Chapter 25

After talking a bit with All for One we made an agreement, he'll give Kurogiri to me and in teturn I'll create another One for All quirk.

To ensure I keep my promise he took Gluttony in but that's none of my concern, after all even if Gluttony's quirks get stilen and he gets killed everything I need to do to revove him is placing his philosopher's stone inside another cat.

"That went a lot better than expected now of you would excuse me mr. All for One, goodbye Gluttony."

"I look forward to work toghetee with you Cinerus, goodbye"

I pick the unconscious Kurogiri up who was ordered to see me as his new master by All for One and leave the old building but not before disposing of all the chimeras patroling around.









I open the door to my house and notice the alchemists sitting on a couch togheter watching f*cking stocks.... yeah though they have personalities they still do their job and get me money all day long.

"Guys it's time for your departure!"

"Sure Boss"


"If it's your order"

All of them stand up and take their coffers containing everything they need for their journey, all of course except Garry who'll stay here.

I chug Kurogiris body over to Garry and sit down at the table.

"As you all allready know nows you time to choose your names, no takebacks."

Scarlet Flesh speaks up first.


Garry comes second.

"I like my currwnt name"

Rat empress was third.


Last but not least Frostfall.


'Personally I mist say that mist of these names aren't bad, though a small part of me just hates to call Garry Garry.










Two months passed since the Alchemists got out of their parents home, ah just how fast they grow up.

Enough with my feelings they're useless.

The mood in the UA was terrible especially for the students of class 1A who got called the cursed class after two of their teachers were missing, Aizawa and All Might.

If my calculations are right All Might should be able to be a teacher in a few more weeks when all of the transmutation circles are destroyed.

I was also able to create another One for All quirk with a normal human baby, so Gluttony returned to me.

All for One got a huge power up because of me but who cares after all he's not my enemy and I also placed a few traps inside the DNA string AFO absorbed so if he ever decides to anragonize me I just need to play a sound at 1425,935db to stop his heart.

I don't plan to do it anytime soon though, after all ee both are partners on the way to immeasurable power.

He also introduced me to Kyudai Garaki a trie mastermind in the field of biology and gentetics, his sole existence was enough reason for me to decide to never attack All for One in fear of angering the man and making further cooperation with him impossible.

Garaki helped me with encoding Aizawa's, Momo's and Kurogiri's quirk completely so I fed all of them to Gluttony who got even stronger with following quirks:

-Many body strengthening quirks( about 17 times the strength of a peak human)

-Fire breathing


-Matter creation (doesn't work on anything other than food because he canthin about anything else than it)

-Minor future sight(15 sec)

-Quirk cancelling with eyesight

I also tried to create philosopher's stones with Momo's quirk but sadly nothing worked.

I even created a chimera with alchemical capabilities and thaught it every step of making philosopher's stone AND fed it human bodies but even then the chimera was unable to create it.

In short her quirk was mostly useless after all I could do everythun she could with alchemy, the only usefullnes of it stems from me giving her quirk to some chimeras, effectively making them chimeras.

Aizawa's quirk in contast was unimaginavle useful. I initially had problems creating his DNA in chimeras but after I got the gist of it I was able to create theoratical armies of Quirk deniers.

Just imagine a hundred Doberman chimeras with Aizawa's quirk storming the UA, it would be a complete massacre.


With that I open the door to the outside of the dressroom entiering into a hall leading directly into the stadium where the UA sport festival is going on right now.