With that said all new alchemists took their stuff and got away. I should also start to prepare for my stay at the UA. Weirdly enough the only reason I still go there is to meet the villains class 1A will meet. Sure there are many exceptional quirks found in the school too but most of them are easy to get.
People like Deku have no security at their home and the only thing I need to do to get his quirk is taking his mother hostage and force him to give me one for all.
The only people whose quirk I desperately want and have safety measures at their hame are Shoto with his dad and Momo with her rich family and therefore security in the form of cameras or a small team of heroes patrolling their house.
Anyways I take a piece of cloth and clean my car before driving home taking a bath and sleeping with Gluttony beside me.
Waking up the next morning I decided to take a morning stroll and walk around the city checking out different safe houses with Gluttony.
After our little tour, I decide to contemplate my next moves. I could try to end All Might right now but if I do it could change the future dramatically so it's a no.
Spying on him too won't work there's a reason almost nobody knows of his weakened state. Seriously the guy jumps around the city like it's nothing at all.
I should concentrate on something else other than All Might. I should probably work on another deadly sin but the material needed for the next one will show up later so that's a no.
I could find the material when I search hard enough on my own but it'll be easier to just wait for the first entrance of the league of villains.
Seems like the best thing I can do is work on personalities for my chimeras and strengthen Gluttony, my cute little companion.
The last week was spent by me trying to come up with different transmutation circles to create a personality for my chimera and hunting useful quirks with Gluttony.
Let's start with Gluttony's new quirks. We mainly hunted simple strengthening quirks and were pretty successful. We got about four quirks in that direction and Gluttony is already in the superhuman power level though we didn't test his exact strength.
We also found somebody with the quirk to spitfire. And believe me, I checked a f*cking thousand times for his identity and if he's Deku's gather or not, thankfully he wasn't.
Now to the research on emotions/personalities, the easiest way to create those is to take a big philosopher's stone and toss one of the seven deadly sins inside of it. The disadvantage of this technique is the fact that you can only do it seven times and that their personalities suck.
The new method I found works better but needs to be tested more you take a philosopher's stone with one soul in it and melt it with the chimera you want to have a personality. The only disadvantage with this technique is its chance for a real pussy personality to awaken which doesn't want to kill and would rather die Blah Blah Blah.
In the end, I decided to test a bit more and only give my four horsemen personalities because they're the chimeras I'll be around the most. Ah, I also decided to call the Four horsemen but they don't know that yet, after all, they're still on their mission.
Oh, that's the doorbell better get this examination paper now. I walk up to the postman and take the letter he held slamming the door shut ignoring him completely.
Name: Satou Makuro
Age: 16
Class: 1A
Examination: Great potential in combat as well as a good mind. Has successfully passed all tests
General Rankings:
1rst. Satou Makuro -95p-76vp-19rp-
2nd. Shoto Todoroki -86p-63vp-23rp-
3rd. Katsuki Bakugo -77p-77vp-0rp-
4th. Ochaco Uraraka -73p-28vp-45rp-
5th. Tenya Ida -61p-52vp-9rp-
6th Izuku Midoriya -60p-0vp-60rp-
(Some extras nobody cares for wait why do I sound like Bakugo WTF)
First place yeah I know I'm awesome no need to say it out loud.
Ah, and I wasn't put in class 1A by luck no, a certain somebody poisoned a useless extra food so he couldn't go to the examination. And fuck no why do I sound like Bakugo.
Anyways everything is ready for my new life as a student.
On the next day while walking towards the UA I notice a newspaper stand with the words written on the paper:
'Massive amounts of people vanish in small towns. What could cause such a phenomenon?!'
I just walk across the street soon passing through the school gate completely oblivious to what could've caused such a thing to happen.
After looking for my classroom I open the door and enter into my new life!