In Bed

After having some ramen, Miso went to sleep, hearing Chris's voice at her side. She fell asleep hearing Chris's rise and falling of his breath. It was like music in her ears.

Before that, her parents had told her that they won't be coming back for a few more days and told her to take care of herself. Not wanting them to worry, she just didn't inform them that she was sick and Chris had come into their house after their schedule to tend to her.

After all, Chris was meant to come back to Seoul as promised.

Or that was what Miso thought.

When they were having ramen together, Chris received a message from the manager demanding him not to go back to the dorm anymore.

"What? Did Manager Lee really mean that?" asked Miso.

"I don't think so," Chris shook his head. His phone received a message and his face expressed something Miso couldn't read.

"What did he say?" she asked.