I don't know what he is up too... He wanted to meet me in the restaurant in the front of our company, this is so fast, but my soul has its own decision because it agree... It agrees me to meet Clint on the restaurant.

"The young man want to meet you?" My uncle ask and I nodded.

"Yeah... That's why i ask a permission to go out just for a while." I said and my uncle plays his ball pen with his fingers.

"Okay, Don't worry about me, what about going home after meeting the young man, and take a rest for a bit." My uncle said.

I nodded and stand up and i go out the CEO's office i ride to the elevator from twelveth floor to the ground floor, as i get out to the office it's almost early night and as i look to my watch it's already five Forty-five in the evening.

I let out a deep breath and walk to the restaurant and as i open the glass door i go to the front desk.

"Reservation for Clint Leonell Alcazar." I said and the front desk officer tell me where Clint is.

I walk to the direction that The front desk officer saids and when i see him he is wearing a school uniform he is shock in what she is seeing in the front of her.

"It's you?" He ask me and i nodded.. and i take a sit in the front of him...

"You seems to be interested in me... Is anything bother?" I said and he just silent like his can't believe in what he is seeing right now...

"Who really you are?" He ask me like he is really thinking of asking me in that short question of him.

"This is me... And what you seen in school that's me too... All you have seen is me... I know that you are bother because of the gossips that you've been hear." I said and he is taking absorb what I've said.

IT'S a first time for me to have someone who is interesting in knowing me, I don't know if they are too many , i just know that he is interested into me how can i say it? He will not ask this meet up if he is nothing up, too... But in other side I don't know suddenly i feel all if this are fake..

"You just came out to the company in the front of thia restaurant-"

"Next Chief Executive officer, Should i introduce myself to you, i mean my whole name?" I ask him and the waiter came to serve the order.

"Let's eat first." He said and i oblige.

We have a short talk and  in six : Thirty in the evening we decide to go home, he get a cab and send me to the house, he is with me right now .

I decide to wear out my suit for not looking to formal, i just wear my white fitted t-shirt, and i lean my head on the seat since it's traffic outside.

He ask for my address and i give it to him.

"Your house is just nearby to mine." He said and he lean to the seat too...

"Yeah...very well said, this day is so tiring." I said I'm shock to myself why those words just came out in my mouth.

"I know it... Well I'm tired even though i don't do nothing." He said with a sarcasm.

"I know it... Should i get a sleep for a while? Just for a while." I said to him and he just nodded.

I WAKE-UP as the taxi stops in the front of our mansion, i manage myself to be good and get my fare in my wallet, i get 1000 peso bill and i give it to the driver...

"Keep the change, manong thank you for safe ride." I said while i handed my fare to the driver.

"Thank you ma'am."  A word from a driver that makes me happy, a simple thank you that makes my heart flutter.

"Thank you Clint, have a safe night, i already pay your fare so don't worry." I said and i get out in the cab, without any bother to feel.

I watch the cab go away and i enter to the house o don't bother to go in the kitchen instead i just go to my bedroom, i decide to get my tablet which place in the study table of mine and as i open the wifi many notifications are popping up but the message from my group mate Veronica is the one that i noticed the most.

Veronica Chavez:

You can't be reach, i call you in multiple times but when i call you again i hear a boy voice, is your phone stole by someone.

My phone? Where it is?

I quickly get up and find my phone and it's nothing to be found i decided to call my own phone using the home telephone, i waited someone to answer and after a few rings someone pick up the call.

"Hi you are the owner of this phone right?" I hear a female voice in the other line.

"Yeah, good evening, This is Irin Jy De Castro... I'm the owner of the phone that you are holding with..."

"Ohh.. Clint!! Come here the owner calls tell her that you will give her phone back tomorrow."

"Give it to me ma, I'll manage it." Clint said and i hear the heavy sigh coming from her mother.

"Hello?" I said and i hear he is clearing his throat.

"Sorry, i just noticed that you left your phone when i was in the middle of the trip, and someone call by the way and you have a lots of mis calls." He said and i have nothing to do but to hold the telephone tightly.

"It's okay, don't reply nor answer the calls, just ignore it at all, Flight mode can do-"

" I can't drag the notification panel it requires password." He said .

Damn i forget it!!

" 133200"