Chapter 9

(Entance Exam UA)

Today was the day Satou waited for, he prepared a passport and documents with alchemy only for this moment.

He choose to keep his old name, it's a common name and his former identity wasn't uncovered so no problems there.

He also contemplated wich quirk he should register under and after giving it a bit of thought he choose to register his quirk as Flesh manipulation, the ablility to change the body of himseöf and other lifeforms whenever he touches them.

Yes he needs to have a philosopher's stone on him when he wants to do it without a transmutation circle but thats hardly a problem. He decided to imitate the crimson lotus alchemist and put the thing in his mouth.

Now to the real entrance exam.








My way to the school was pretty easy and I encountered no problems at all, though I encountered Deku Bakugo and Uraraka doing their thing like in cannon so the plot shouldn't be affected too much from my little battle with All Might.

I didn't want to involve myself with them now so I walked right by the to the plaza.

Clearly many people weren't there so I decided to watch out for important side characters and found a few. The for me most important was Monoma his quirk was just too op in the right situations.

After finding him I decided to gove a small handsignal to a spider chimera to observe him. They can't speak but I've modified in a way that enables them to make words with their web to give me Info about someone.

I did the same wirh most main characters who I believe won't notice the little spiders. Sure there are very useful quirks for a alchemist like me within Class A1 but I'm currently working nonstop with some of the more intelligent chimeras on encoding All Mights quirk fully.

While deep in rhought the rest of the examinees arrived and Present Mic announced what's about to happen.

"WELCOOOOME here possible students!"



After that embarrassing speech Present Mic intruduced the rules I already knew from the show and I just deactivated my ears at that point.

A few Minutes later and we got sent into different groups with me being in one of the main character less groups.

Present Mic showed up again.

"3.... 2... 1....!START!"

I start to run while activating my philosopher's stone modifying my legs to let me move faster.

Ah yes my appearance is of course different from the one I showed at the fight with All Might, I didn't need to change my eye color but I changed my hair color from grey to black, my face and body got changed a too to hide my scars I can't hide even with alchemy, they are only moved to other bodyparts of mine.

Anyway to the fight, I use the stone in my mouth again this time creating wings on my back levatating me into the sky.

Once high enough I locate the robots and make a plan in my head on hoe to finish them the fastest.

Dicing down, I create a sword made out of bone, almost as hard as steel, with all my calcium I prepared this morning.

I land right next to an unsuspecting two point robot and finish it with my sword.

I walk downwards from there saving a nearby person foe extra points while constantly modifying me legs and Wings for maximum speed.

A few minutes go by and I've gotten most of the robots and a few of the civilians my points should be high already but why not go for more the Big Robot should appear soon and that will be my signal?

I smile creeps up my face and I start to really strengthening my body.

Until now I was only playing around to make my quirk seem more harmless I wanted to let the heroes behind the cameras tjink that my quirk needs time to adjust bodies and that what I'm about to do is is a one time use thingy.

So first things first lets create a drug that will make me lose consciousness in 15 seconds.

A small drop of venom condences on my fingertipp and just like I suspected the huge robot shows up.

I lick my finger giving me only 15 seconds to destroy the thing.

I activate the philosopher's stone one last time creating a few dozen eings on my back all white like those of angels.

I concentrate a bit and build a white bone warhammer in my fist, I clench it and begin to reinforce it bit by bit making it harder than any normal metal of my previous world.

I jump into the air pushing me up hundreds of meters too high too handle. I push all of my strength into my wings dashing into the giants dirwction.


Before anyone can react the robot has a massive hole in his head disabling it entirely after wich I decide to let go and fall to the ground showing exhaustion.

I could twchnically destroy all remaining little ones but too much attention is bad attention.

Before hitting the ground something unexpected happend and I get caught by a man I know very well. With my eyes closed I can only think one thing.

'Well shit'