Chapter 24

I firmed my resolve and took Gluttony on my arm. I also activated a transmutation circle I tattooed on my tounge, a few streaks of lightning fly across my vody but shortly after my appearance changes.

I now look like my OG self with my adult like body gray hair and red eyes, I also decide to take my gray raincoat and wear it just like the first time I killed somebody.

I wouldn't be recogniced because of this attire since the hero association decided to only show all of my dofferent appearances to a small group of Big fish like All Might.

I also take my sanity pills I couldn't take during the time I frozen in place. It really hurt but after living this long in this world I was already accustomed to the suffering without them.

Anyways now to the tracking process, it works pretty easy actually, because of the transmutation circles the alchemists placed on Kurogiri we could locate him from far away but he isn't stupid so he teleported to a few different locations before destroying the transmutation circles made on him and teleporting to the infamous bar where Shigaraki lives.

It will take a lot of time but I hope to atleast find some clues on them in those locations.







7pm at an abandoned apartment complex, the smell of iron lingers in the air and occasionally a disfugured bird or rat could be seen pacing around these parts seemingly searching for something.

In the middle of one of these apartments sits a man wearing a gray raincoat while petting his black cat with love.

If you would closer though you would see a man with a hint of cruelty and forbidden knowledge in his crimson eyes.




A person wearing a suit and mask comes out of nowhere forming into existence only a few feet away from Satou.

Gluttony jumps out of Satous lap instictually feeling just how powerful the person coming here, his owner isn't shocked in the slightest and can only sigh at the situation.


Satou puts Gluttony on the ground besides them and stands up showing his fully glory reaching out his hand for the incoming human well... once human is a better way to decribe him.

All for One was a little suprised by the show of calmness but his centuries of experience let him compose himself immediatly.

"Greetings! My name is.... Cinerus and I'm a scientist."

"You can call me Mr. Shigaraki"

Both men shake hands even though a battle could erupt every moment even Gluttony's on edge.

"Now what brings you here?"

"That's the question I would like to ask you, the person who's been raiding all my bases and killed many of my adoptive sons underlings."

"Well you see, I planned to raid the UA today and some nobodys came in my subordinates way amd well you should know the rest. After that I started an investigation to search for the culprits behind the mess that happened today"

"That's certainly weird my adopted son had the exact same idea though I need you to stop please with this whole revenhe thing Mr. Cinerus"

"And what if I don't?"

All for one was clearly enjoying this little talk not by any chance thinking his life could be endangered.

"In that case I must use force to convince you otherwise Mr. Cinerus"

Satou changes his stance now acting like he thinks about something before saying ehat he planned to say wven before All for One showed up.

"How about a deal Mr. All for One, you'll give me the teleportation quirk user and like the good scientist I am, I'll tell you why you couldn't absorb my quirk right there and maybe some anwsers to other questions you have."

AFO was stunned some mere insect in his way was able to figure out his identity and quirk.

'I thought he was simply quirkless and those creatures outside patroling the area were created by somebody else. But now I see it: This man is dangerous'

Though internally AFO was in turmoil, on the outside he looked like nothing said mattered at all.

"You may know my name kid but don't imagine things, you can't conciebe how much more I know about this world."

"Really? For example do you know who the successor to One for All is or how to clon it's quirk?"

'Again the kid really knows too much but I should get more Intel before killing him.

"Tsk as if, nobody is able to clone quirks"

Satou picks up the cat sitting besides gim.and pushes it at All for One.

Gluttony is in arms length but All for One suddenly feels something, a primal.roar comanding him to touch that cat.

To get what was once part of him to be one again.

To become the strongest for oneself anf for all.

One for all, all for one.

'It's beatiful'

Sattou throws the cat out of the window, and it crashes down multiple floors.


"Now that you've seen what I'm capable of lets make a deal shall we?"

"You.. you said you want Kurogiri right and in return you'll tell me how to create something like the cat there?"