Chapter 1 Welcome to the Hoenn region

The warm rays of the sun beaming down, the shape of clouds dotted the sky, the sound of the waves gently lapping against the sides of the boat, the salty smell of th-

"Tepig use Tackle" breaking the spell of silence was the quiet voice of a boy. The fire pig Pokémon was at the height of 2'6 feet, bigger than a normal Tepig should be and a weight of 25.8 lbs. it is also a quadrupedal, pig-like Pokémon that is primarily orange. It has oval eyes, a red nose, and a thick yellow stripe on its snout. The upper portion of its head is dark brown, and its long, pointed ears are positioned closely together. Tepig has short legs, and its front feet are dark brown. A dark brown band covers its lower back and rear. Its curly tail is tipped with a ruddy red sphere.

Tepig charged it's opponent with a yell of it's name and as well as a manic grin. As he was getting closer to smashing into he's target he got more excited for the inevitable fight that was to come.

"Oshawott dodge and follow up with Razor shell" came a voice that much louder than the last. The sea otter Pokémon Oshawott was at the height of 1'8 feet tall and weighed 13 lbs. Also it is a bipedal sea otter-like Pokémon. It has a spherical white head with small, triangular dark-blue ears on the sides. Oshawott's eyes are dark and its dark-orange nose is shaped like a horizontal oval. Several freckles cover its cheeks which may be premature whiskers, and two pointed teeth can be seen when it opens its mouth. The light blue fur on its body forms bubble shapes around its neck. Its arms are white and rounded, while its feet are dark blue with three toes each. It also possesses a rudder-like dark blue tail. It carries a pale yellow seashell called a "scalchop" on its belly.

Oshawott dodged to the right as the battle hungry pig Pokémon went sailing past. Oshawott then pulled the scalchop off his body and did a diagonal slash as a blade of water energy came off the shell and slashed at the now open form of Tepig.

"Tepig Defence curl" the first voice called out a bit louder. In an instant the larger than normal Tepig curled up into a ball tanking the super effective move from Oshawott without so much as a scratch on the beastly pig's skin.

The two battling Pokémon separated to opposite ends of the arena built into the boat they were on.

"Let's finish this Oshawott" shouted the louder of the two voices. Said Pokémon nodded his head in agreement

"Yes let us win this Tepig" agreed the other calmer voice. The fire Pokémon responded with a battle hungry grin.

"WATER GUN!!! / Ember!" the two opposing Pokémon followed there orders and started to charge up there respective attacks. "OshaaaWAA- / TeeePII-

"We will be arriving at our destination in ten minutes" both Pokémon stopped mid attack as the loud speakers on the boat informed them that they would soon be finally getting off of the painfully slow boat.

"Saved by the bell, Gray" the second voice said to the know identified Gray. Gray was a tall boy at the height of 5'10 feet, he looked to be 14, he wore a black T-Shirt with an unzipped red hoodie over it, around his neck was a dark grey scarf that completely covered the lower half of his face, he dark grey dark cargo pants on going to his ankles, on his feet he had black socks with red hiker boots on. He had black hair with icy blue eyes.

"As if me and Tepig would have totally kicked your ass if we didn't have to stop, Ben" the Black haired teen shot back at the now known Ben. Ben had a more average height at 5'6 feet, he also looked 14, He had brown hair and green eyes. He wore a green vest over a white long sleeved shirt, he wore black shorts and green sneakers with black socks on his feet.

"Oh Yeah" replied Ben heatedly, but you could hear a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Yeah" answered Gray calmly like normal, but if you knew him long enough or was really observant you would have noticed the slight annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah" Ben threw back.

"Yeah" Gray countered.




"TEPIIIGGG" The pig Pokémon shouted out his name in annoyance at the two boys snapping the them out of their argument.

"Hehe, sorry Tepig got a bit anoyed there" replied Gray as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Osha" scoffed Oshawott while he pointed his stubby hand to the docks that were growing bigger as the seconds go by.

"Yeah your right Oshawatt we should get ready to depart from the ship" agreed an embarrassed Ben.

Just as Ben finished that sentence the loud speakers sounded again.

"Now arriving in the Hoenn region, please gather your belongings and Pokémon and get ready to get off the boat"

The two 14 year old trainers gathered there belongings and returned Tepig and Oshawott to their respective Pokéballs and hopped off the ship onto the dock.

As Gray stepped of the boat and breathed in the fresh Hoenn air. "Now that we're in Hoenn he need to travel to Littleroot town and find professor Birch to deliver Professor Juniper's letter to him" he explained getting an enthusiastic "Yeah let's go!" From his green eyed pal as they he checked their map and they started walked in the direction of Littleroot town into the sunset.

End Chapter


Thank you for reading the first chapter in my first series, I have always loved to read and I loved Pokémon so I was inspired to write this fanfic, sadly I'm new to this so the chapters might not be the best so I'm sorry in advance, but I KNOW I will hat better so please be patient.

I hope you enjoyed my two oc's and I hope I have done there interactions right because they where heavily inspired by me and my friends relationship.

I might not have the most consistent upload schedule because I have school but I will try my best.

Sorry if there are spelling mistakes and stuff like that I am doing this on my phone and auto correct is annoying so please tell me and I'll try to fix it. Feedback and criticism is highly encouraged.

And lastly if you think a paragraph or sentence should be added onto, changed or deleted please comment on the paragraph how it should change or if it should stay the same by writing what you think it should be and I will change it if I think it's good. This will not only help improve the quality of the book but also make it into somewhat of a community fanfic.

Location: Route 104, Hoenn

Gray's Pokémon and their moves so far:

Tepig: tackle, defence curl, ember

Ben's Pokémon and their moves so far:

Oshawott: razor shell, water gun

(As they reveal or catch new Pokémon the Pokémon and the moves it's used so far will be added at the end of every chapter, the same with if a Pokémon reveals or learns a new move, that move will be added onto the move list of that Pokémon at the end of each chapter, and finally the location they are at at the end of the chapter will be will be added as well).