A trainer in green is seen commanding a small yellow bug, this bug is Sewaddle, Sewaddle is a caterpillar-like Pokémon with a broad, bitten leaf enfolding its head like a hood. Its large, spherical head is an orange-yellow with two small, close-together knobs on its forehead. Sewaddle's eyes are black and circular, and its mouth has a downward-pointing, crescent-shaped orange snout with a sharp tiny tooth at either end. The underside between the snout and its neck is white. Its green body has three segments with a pair of stubby, spherical orange legs on each segment.
Currently Ben and Sewaddle are in a battle against a young boy and his Zigzagoon, Zigzagoon is a raccoon-like, quadrupedal Pokémon with bristly, zigzag-patterned fur. It has stripes formed by alternating layers of cream and brown fur. It has a brown head with spiky ears and a black nose. A black, mask pattern surrounds its brown eyes. The upper half of its mouth is jagged, and when it is open, there are two pointed teeth in its lower jaw. Its feet have three claws and pink paw pads. Its forefeet are cream-colored, but the hind feet are brown. Its brush tail is spiky and bristly.
"Ziggy use sand attack" the young boy commanded the raccoon like Pokémon. Zigzagoon used it's tail to throw sand in the direction of Sewaddle's glaring eyes.
"Dodge and trip it up with string shot" Sewaddle dodged to the left and fired sticky string as hard as he could from his mouth at the legs of the Zigzagoon. "Ziggy dodge" the command was registered by the brown Pokémon a second to late as a vicious blast of the sticky string shot rapped his legs up.
"Ziggy get out of it" the young boy shouted concerned for his Pokémon. The Zigzagoon started to struggle out of it's sticky prison. "Almost there keep on going" the boy shouted in happiness
"Not on our watch, Sewaddle use bug bite" Ben yelled his order to the bug. "Waddleee" Sewaddle's mouth started to glow as it charged at the downed Zigzagoon. "Ziggy NOOOOO" the kid yelled scared for his Pokémon. Sewaddle came down upon the Zigzagoon with a vicious look on his face as he bit down on the Zigzagoon's neck. The raccoon Pokémon screeched in pain as the little devil bit down harder until it finally went still. "Ziggy!" the young boy picked up his Pokémon with glossy eyes as the demon bug disengaged with it's opponent with a murderous look in it's eyes and a battle cry of victory.
"Zigzagoon is unable to battle Sewaddle wins" shouted Gray as he swung his hand down. "Holy shit that little creature is out for blood" Gray commented as the young kid ran away with tears in his eyes.
"When is he not out for blood" said Ben in a disappointed tone. "You can't be that brutal when your against a little kid" Ben lectured the little bug, Sewaddle just answered with a killer glare.
"Let's just calm down and have some lunch" Gray told the two as he looked up to see the sun was in high noon.
After the two calmed down Gray congratulated them for their victorious beatdown of a battle of Ben's little demon Sewaddle against the opposing trainer's Zigzagoon and they decided to have a small lunch break that consisted of Pokéfood for Tepig who was shoveling as much food that he could fit in his mouth, Oshawott who was eating at a much slower rate and Sewaddle who was eating his food at a fast pace while glaring over his bowl at everything that moved, and for the two trainers they had some leftover beef jerky from Gray's bag that they didn't eat on the boat trip.
"Your Sewaddle has some serious issues" commented Gray. "I mean look at that" Ben looked up in time to see Sewaddle completely cover a Zigzagoon in it's string shot attack while having a murderous look on it's face for getting to close to his food.
"Well no Pokémon is perfect" Ben shot back in an annoyed tone.
"Yeah no kidding" Gray muttered under his breath while watching the demonic little bug Pokémon murder a flower because the small plant touched his now empty food bowl.
Once they finished eating there lunch
They hear and see strange red thunder come out of a forest from a distance.
"Huh wonder what that was" The green eyed trainer said sounding concerned as he recalled Sewaddle and Oshawott to their respective Pokéballs.
"Probably nothing important" answered Gray in a lazy tone. "We have to hurry to Littleroot town so we don't have time for detours, Tepig return" In a flash of red light Tepig disappeared back into it's Pokéball.
"Why do I have the feeling that a bike was just destroyed" Ben suddenly said. "Why are you giving me that weird look" whined Ben. "No reason" Gray answered with a shake of his head. And with that the two trainers continued on there way making small talk until.
"BOOOOMMMM!!!" The two trainers from Unova quickened there pace with a quick nope from Gray, Ben swears he saw people flying through the air in the distance but shook it of and kept on walking.
The two friends are now walking through Littleroot town trying to find the lab.
"I think we might be lost" Ben told Gray. "Ask for some directions".
"No! We'll find the lab ourselves, come on out buddy" In a flash of blinding red light out came a white, rodent-like Pokémon resembling a flying squirrel. It has brown eyes, a tiny nose, and yellow cheek patches. It can create electricity on the electric sacs located on its cheeks and store electricity inside its membranes. Its ears, positioned at the top of its head, are rounded in shape and light brown in coloration, with yellow and white sections of coloration in the inside of its ears. It sports a vaguely hood-like patterning of light brown around its head, with a spiky extension of the pattern above its face. It has yellow winglike flaps connected to its three-fingered arms. Its feet are white and fairly small and its light brown tail is in a jagged shape.
"Em emolga" the tiny Pokémon called out while stars surrounded it as it came out, this was Gray's shiny Emolga.
Gray crouched down to the Pokémon's level "Hey buddy we need to find professor Birch's lab, can you help us". Emolga put on a look of determination and nodded it's head. "Mo molga" it it confirmed with a nod of it's head.
"Great, thanks buddy, see now we have Emolga's help we'll find it in no time" Gray said turning to Ben.
"Good idea, go Ducklett!" In a flash of red light a small shape at the height of 10'8 was forming, when the light cleared the two boys saw a small Pokémon that is a light-blue, duckling-like Pokémon. It has two feathery tufts on its head that connect at the bottom, forming a V-shape. It has a darker blue, feathery underside which makes it appear as if it were in mid-moult. It has yellow, webbed feet and a small tail, this is Ducklett.
"Duck Ducklett" the small bird Pokémon chirped happily. Suddenly Ducklett jumped at Ben's leg and wrapped it's wings around it. "Lett ducklett" the Pokémon called in content.
"Yes I'm happy to see you to Ducklett but right now we need your help to find prof. Birch's lab, you think you can do that" Ben asked the Pokémon. "Ducklett" the Pokémon nodded. "Thanks Ducklett" Ben called after the blue duck as it took off.
Gray and Ben walked to around town a bit to see if they could find the lab. At the moment they got distracted looking at all the food and Knick knacks Hoenn has until they stopped after they heard some noises.
"Emolga molga" they heard a voice. They looked up and saw Emolga flying toward them with Ducklett behind him. "Duck duck" the blue Pokémon said.
"Hah my Pokémon found it first, eat that" Gray gloated. "No fair Emolga got a head start" Ben argued.
"All is fair in love and war my friend" Gray shot back. The two trainers turned back towards the two incoming Pokémon. " Emolga can you please show us the way" Gray asked. "Em olga" the Pokémon answered and flew of back the way it came.
"Hold on a minute, Ducklett return!" Ben said as he recalled Ducklett back in a flash of light. "Now let's go" Ben shouted as he ran after Gray. "Wait up" Gray called after his friend as he to started chasing after Emolga.
"Huff… huff… huff… I… huff…. won.. ha.. ha ha" Ben huffed out as they finally made it to the lab with the help of Emolga.
"Huff.. return.. huff.. Emolga.. huff.. no.. fair.. you had a head start Ben" in a flash of red Emolga was sent back to its Pokéball. Gray was also just as puffed out as Ben from running from across the town.
As the two boys looked up that were amazed at the size of the lab compared to the other buildings scattered around in the town.
"How did we miss this it's huge compared to the other houses" Gray wondered to himself.
"We'll let's go in we still need to give prof. Birch the letter" Ben said as he was walking towards the door with Gray following close behind him.
As they open the and walk in they see 3 people a girl, a boy and a man. The girl wears a red short-sleeved shirt with a navy blue semi-circle on it, a yellow fanny pack, white gloves with navy fingertips, a white mini skirt over dark blue cycle shorts, and black ankle socks along with red shoes with black and yellow stripes, a red bandanna, she has brown hair and blue eyes.
The boy wears hoodie, black gloves, blue jeans, blue sneakers. The backpack is green, with one pocket and a red Poké Ball design on it, a red cap and he has black hair and eyes.
The man wears a lab coat over a blue shirt, he wears green pants with a belt, a brown shoulder bag, he has brown hair and a brown beard, he has black eyes.
There are three Pokémon in front of them a blue, green and orange one. The blue one is a Mudkip, Mudkip is a small, amphibious, quadrupedal Pokémon. It has a blue body with a light-blue underside. Mudkip has a large head with a blue fin on top and a light-blue tail fin. It has black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped gills on its cheeks
The green one is a small, green, bipedal reptilian Pokémon. It has yellow eyes with long, narrow pupils. Treecko's hands and feet each have three digits covered with tiny spikes. Its stomach and throat are red. It also has a line across its stomach resembling a pouch. Treecko has a large, dark green tail with two separate lobes. This is Treeko the wood gecko Pokémon.
The last one called Torchic is a small, chick Pokémon with stubby, downy, yellow wings. Its body is covered with orange feathers. There is an orange and yellow crest on its head that resembles a flame. Its two thin legs and short beak are a light brownish yellow, and the feet have three toes in front and one in the back.
That don't seem to notice the two boys as they walk in. "I choose Torchic" the girl said as they close the door slowly. "Crreeeeek" the door made a screeching sound. "Smooth dude smooth" Gray said with an eye roll.
"Shut it, I'd like to see you do better" Ben shot back. "Too late now mate, they've already seen us" Gray told his green eyed friend.
"Who are they!" The girl and boy yelled in sync. "Who are we? Who are you!" The two trainers from Unova yelled back.
"I'm Ash and this is my partner Pikachu" "Pika Pi" the now dubbed ash answered as he pointed to the yellow mouse Pokémon who also introduced himself.
Pikachu is a short, chubby rodent Pokémon that's covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back. It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears with black tips, and brown eyes. Each cheek has a red circle, it has short forearms with five fingers on each paw, and its feet each have three toes, finally at the base of its lightning bolt-shaped tail is a patch of brown fur.
"I'm May and this is my new partner Torchic" "Torchic torch" the girl now known as May as well as Torchic greeted.
"We'll I'm Ben and this is Gray" Ben introduced the boys while Gray was behind him with a nervous look on his face. "Don't worry about him he's just shy" "Hey!" They all turned towards Gray who just shrunk further behind Ben.
"N-nice to meet you B-ben" May stuttered out with a blush on here cheeks looking shy. "Hehehe" Gray turned into a giggling fit as he new what this meant while Ben just stood there as clueless as always thinking she was just shy to new people like his pal.(A/N: Ash and May are aged up to 14 years old because it's kinda silly for 10 year olds to go of on a journey that is full of creatures more dangerous than guns, as well as it being bullshit that ash is always 10, so there I'm changing their age).
"Ahhh you must be the Gray and Ben sent by my fellow professor in Unova" The lone adult in the room addresses them.
"So then that makes you prof. Birch, prof. Juniper sent us to find you" Ben addressed the now known professor birch.
"Ah yes what did she need" prof Birch asked. "She wanted us to give you this letter sir" answered Gray as he stiffly handed prof. Birch the letter.
Prof. Birch took the letter and opened it taking a piece of paper out and reading it. "Hmmm, ok boys this letter here is about how you two are going to be participating in the Hoenn gym circuit".
"Awwww, and I though it was a love letter" Ben said disappointed.
"Eh!!!" Prof. Birch coughed with a blush tinting his cheeks.
"Enough joking around, give me your Pokédexes and let me sign you two up" the two boys gave prof. Birch their Pokédexes.
"Boys while I'm doing this go and pick a Pokémon" Prof. Birch called back as he walked over to his desk.
"I dibs Treeko!" Ben yelled rather quickly. The boy then turned to the gecko Pokémon with a wide grin on his face "Hi I'm Ben and I'm going on a journey with this dufus here so I need a strong Pokémon like you to help us, so would you like to join us?" Ben asked the small gecko Pokémon. "Ko treeko" the small grass type nodded in acceptance. "Ok then Good to have you on the team then".
"I guess that leaves just you and me hey little buddy" Gray said turning to the amphibious Pokémon. "Muuudkiiiiip" the little blue Pokémon used water gun right in Gray's face with an annoyed expression. "Hehe, Sorry I guess you don't like being called little". Gray said while rubbing his head. "Mud mudkip" it cried back. "Alright my name is Gray lit-buddy, hehe" Gray cut himself off at Mudkip's annoyed expression.
"Okay then Mudkip how would you like to join me to become one of the best" he proposed to the water type". "Kip…" Mudkip thought it over for a bit. "Mud Mudkip Kip Kip" Mudkip answered accepting the offer.
"Cool, you guy's got new Pokémon" Ash shouted. "Yeah I guess we did" Ben said sheepishly with Gray next to him nodding his head.
"Ok boys you have been officially Registered for the gym circuit" Prof. Birch called as he gave them back their Pokédexes. "It seems you have also chosen your Pokémon, here's are their Pokéballs". After handing the two boys their respective Pokéballs he suddenly had a great idea. "I know how about one of you have a battle with May here" prof. Birch suggested.
"Great idea Prof, Gray will do it" Ben complemented as he pushed Gray forward. "What! Why me" Gray called out flailing his arms. "Because you're the better battler and I've already battled today". Ben answered sagely.
"*Sigh* Fine" Gray spoke in a defeated voice.
The five of them were outside with Gray and May on opposite sides of the field, while Ash and Ben where watching and prof. Birch acting as the referee.
"Ok this is a one on one battle between Gray and May, battlers please send out your Pokémon" prof. Birch shouted out.
"This is my first time battling so please don't go easy on me" May called to Gray.
"Sure you funeral" Gray muttered under his breath. "Mudkip come on out" Gray said in a low voice. In a flash of light Mudkip was appeared on the field. "Mudkip" The water type cried as it took in the situation and got into a battling stance.
"Go Torchic" May called out and in a flash of red light the little chick appeared. "Torchic" it called getting into a fighting stance after seeing Mudkip.
"Ok battlers ready" prof. Birch shouted out.
"Yep!/sure" May and Gray called out respectively. "Ok ready and battle".
"You can have the first move" Gray called to May. "Ok then, Torchic use ember!" She shouted. "Torchiiiiic" Torchic cried as it shot an a folly of embers at Mudkip.
As the embers came flying at Mudkip Gray called his response "Run through it and use tackle on Torchic" "Mudkip" the blue Pokémon nodded and charged at the incoming ember. *Fwooosh* Mudkip ran through the ember taking little to no damage. "Kip" Mudkip called as it crashed into the chick Pokémon. "Chiiic" the fire Pokémon cried out in pain as it flew back.
"What happened, why didn't Mudkip take much damage" questioned May. "Fire type attacks are weak to water types like Mudkip" Ben shouted out.
"Then let's try scratch Trorchic" May called to her Pokémon. "Torch" the Pokémon called as it ran at Mudkip. "Mudkip Charge up water gun but hold it until I say so" Gray ordered his Pokémon. "Mud" Mudkip answered as it filled its mouth with water but held it in.
"We got him now May yelled". "Torchic" they cried out as Torchic jumped up and slashed down toward Mudkip. "Checkmate" whispered Gray. "Now release" Gray ordered his Pokémon. "Kiiiiiiip" his Pokémon shouted and blasted Torchic with a water gun point blank. "Torrrrch" the fire Pokémon cried in pain as it stood no chance against the super effective water attack.
"No! torchic!" May cried out as Torchic fell to the ground knocked out. "Don't worry May you did great, Gray here just has more experience" Ben reassured the girl.
"Th-thanks! Torchic return" May called returning Torchic with a blush on her cheeks.
"That was awesome, the way you battled was so cool" Ash congratulated Gray excitedly with stars in his eyes.
"T-thanks" Gray said nervously rubbing the back of his head.
After a bit of chatting and congratulation Gray checked the time seeing how late it was.
"Sorry we got to go sir, we need to find a hotel for the night" Gray apologised. "It was nice meeting you Ash, May" he said as he turned to the two.
"I won't keep you two then" prof. Birch called to them
"Bye" "Pika pi" Ash, May and Pikachu called in sync.
"Cya later guys" Ben called as he and Gray started walking away with Mudkip on their following close behind Gray. "We might even see you on our journey" Ben called turning his head to give the two a a grin causing Ash to grin back and for May to start blushing and adverting her eyes.
The two boys walk off with two new Pokémon with them leaving a waving Ash, a still blushing May and a smiling prof. Birch behind at the lab.
So that was chapter two, it took a week to write between doing school work and being lazy so I think it went fairly well. But don't worry in the school holiday's or a random weekend I will start popping out chapters because I'm either at boarding school being board on a weekend or being board when I'm at home on the farm because there's no gardening to do.
3589 words not bad for my second chapter and remember to leave suggestions on the paragraph that you want to change or delete
As you can see below Gray and Ben both have a couple Pokémon each already and you are probably thinking "why do they so many Pokémon when it's only the second chapter" and that's fair, so the reason is that Ben and Gray were doing odd jobs around Unova for Prof. Juniper so that had a lot of opportunities to catch and train Pokémon so please don't question it at all.
Location: Littleroot town.
Gray's Pokémon and their moves so far:
Tepig: tackle, defence curl, ember
Emolga: no moves shown so far
Mudkip: tackle, water gun
Ben's Pokémon and their moves so far:
Oshawott: razor shell, water gun
Sewaddle: string shot, bug bite
Ducklett: no moves shown so far
Treeko: no moves shown so far
Thank you for tuning in this week