Chapter 12

After yelling tu to the parrot chimera she steps forward and Satou asks again.

"Defense or offense?"

The chimera without thinking anwsers.



Satou takes another piece of meat this time from a fish and begins to make a chimera with it.

The fish chimera stands on to legs and has three fins to attackack. Satou gives it a quick glance to check for gills but the fish has humanlike lungs so it can survive.

With that out of the way Satou announces the start of the battle.

The parrot girl begins to slowly walk in the fish's direction. Sche pulls a glove out of her feathers with a transmutation circle engraved upon.

The fish-creature acting on pure instinct rushes in her direction neither analyzing it's opponent nor using any sort of tactic.

The two enemies are finally in reach of each other, the fish swings to of its fins aiming for the colorful parrot chimera.

The parrot jumps in the air only for jer to dive right into the fish man's face. She touches the fish man's face with her glove activating the transmutation circle on it.




Blue energy begun to flow trough the fish chimera it slowly begun to show it's suffering while it's flesh started to deform. The eyes of the fish started bleeding and it's whole body seemed to slowly fall apart.

As soon as some parts of the fish's skin started to peel of, the parrot chimera started to run while giving me and the three human chimeras a warning.


After hearing the chimera's scream Satou begins to run behind the car they came here with followed closly by Frostfall ,the rat chimera and the parrot chimera while uncle Garry stayed still.



The newborn chimera exploded with the force to kill normal humans in a ten meter radius and leeting it's pieces of flesh fly even further.

The car was thankfully not damaged even though blood and the intestines of the fish got splattered on it.

"Well that was very disgusting"

"I'm sorry boss"

"I accept your apology but next time give us a prior warning. Anyways you shall be named scarlet flesh alchemist and like last time choose a name after I gave you emotions. Next!"

Satou said and pointed at uncle Garry who seems to have taken no damage whatsoever there's not even flesh on him though there is a lot of blood.

"Attack or defense?"


After hearing Garry's response Satou begins to walk in the other direction making more distance between the two.

He pulls out a revolver ans starts to put bullets in it. This revolver was hard to aquire, well all weapons are scarce in this age. Japans weapon laws were already strict a century ago but at this point in time weapons are almost impossible to get as a not hero.

It took almost unbelievable effort to find a seller on the black market. This revolver is so special because it's an relict from the last cetury the time Satou's souls lived in. He needed an old version because the memories of the souls told him how to make ammunition for this specific gun.

He could've also tried to deconstruct a book about guns of this century but he sadly found nothing of the sorts neither with legal nor with illegal means.

Satou aims at his creation Garry and asks.


"Yes Boss!"



The two bullets are aimed at Garry's chest but as soon as they touch his clothes a tiny amount of blue energy runs trough them and transforms them into dropplets of blood saving Garry from the wounds he could've gotten.

Upon seeing only bloodpuddles instead of actual blood Satou decides to just empty the revolver while aiming at different parts of Garry's body.


Headshot but still no wound



Both arms got shot but still no damage


The last bullet was aimed at Garry's leg but his body was still intact, Satoub begins to reload his gun.

"Good work but where was your transmutation circle?"

"I tattooed my chest but don't worry boss I killed the tattoo artist afterwards and covered his death sufficiently nobody suspects me to be the killer."

"Ok. Your name as an alchemist shall be Bloodshield alchemist. While you already have a name I would appreciate it if you change it after you get emotions. Now last but not least you miss"

The small rat woman walks to the position where Garry stood right now.

"Offense or defense?"


Satou picks out his revolver again and aims it at the rat chimera while she pulls out a few bottles filled with tiny hairless creatures. She smashes about a dozen of the bottles on the floor and after the hairless embryos get into contect with the air they grow rapidly to resemble rats.

"Ready... set... go"




Three shots ring out and every time one of the rats jump into the bullet saving the rat chimera from damage.

"Wow that's mind control and body strengthening combined isn't it?"

"Yes boss though my current limit are two dozen rats"




"Good job your name is Rat-Empress alchemist from now onwards.

Now that all of you got a Name I can use to referr to you with I'm gonna give you a last hurdle to overcome to show you true worth."

Satou hands every chimera a map and compass. On the maps there are a few marked locations.

"The marked places are villages with almost no connection to the outside world and have about 100 to a few thousand inhabitants. You'rw job will be to get as many souls/philosopher's stones as possible in the next month while not getting discovered and getting killed by heroes afterwards. Also you don't need to concentrate on these villages alone they are a simply guideline. If you get me less than 5.000 souls you'll be deemed useless and be steipped of your titles. With that out of the way START!"