Chapter 19

After giving the alchemists their nrw missions I started to do some testing with the ants philosopher's stone.

A Night goes by and I've still gotten no results that thing was really complex anf I asume my chances of getting some helpful knowledge are slim.

I exit my little lab and see the sun rizing o the horizen telling me, I need to prepare for school.

I go about my morning routine and start walking towards the UA.






A week or so goes by in this manner, researching on the ants soul at night and wasting my time at school in the morning.

While I was trapped in my little cycle I also destroyed all other safe houses.

There are also the chimeras who will be choosing their names today and will go do their tasks tomorrow.

But let's ignore them for now, I'm on my way to the UA walking trough the busy street of the city in the morning.

Today the league of villans will attack class 1A and without All Might at the scene the heroes will absolutely lose, zero chance for survival.

I plan to take the Nomu on myself giving the students better chances of survival I also gave my alchemists the task to protect different people to ensure they stay alive... for now.

I also plan to kidnapp the students most important to my research and plan overall they'll be Aizawa, Momo and the material for my next deadly sins but their identity stays a secret till I get my hands on them.

When I arrive at the school a bunch of reporters stand in fron of the gate yellung questiins at me and other bypassing students. I ignore them completely and go to our classroom immediatly.

The first class' subject is english so I'll skip to the important part.






After the first period we get a break to eat food in the canteen and I sit at the far end of a table eating my lunch when suddenly an alarm goes of.



Everything playes out exactly like in the anime and Tenya stands up instead of the teachers.



The students stop pushing and shoving around un the mass of people and heed Tenya's words. Btw I'm also in the crowd of people to not get any suspicioun on me.

Everthing gets sorted out by Aizawa and Present Mic afterwards and the next class begins.







"We need to pick a class president"-Aizawa

"Yay finally somethimg school like"

"Oh pick me"

"No pick me"

"That job is mine people scram away"

"Class president is like a leader so let me be it"

Everybody screams something suggesting themselves as class president until Tenya acts up again.

"The class president carries a lot of responsibility so we should decide whp takes the position by a vote.

Is that alright Aizawa-Sensei?"

"Sure as long as you ae finished by the deadline everything is ok. Anyways I'm sleeoing until you finished"

The vote takes place and everybody chooses a canidate they seem fit, I choose Deku because he'll win even without my vote and it would change nothing.

In the end Deku and Momo win and Deku gives his position the Tenya.

But that's not important at all what's important is the fact that somebody voted me, you know the person talking to nobody who secretly wishes to dissect everybody here in a cold lab and take a long time doing it only to increase the pain of his 'lab rats'.

WTF who is so braindead that he would choose me?

I look around the room and try to guess who it was.

I give a sign to my little insect chimeras swirming around the students, in hopes of one having seen the person who wrote my name on their paper.

After this class ends too and we're supposed to get onto the buss to the USJ a small spider like chimera crawls up my arm and uses it's web to show me the name of my supporter.


I guess he gets one more week than initially planned