary Core monster.

"I need to make the players stronger, so that the battle against vampires works in our favor." Arthur told himself before finding a comfortable position and sleeping.


The next day, Arthur summoned all the disciples to the Sect's central square.

"The master summoned us, does anyone know why?" A player asked.

"I don't know, there's still 20 hours until the mission ends, maybe he's coming to approve those who have already reached 100 Points?" Another player commented.

"Has anyone ever hit 100 points beyond Souls God?"

"Yes, Mongold's team stayed up all night killing monsters, they say they even managed to kill a wolf!" The player responded.

"Woah!" The other player said with a shocked expression.

There were still 38 points for him to reach 100 points and be accepted as a disciple of the sect, but there were already players with 100 points?!

When all the players gathered, Arthur appeared in one of a building and caught the players' attention.

They soon grew quiet and listened to what Arthur had to say.

Arthur was shocked to see that there were already 4 players with 100 points, Souls God, Mongold, Radiant Knight and Hidden Mist.

Mongold and Radiant Knight were part of the same group, which meant that another 7 players were also close to 100 points, as Souls God continued killing monsters since the day before and was already with 162 Points, which was amazing considering he still it was a Low Mortal Core.

Hidden Mist surprised Arthur, who discovered that he was also a Solo player like Souls God, but that instead of looking for extremely powerful monsters to fight as Souls God, Hidden Mist sought to kill monsters in the shortest time possible alone using a sword.

As he didn't have a sword, he used the ability [Mana Inject ] on a long stone and proceeded to hold it like a sword, using the mana to make the stone as sharp as metal.

You could say that for a Low Mortal Core, this had a very high mana cost, but from what Arthur observed, this player used all his mana to kill a monster in the shortest time possible, before killing himself with the "sword " and return from the Sect with renewed mana before looking for another monster to kill.

As he pursued perfection when killing monsters, he managed to kill many monsters very quickly, causing him to only be delayed by the time between leaving the sect and heading towards the fallen "sword".

"Mongold, Radiant Knight and Hidden Mist. Step forward." Arthur said in a calm voice.

Soon Mongold and Radiand Knight emerged from the crowd of players with smug expressions.

But the way Hidden Mist was acting made them both embarrassed.

Who knows where, Hidden Mist got scraps of clothing and tied it around his face to form a mask that covered his mouth, nose and forehead, leaving only his hair sticking up.

"Wait a minute, he's cosplaying Mabuma Zozochi the Demon of the Hidden Mist?!" A disciple shouted in disbelief.

After hearing this, the other players looked at Hidden Mist with a strange expression, but this only made Hidden Mist even more satisfied with his performance, feeling that everything he did was worth it.

Arthur, who hadn't noticed the resemblance before, was even proud of this solo player, was now feeling a little strange as he also knew Mabuma Zozochi the Demon of the Hidden Mist.

'Why do my disciples have to be so strange...?' Arthur thought doing facepalm.