Chapter 10



Ok calm down and think about nice stuff, like puppies. Yeeees puppies are cute, aren't they?

Ok now that my heartrate is back to normal I should think about öy actions from now on. I already created an antidote for the paralyzing venom so I can run in an emergency case.

I just wanted to show off to gain reckognition as a strong person so I can have more authority in my future class not to get noticed by All Might.

The bastered begins to walk to the nursery probably wanting to get me healed. Seems like he doesn't recognice me, to be fair I changed my face drastically but who knows this guy is the number one hero he could've figured it out with some bullshit plot armor hero instinct.

Anyways now that I've learned that there was no crisis in the first place I use the philosopher's stone to destroy some of my muscles to show how much strength I needed to do my little stunt.

All Might brings me to the infirmary where I'm visited by Recovery girl and All Might leaves but not before saying.

"Become a strong hero kid"

Well whatever, when I 'wake up' I do a delayed written test and get the hell out of the school.

When I return home I get notified by one of my spider chimeras that somebody is following me. I can't see my pursuer in the big crowd around me and the little spider isn't able to speak so I take a small deteur to a safe house.

The safe house is run by a pair of human like chimeras who are seen as normal people with mutant quirks in this society.

These two chimeras are supposed to play my parents in situations like this and have a job and all that. They still are unable to feel and relate to people but I was able to give them scripts they use in different situations. It's not a good option but if their cover gets blown I just give them new identigication papers from my last black market haul.

When I enter the upper middle class flat I get greeted by a woman with the head of a bird and a man with an extra set of arms.

The woman runs towards me hugging me with her human arms.

"Welcome home I missed you and how was school today?"

"Ah there was a problem but overall I'm pretty sure I fot in Mom"

While walking to the living room I whisper.

"I'm being followed there's a 60% chance of it being All Might, contact all safe houses and send Gluttony here, now!"

My 'mother' nods and sits down on the sofa near my father we start to speak to each other about the UA and stuff. During our converation my 'mother' left and called a close family friend she uses a special code alerting the chimera on the other side of the phone but they are well made and reveal no shock whatsoever, sometimes I'm just proud of myself.

The other safe houses aren't like this, they look only normal from outside but hidden within them are chimeras only used for battle, close quarter weapons, guns, gunpowder and drugs. They are small fortresses and they number 17 in Musutafu including this one. Some of them were raided in the past but the built in transmutation circles all around the safe house makes short work of most heroes.

If the safe houses got found they are immediatly destroyed letting no clues for any form of investigation. They are financed by half of my really intelligent chimeras who invest in stocks, the other half of the really smart chimeras work on alchemy and it's different uses, as well as doing research on it.

Those intelligent chimeras are normally in charge of overlooking regular safe hauses while doing their research.

I also started kidnapping people and turning the into philosopher's stones or chimera development.

Gluttony is sadly not a part of my 'organisation' because he's so stupid, so he spents most of the time doing jobs for the alchemist chimeras or eats people and jumps in fire afterwards to get their power.

While I was in thought a hour passed by and Gluttony is now by my side and a few of our 'relatives' arrived here to celebrate my very possible admission into the UA.

My stalker finally rings the doorbell alerting all of the non human killers inside the flat.

'Uncle' Gary opens the door, he has the ears of a bat and can sense the haertbeat of a person to check if they are lying or not so it's only natural that he opens the door.

Some of my 'family members' concentrate on places with secret weapons inside f them just in case.


Gary opens the door and the persob who stalked me waaaaaas....

All Might who would've thought.

"I'm here to talk to Satou if you'd let me"

Gary nods. All Might thinks it's because he allows him to come in but it's actually to signal us that heis heart rate is normal therefore he's here for something rather unimportant.

After everyone greets All Might like in their scripts All Might looks at me and asks.

"Young man, why do you wnat to become a hero?"

All Mights rather imposing figure gestures me to answer him and like the harmless kid I am I do so.

"Sir I want to become a hero to save people like my family. You should know that most of them have mutations and get sometimes even abused because of them, so I want to stoo that and destroy mutant racism."

I thought about my anwser a while already and this was the most plausivle and relatable one except for 'because I'm a stupid MC and want everybody happy'.

Anyways All Might talks a bit with my 'family' and gets out of house after 10 minutes but then something unexpected happens. Gary starts speaking.

"He knows something. He wasscared when he went outside."