The sun was shining through the beige curtains of the Redwood hotel in Odale town. It was currently 5:37 in the morning as the two trainers from Unova were waking up after a nice long sleep.
"Aaaahhhhh, Morning everyone!" Ben yells obnoxiously loud. "Osha osha wott!" Ben's partner Oshawott cries just as loudly.
"Beee quieeet" Gray groans with his pillow over his head. "Te te" Tepig sluggishly agrees while lifting his head to look at the two trouble makers.
"Weeell your up now so let's get breakfast" Ben said while opening the door, at that Ben gets Tepig's attention. "Tepig te" the fire pig cries fully awake now.
The energetic trainer and the fire Pokémon make a mad dash through the door for the local cafe they managed to find the day before.
"It's to early for this shit… I need a coffee" Gray decides. "Osha osh" the water starter agrees with the much calmer of the two trainers. With that the two walked out the door following their more energetic friends.
The four arrived at Odale cafe for breakfast. As they sat down a waitress walked over to there table. "Hello thank you for choosing Odale cafe what can I do for you today"
"Coffee and toast" Gray answered with his head on the table. "I'll have some cereal please, come on out everybody, they will have your finest Pokéfood". In a flash of light Treeko, Ducklett and Sewaddle came out of their Pokéballs. With a groan Gray called out Mudkip and Emolga. With cries of greetings and cheers of happiness (and glares of hatred *cough*Sewaddle*cough*) the Pokémon that got called out joined up with Oshawott and Tepig. "Should we call the others out" Ben questions. "No they are either too shy or will eat this place out, we'll feed them later".
"Ok is that all" she got a nod from both boys. "It will be served in a minute, oh and we feed Pokémon for free here" and with that the waitress was walked of to the next customer. "Well, she was cute" Ben said out of nowhere while watching her leave. "..." needless to say Gray was not impressed.
"Soooo do we need to do anything before we leave for route 102" Ben asked Gray while watching their Pokémon converse and play with each other, Mudkip and Treeko were introducing themselves with everyone until they walked up to Sewaddle not listening to the other Pokémon trying to warn them, Sewaddle bit Treeko and the mood kind of died, with a sigh Ben turned to Gray waiting for an answer.
"We have go to the Pokécenter to tell Professor Juniper that the letter was delivered, other than that no" Gray answered while sipping on the coffee the waitress gave him while Ben was watching their Pokémon, he looked much more awake. "That's right, I knew I forgot something hehe" Ben said while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "She's going to be sooo pissed that we didn't call her last night" Ben whined. "*sigh* Well we were tired after the long trip and we were kinda held up as well I'm sure she'll understand". Gray said with a sigh, he sighs a lot Ben noted. "Yeah hopefully she will" Ben said in a disbelieving voice.
"Here you go boys, your orders is served" the waitress exclaimed as she came back over to their table with their orders in her hand. "Thanks" The boys said in sync along with the various cries of their Pokémon. And with that they dug into their breakfast.
"Ohhhh man, I should of asked that cute waitresses for her number or at least her name, what do you think buddy" Ben whined as he looked up. "Duck uck!" the blue duck Pokémon that was sitting top of his head answered with a peck to the head. "ow" Ben cried in pain while rubbing his sore head. "…. Your such an idiot" Gray said while slapping his forehead. "Em Emolga" his little electric Pokémon agreed from his place in Gray's scarf.
Before that knew it that had made it to the doors Pokécenter. As they entered they were welcomed by the nurse joy in this town. "Hello welcome to the Pokécenter what can I do for you to day" she asked. "Nothing we're just here for the PC" Ben answered, he then walked straight to the PC with a quiet Gray following close behind him.
"Riiiing ring riiing ring riii- oh hello this is Professor Juniper speaking" the face of a woman appeared on the screen of the PC, she had brown hair in a bun, green eyes, a red earring in each ear and a white lab coat with the collar up high. Oh why if it isn't Ben and Gray, you forgot to call me last night" she said with an annoyed face. "Sorry Professor Juniper we were a bit busy after our the ride to Hoenn so we forgot to call you" Gray said as Ben was busy taking the role of hiding behind Gray with a scared face instead of vice versa. "Y-yeah s-sorry auntie hehe" Ben chocked out while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Hehe, sorry for getting angry, you know how worried I get about you boys your always getting into some kind of trouble" she answered sheepishly.
"With that out of the way, Professor Juniper we have completed the task" Gray said in a serious tone. "Emolga ga" Emolga agreed with a cheer.
"Oh hello cuties I didn't notice you" Professor Juniper gushed at the two Pokémon. "Em Emolga" "Ducklett lett" the two Pokémon cried out. "Oh you are so precious oh yes you are" Professor Juniper said in a babyish voice. "Hey auntie, you ok" Ben asked. "Oh yes sorry about that it's that I don't get to see your cute Pokémon with how much you travel" Professor Juniper said with a blush.
"We'll it's been a great chat but we need to go now Professor Juniper" Gray told the still embarrassed Professor. "Oh yes you need to start you journey, I won't keep you waiting then, oh and Gray please look after Ben l know he can be a handful but I wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to him" she asked Gray worriedly. "Aaaauntieee, I can take care of my self" Ben whined. "Don't worry Professor I will do everything in my power to make sure he's safe" Ben assured. "Duuuuude whyyy" Ben whined yet again but at that Professor Juniper's expression got brighter "Ok then boys I'll see you soon bye" She said with a pose. And with that the PC screen went black.
As the two boys finished up at the Pokécenter and started to leave the nurse joy called out "thank you for coming, please come again" Ben answered with a "we will" and with that the two boys walked out through the doors of the Pokécenter. "Now to start our adventure, Man I'm so excited!" Ben yelled to the world. "E emol" "Duck lett" their Pokémon cried out in excitement, as Ducklett was snuggling into his hair Ben looked back at Gray and while he didn't reply Ben could see the excitement in his eyes. "Promise me that you and I buddy will do this together and at the end we'll finally see who's better" Ben said as he held out a fist to Gray. "Yes we shall my friend and when we fight our battle shall be legendary" Gray replied as he fist bumped Ben.
The two kept on walking in the peaceful silence that followed their promise to one another they finally made it to route 101. Route 101 was a beautiful place, the grass was flowing in the wind, the sun was shining and it was a nice temperature, only for that to be ruined by a quadrupedal Pokémon similar in appearance to hyenas and canines. Its body is primarily gray with a black face and throat, paws, and belly. Its eyes are red with yellow sclerae, and it has a red nose. Its lower jaw has two pointed teeth sticking out. The fur at the base of its tail is rumpled and shaggy. It has gray paw pads on its three-toed paws. This was a Poochyena.
The Poochyena jumped right at the boys, only for Emolga to rush the Poochyena using quick attack, suddenly another Poochyena tried to tackle Emolga but at that moment Ducklett intercept it with water gun. Emolga turned around and saw Ducklett in the air. "Emo" it called in thanks. And with that a double battle commenced.
"Poochyenaaa" the two dark types cried while charging at Emolga and Ducklett together with a bite. "Emolga double team" Gray commanded. "Emolga" The dual type cried as it created four clones next to itself. "Ducklett wing attack now" Ben called out. "Duckleeeett" the small duck Pokémon yelled as it's wings were surrounded with white light, Ducklett then dove towards one of the Poochyena but before Ducklett could hit the opposing Pokémon Poochyena caught his wing in it's mouth and bit down. "Leeeett" it cried out in pain as Poochyena starter to swing it around.
On the opposite side of the battle Poochyena had destroyed all the illusions of Emolga but was puffed from exerting to much energy. "Emolga finnish this use iron tail with wild charge" Gray called to his Pokémon with narrowed eyes. This was a powerful combo move that had been working on, it's a bit overkill but they needed to go help Ben and Ducklett in their fight. "Emolga emo" Emolga cried as it's tail started to go a steely colour and electricity started to form around it. "Emolgaaaaaa" it yelled as it swooped at the opposing Poochyena who was growling and started to charge up a fire fang. "Pooch..huff..yeeenaaaaa" it yelled as it charged at the swooping Emolga. They were about to meet but at that moment Emolga flipped in the air and swung it's electric covered and ironised tail down. "Checkmate" Gray whispered with his eyes closed as Emolga slammed it's tail into the back of the Poochyena. "Yeeeeenaaaa" it cried out in pain while it's eyes bulged and the fire fang dissipated. "Booommm" as Poochyena made contact with the ground kicking up dust all around them. As the dust settled it revealed a cheering Emolga standing over a knocked out Poochyena that was smashed into on the ground. Gray reached into his hoodie and pulled out a shrunken Pokéball, he enlarged it and threw it at the downed Poochyena. It rolled once, twice, three times and it dinged. "Gotcha" Was all Gray said as he went to receive the Pokéball.
At that same moment a soaked Poochyena flew past Gray picking up the Pokéball by a pissed of Ducklett's bubble beam, Gray looked in the direction of the soaked Poochyena only to see it on the ground with swirls in it's eyes. Gray looked over at Ducklett noticing his wing was limp and bent at an odd direction against his side. "What happened" Gray called. "Oh, I guess the Poochyena got a lucky shot, good job on pushing through the pain buddy" Ben praised as he turned to look at Ducklett. "Duck lett" it called back in a mix of happiness and pain.
"Give me a look" Gray said as he kneeled down infront of Ducklett while pulling out a roll of bandages from his bag.
As Gray was fixing Ducklett's wing Ben asked the question. "Did ya catch it buddy" Gray pulled the newly retrieved Pokéball out of his hoodie pocket and showed it to Ben. "yes I did but I'm sending him to Professor Juniper to study" he explained as he was wrapping the last of Ducklett's wing up. "There that should be good enough until we reach the next town" he told them. "Ducklett lett" the small duck Pokémon cheered as it cuddled into Gray as thanks. "Now I need to catch a Pokémon for auntie to study and it'll be waaaaay better than that Poochyena" Ben gloated. "Sure you will" Gray retorted with an eye roll.
"We'll then now that that's done let's continue" Ben spoke up as he was putting Ducklett on his head. "Sure let's go" Gray replied as Emolga flew into his place in Gray's scarf.
They continued to walk along route 102 until a young child stepped in front of them demanding for a Pokémon battle. "Hey you face me in a Pokémon battle old man!" he yelled pointing a finger at Gray arrogantly. A tick mark quickly appeared on Gray's head. "Didn't your parents teach you not to point" Gray replied clearly annoyed at being called old.
Without answering the young child yelled. "Go wurmple!" In flash of light appeared A Wurmple, Wurmple is a small, caterpillar-like Pokémon. Its body is mainly red with a cream underside and face. It has large yellow eyes with dark pupils. It has one sharp yellow stinger on its head and two of them on its rear. It has a tall, erect, red spine behind its forehead and a similar, smaller spine behind that. It has small spikes running down the top portions of its body and five pairs of stubby white limbs.
"So a bug type that means it's weak to fire, ok than go tepig" Gray said analysing the opposing Pokémon. Tepig appeared in a flash of light. "Alright buddy we're going to teach this kid a lesson" Gray said to the fire pig Pokémon. "Tepig te" it nodded in agreement as it stared down the opposing Wurmple. "Ok Tepig sunny day" Gray ordered, at the order Tepig fired a beam of energy into the sky, as the be faded the sunlight suddenly got harsher. "Wurmple poison sting the young child yelled and at his order Wurmple charged at Tepig with impressive speed. "Tepig dodge it" Gray ordered his Pokémon in a calm voice, Tepig dodged the opposing Wurmple by an just an inch. "Wurmple poison sting again" this time Wurmple was to close for Tepig to dodge. "Tepig defence curl" and with the order Tepig curled up in a ball just as the Wurmple's attack hit tepig but it bounced of harmlessly thanks to defence curl. "Now use flame charge" Tepig was surrounded in blazing flames that were only boosted with the sunny day it set up earlier. "Checkmate" Gray whispered. "Tepiiiig" with a cry Tepig slammed into Wurmple with the super effective move. "Wuuuurm" it cried out in pain as it hit the ground unable to battle.
"Wurmple is unable to battle Tepig wins" Ben called out acting as referee.
"Te tepig te" Tepig cried out in victory eager for another battle.
"We'll if that didn't do it then… Go Seedot" in an instant Seedot appeared, Seedot is a small, brown Pokémon that resembles an acorn. A beige, mask-like pattern covers its large black eyes, and it has two beige feet. It has a gray "cap" with a short stem on top of its head.
"Kid Seedot is a grass type and grass types are also weak to fire types" Ben called to the young child while Gray just had a deadpanned expression on his face. The young child's face faltered for a minute as he processed that information only for a smile of confidence to crawl onto his face. "That doesn't matter if we work hard in this battle we will win" The boy called out. "Seed Seedot" his Pokémon cried it's agreement. At the boy's enthusiasm Gray couldn't keep a smirk from appearing on his normally stoic face. (not that anybody could see his face under his scarf) "I like that enthusiasm kid it will take you far" Gray complimented the young child.
"Thanks for the compliment sir but let's continue our battle" The young child reminded him. "Of course, Tepig use smog" Gray said quickly getting into his battle mindset "Teeepiii" Tepig called out blasting thick smog from his nostrils that covered the field. "Seedot use harden and don't breathe it in" Seedot closed it's mouth as it's body got a sudden sheen to it meaning the move worked and it's defence was raised.
"Tepig ember but spread it out in a circle" with the order Tepig breathed out an ember attack in a a radius around it's self. After a moment an impact was heard as well as a grunt of pain from Seedot, even though with Seedot's raised defence making the ember do almost nothing to it it was enough to wind it and make it suck in some of the Tepig's smog.
After Seedot inhaled the smog and it was poisoned the smog dissipated "Ok Seedot just hang in there until we can defeat Tepig" "See seedot" the Pokémon agreed in a weak voice. "Now Seedot use absorb" the small grass type opened it's mouth and started to inhale Tepig's energy healing it's self a bit. "Quick Tepig use tackle" Tepig charged at the still healing Seedot about to slam into it. "Seedot harden" Seedot's body once again got a sheen to it as it's defence raised again. As Tepig smashed into Seedot a small dust cloud was kicked up by the impact.
Gray, Ben and the young child watched in amazement as a white light emitted from the dust cloud. Once the dust cloud settled the three boys saw a new Pokémon with it's arms crossed standing over a knocked out Tepig. This new Pokémon was bipedal and had with a single green leaf atop its head. It is mostly brown with a beige mask marking on its face. Its bulky thighs are also beige and have thin striations, and there are what appear to be two nipples on its chest. It has thin arms with mitten-like hands, this was a Nuzleaf.
"Tepig is unable to battle Nuzleaf wins" Ben called out with a surprised face not expecting that.
"Well done kid your Nuzleaf defeated my Tepig at a type disadvantage as well as evolving" Gray applauded the young child. "By the way what's your name kid and when did you start your journey".
"It's Brendan sir and I started about month ago" The young child know known as Brendan answered.
"Well Brendan I'm Gray and this is Ben" "Hello there" " and I just wanted to say that it's not every day that someone can beat Tepig so I look forward to see your future battles with the gym leaders of Hoenn, now enough with the chit chat we still have a battle to continue, go Mudkip" Gray called out after returning Tepig with a quick congratulations to the fire pig for an amazing battle.
In a flash of light Gray sent out Mudkip. "Kip kip" it cried as it analysed the field from the messed up earth to the bruised Nuzleaf and quickly got into a battle stance. "Alright Nuzleaf has the type advantage" Branden cheered. "I wouldn't be so happy if I were you Mudkips are known to break boulders with ease" Ben commented, at that Brendan gulped but still had a look confidence on his face. "That's even better it'll be a challenge then" "Leaf Nuzleaf" his Pokémon called out in agreement.
"Ok final the battle is between Mudkip and Nuzleaf, ready go"
"Nuzleaf razor leaf" Nuzleaf cried out as it fired razor sharp leaves in Mudkips direction.
"Mudkip stop the razor leaf with rock throw" Mudkip dug into the ground with it's tail and pulled out some rocks that it flung into the incoming razor leaf knocking the hail of leaves to the ground. "Now rock smash" Mudkip lowered his head and charged the opposing Nuzleaf intent on hitting it.
"Nuzleaf block with harden" a familiar sheen covered Nuzleaf's body as it crossed it's arms ready to take the hit.
"Mudkip stop and use water gun" "kip kiiiip" Mudkip skidded to a stop and fired a powerful water gun that hit Nuzleaf head on.
"Hold on Nuzleaf" Nuzleaf dug it's feet into the ground stopping itself from getting pushed back by the water gun.
"Now get close to it and use air cutter" Brendan commanded. Doing as his master says Nuzleaf's arms start to glow as it walks towards Mudkip trying not to get pushed away by the water gun. Suddenly Mudkip his water gun and beganto breathe heavily from using so much energy, Nuzleaf used this moment to charge at Mudkip and slash his arms at the small water type.
"Mudkip protect" just before Nuzleaf's attack could hit Mudkip put up a protect around himself stopping the attack. "Now point blank water gun" Mudkip started to charge up one final attack. "Checkma-" but before he could Finnish his signature line he heard.
"Nuzleaf use explosion" and with that order Nuzleaf's body started to glow. "Nuzzzzzleeeeaaaf" it cried out before. "Booooooom" an explosion came of Nuzleaf's body causing dust to go everywhere. "Muuuud" they heard Mudkip's cry of pain from inside the dust cloud. The boys waited in anticipation as the dust cloud settled leaving both a knocked out Nuzleaf and Mudkip covered in burns in a small crater.
"Nuzleaf and Mudkip are both unable to battle it is a draw" Ben called out with a surprised face.
"Mudkip/Nuzleaf return" the boys called in sync and in a flash of light the two Pokémon were returned to their Pokéballs.
"Well done Brendan you managed to draw with me" Gray congratulated the young child.
"Thank you mr. Gray" the young child thanked.
"Don't call me mister I'm fourteen!" he shouted ticked of.
"Eek, sorry" Brendan called scared.
"Just don't do it again, well it was nice meeting you Brendan but now we need to go, come on Ben we're leaving" he said turning to Ben.
And with that the two boys gained set off for their journey through the Hoenn region
Third chapter done and I got slightly more words than the second chapter. This chapter was planned to be longer but because I wanted to get it out on Sunday I split it in half and made the other half for next chapter.
I hope you like the idea of Brendan (who is the male player in the Gen 3 games) being involved in the story.
I'm not going to be posting for awhile because I want to write more of this book and start others and not be on a schedule of once a week
And with that done here is chapter three's Pokémon stats, Bye guys
Gray's Pokémon and their moves so far:
Tepig: tackle, defence curl, ember, sunny day, flame charge, smog
Emolga: quick attack, double team, iron tail, volt tackle
Mudkip: tackle, water gun, rock throw, rock smash, protect
Poochyena: bite, fire fang
Gray's Pokémon at Juniper's lab:
Ben's Pokémon and their moves so far:
Oshawott: razor shell, water gun
Sewaddle: string shot, bug bite
Ducklett: water gun, wing attack, bubble beam
Treeko: N/A
Ben's Pokémon at Juniper's lab:
Brendan's Pokémon and their moves so far:
Nuzleaf: harden, absorb, razor leaf, explosion, air cutter
Wurmple: poison sting