13 - First Disciple

"Mongold, Radiant Knight and Hidden Mist. You three besides Souls God were the only ones to complete the quest so far and are able to become my disciples. Do you want to become disciples now or do you intend to collect more points?" Arthur asked with a serious expression.

Mongold and Radiant Knight had apparently already discussed this and didn't hesitate before replying. "We prefer to wait and collect more points before the mission ends, master."

Arthur nodded, as he agreed with the decision of the two disciples.

Hidden Mist after seeing the response of the two players, was a little doubtful and was preparing to respond, but Arthur said something before.

"Hidden Mist, I have observed the method you use to kill monsters and I believe that you would be better off accepting to become a disciple now. After becoming a disciple, everyone can still receive points and get rewards for the points you receive, no need to contain a lot." Arthur gave a hint that he felt would be valid for Hidden Mist.

Hidden Mist was very dubious, but after taking Arthur's tip he finally nodded and replied. "I will listen to the master's teachings, the master can rely on my sword whenever necessary." He knelt on one knee as he spoke.

Arthur nodded and replied as he raised his hand. "I accept you, Hidden Mist, as my disciple."

As soon as Arthur finished saying that, a blue light shone over Hidden Mist and he felt his strength being greatly improved, to the point that he felt he could kill several monsters before having to kill himself for lack of mana now.

With an even bigger smile on his face, which was covered by a mask, Hidden Mist responded. "Thank you so much Master, this disciple is very grateful."

Even the other players felt that Hidden Mist's aura had changed a lot after he was accepted as a disciple.

Just breathing near Hidden Mist seemed to become more difficult than it was before, as if an aura was leaking from his body forcing the other disciples to back away, as if he were... a monster!

"Have you gone up to the Mid Mortal Core?!" A player yelled in surprise.

"Oh meu deus!" Another disciple shouted in amazement.

Arthur did not let the disciples continue speculating and replied. "Everyone who becomes a disciple will automatically be promoted to Mid Mortal Core."

"Damn! I need to get 100 points soon!" A player shouted excitedly.

"Yes! If I am Mid Mortal Core I will be able to kill even more monsters per day!"

"Hidden Mist, what is it like to have the strength of a Mid Mortal Core?" Mongold asked also excited.

Hidden Mist looked at his hand for a second and after taking the stone he used as a knife, Hidden Mist injected mana into that stone and attacked the sect's soil.


An explosion sounded where Hidden Mist attacked, causing a large cloud of dust to rise in place, which left players even more excited. When they saw the large cut mark on the sect's hard ground, the players felt that Hidden Mist had become a god!

"I need to kill more monsters! Having that strength must be a lot of fun!" One player said excitedly.

"If I had that strength, maybe I could already make a mighty water dragon..." Tony commented with a thoughtful expression as he watched.

The disciples' reaction was mixed, but what they had in common was that becoming a disciple was something they definitely should do.

Being able to play a game like this and become powerful like Hidden Mist was something they'd always dreamed of in real life, but no game could really represent it perfectly.

Some games might even make the player feel badass, but nothing compared to what they were witnessing in Elder Worlds.

What the players didn't know is that the reward for becoming a disciple and achieving the Mid Mortal Core was actually just Arthur telling the system that once someone became a disciple, that person would have 100 points deducted to make them become Mid Mortal Core, in other words, it wasn't really a prize, it was an exchange.

But Arthur continued. "As Hidden Mist was the first disciple to be accepted into our Divine Sect, this master will give you a gift."

"What?! Is this a bonus for being the first player to complete a quest?!"

"Damn, I need to be the first to complete the next quests the DM gives me!"

Arthur had received a satisfying award at Sign-in today. There were a total of 5 common swords.

These swords had no special effects, much less had some magical properties that made the swords so valuable in the realm, but still, for those players who used sticks and stones to attack monsters, this sword was practically a luxury item.

"The first five disciples will receive a metal sword as a reward." Arthur said as he held up one of the metal swords for all players to see.

Players began to cheer with excitement to see that they could finally have a real decent weapon.

Hidden Mist was shaking with happiness, his dream was to be as cool as Mabuma Zozochi, the Demon of the Hidden Mist, but as long as he was still wearing a rock, his cosplay would be incomplete. But now with a real sword, Hidden Mist felt he could finally play the role of Mabuma Zozochi perfectly.

Not to mention that now that he no longer needed to inject that much mana into his weapon to kill monsters, the effectiveness of Hidden Mist increased several times. Finally he understood why the Master had told him to accept to become a disciple now, after all, these two rewards made Hidden Mist's strength fire at least 5 to 10x stronger than he was before he became a disciple!

"Thank you very much, Master." Hidden Mist knelt again on one knee as he took Arthur's sword in both hands.

Seeing Hidden Mist improve, Souls God thought if it would be better for him to become a disciple now or not, as he could fight even more powerful monsters when he became Mid Mortal Core, but when he was thinking about asking to the Master to become a disciple, Arthur just shook his head at him indicating that he did not recommend that Souls God become a disciple to receive these immediate rewards.

Arthur had already considered everything that could happen today and he was sure that for Hidden Mist, becoming a disciple and receiving these rewards would be more profitable than waiting until the end of the event.

But for Souls God and the other more talented players, Arthur expected them to be patient and accumulate more points, as in the future this would be even better for them, plus even with the strength of Low Mortal Core they were already very lethal and they managed to kill a lot of monsters every day.

"Very well, since all disciples with more than 100 points have already made their choices, now I will propose you a trip. I intend to kill a 1st Elementary Core monster, and for that your help will be essential, as I believe that this monster will be in a nest with other monsters subordinate to it, that is, on this trip everyone will be able to kill many monsters together and get a lot more points than you would normally get. If anyone is willing to accompany me, meet me at the Sect gate here to an hour, and be prepared." Arthur said in a serious voice before turning and leaving.

But as much as Arthur said it as if this was something very common, the disciples were very excited! In their view, the NPC was saying that they would go to a powerful place together, and that he would help them kill monsters! Every player loved quests where there were powerful NPCs killing monsters and players could take the profits from that without having to do much, so I was unanimous, all 99 players decided to join the DM and go attack the Elementary Core monster.

In just one minute 40 players fell to the ground apparently asleep, but in fact they had disconnected from Elder Worlds and were preparing in real life for this trip with the DM! They prepared food, water, went to the bathroom, and warned friends and family that they could not be contacted for the next few hours because they were doing something very important.

Souls God was excited to fight again an Elementary Core monster, he knew he only defeated the first Elementary Core monster because the monster was already injured, so he wanted to know what the difference in strength was between an injured Elementary Core and a healthy Elementary Core .

Mongold and Radiant Knight were excited because they would show other players how well organized their group was and how many more monsters they could kill than other players, showing that their future Guild would definitely be the best place for players to go.

Hidden Mist was excited to be able to use the new sword and kill even stronger monsters than he had previously killed.

And the other players were excited to have the chance to complete the first mission and finally become disciples!

Arthur was also excited, but the reason is that he would finally complete the first mission he received from the system and wanted to know what the reward would be.
