Chapter 20

[A/N: I know that the UsJ incident and the alarms going off at the UA take place at different dates but because I didn't want to write useless anime copy paste chapters I decided to do it on the same day. And thanks dear readers for reading my story]

Walking down a corridor in the UA I admire my Hero costume, wich is basically the same uniform the alchemists in FMA wear. I of course implemented a few more a features like a bunch of zippers on every part of it when I create wings on my body.

I open the door to the school campus and spot the bus ready to transport us to the USJ. A couple of students are there already but most took their seet time coming here and reached us a few minutes later.

" In order to get everyone seated smoothly on the bus, form two lines according to your numbers."

After looking inside the bus it gets revealed that Tenyas orders were useless and we can sit down randomly.

After everyone is on board Aizawa explains the type of training we'll do 'Rescue'.

Tsuyu also starts a conversation with Deku and compares his and All Mights quirks, Kirishima tunes in and refuted Tsuyus comparision.

"Wait up Asui both quirks are enhancer types that's where the likeness ends, also All Might never gets hurt.

Though I'm kinda jealous of that kind of simple enhancer type quirk! There's a lot you can do with them and they're flashy too."

The discussion gets a bit more heated and the students talk about whose quirks are best suited for hero work and which ones are the strongest.

"If we're talking about the whamy, flashy and strong quirks you can't ignore Bakugos, Todorokis or Satous"

"Yeah but Satous and Bakugos personality are shitty"



""""As expected""""

I just zone out after that part of the conversation waiting till the end of the journey.









"Is this USJ or something?!"

"Flood wrecks, Land slides, Fires etc. etc..

This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters, and its name is.. the ultimate space for jams"

While the other students blindly wonder at the sight in front of them I can't help but think about all the tax money used tu build this.

'What a total waste'

"Wow that's the space hero 'Nr. 13' "

After Nr. 13 showed up he explained how he uses his quirk to save people and how it could be used to destroy things and people instead.

He also explained to the students what their purpose her today is and that they should learn the 'right' way to use their superhuman power.

"That is all! You have my gratitude for listening so intently and patiently"

"That was awsome"

"Bravo! Bravo!"

Nr. 13 finished his monolog and Aizawa takes the imaginary talking stick.

"Alright first thing's first..."

Aizawa senses something opening behind him and catches sight of a purple portal forming near the fountain in the middle of the plaza.




"What's going on sensei?"


"Eraserhead and Nr. 13... according to the teachers curriculum we got this morning All Might ahould be here as well"

Kurogiri whispers to himself and I can't help myself but smile, they really thought the papers I made to mislead them were real.

"Satou stop smiling so creepily and get cover!!"

I ignore Aizawa and create a small knive made out of bone but don't attack immediatly still waiting for Shigaraki to show up. Speak of the devil.

"Where is he... We went trough all this trouble and rustled up so many of us to bring along. You can't tell me All might the symbol of peace... isn't here.

I wonder if he will sh-"

I throw my knive at him almost hitting his head but he evaded it in the last second by tilting his head.

"Your days are counted"

Aizawa clicks his tounge after seeing me throw my weapon at Shigaraki and dashes towards the villains self proclaimed firing squad and takes out most of them while giving some cool one liners.

After Aizawas short battle with a few extra villains Kurogiri uses his teleportation quirk engulfing all students but in the midst of that Shigaraki yells out.

"Let him be... I will personally kill and torture him"

'At last I'm allowed to hunt my lab rats"