
The Suit

Danielle was actually glad she had an apartment; it would have been awkward for her if she had ended up in an alley somewhere with nothing on her name. She was standing in front of a mirror, checking herself out. Her hair was silver-dark, reaching her shoulders, her eyes a piercing pale blue, her lips thin and small. Her face was angular, enough to make her a beauty and if she was still a man, she was sure she had passed the double smash line. Her body was well toned, reminding her of Amazons, a warrior group of women that Wonder Woman belonged to.

Her height was 6'2, very athletic body. She could count six abs that were chiselled on her abdomen. Her arms had muscles, not as big as a testosterone filled man but enough to be counted as a regular at the gym. She also seemed like she never skipped leg day with how her calf muscles as well as the ones on her thighs were sculpted. Just then, her stomach grumbled making her realize she was hungry.

She put on some clothes and opened the door out of the bedroom only to rip it right off its hinges. That's when she remembered her one and only wish, to become like Ethan Crane aka Supreme! That meant that right now she was a walking disaster of she did not control her powers. Slowly, she set the door against the wall then made her way to the kitchen. Slowly and carefully, she opened the door to the fridge, her index finger and thumb sinking a little bit into the handle showing just how much strength she had even if she was holding back a lot. She retrieved a sandwich and a bottle of mango juice which she would be having for breakfast.

After the small meal, she went to her laptop and carefully opened it. She went online and started searching for keywords like Superman. It showed no results. She tried Batman and it showed some results but they were faint and all were located in Gotham City. She realized Batman was still unknown and Clark Kent had not yet started his superhero career. She tried to search for Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern but they all came negative too. When she searched Wonder Woman, she received some results but they were vague and all directed her to the 1970s.

"That means Batman is the only one active, for now," she told herself as she carefully closed the laptop. She knew she lived in New York, Manhattan that meant Batman was literary her neighbor. That was bad news for with Batman's existence came the Joker, the second greatest enemy Batman will ever face. The greatest might be Darkseid, who she just remembered existed.

"My future looks bleak," she told herself thinking of the dark new god going around the universe conquering it while searching for the anti-life equation to the enslave all life in the universe. Somehow she thought of Thanos' quest to finding Infinity Stones which led him to Earth where he suffered crushing defeat. He had fought stronger beings than the Avengers yet time had ducked him in the ass twice!

"As a superhero, I need a suit and a bullet proof and fireproof one. I am no longer a man, my nudity even if half, cannot be taken lightly," she said to herself. Good thing Ethan Crane was a genius in his own right thanks to his powers and right then, she was already thinking about making her own super suit.

First, she needed cloths and a sewing machine. Before her transmigration, this Danielle was working at a textile industry. She was good at using the sewing machine, a skill she retained even now. Since it was a Sunday, the place was closed but that didn't mean she couldn't get in. So, she took her car keys, got into her car making sure she was careful enough not to break anything and drove to the industry. As she had thought, the place was empty except for some guards. She packed the car at a safe distance then jogged over to a blindspot.

The industry was surrounded by a stone wall since it was built in the 50's and they had been repaired due to how durable they were and stood at three metres tall. Danielle took a deep breath in before taking a leap. She made sure she didn't put too much strength on the jump for she was sure she would be soaring in the sky by then but it still proved to be a tad too much for she overshot by three more metres. Her landing was quiet though and it have her some peace.

She made her way to the back door as quiet as she could. She found it had been closed with a chain and padlock. Chuckling to herself, she got hold of the padlock the squeezed, turning it to metal bits. Smiling even more brightly, she removed the chain from the door and got in. The smell that hit her was that of cold dye, new textile and machines.

With practiced precision, she took the materials she needed to make her superhero suit, some heavy cloths, a zip and other materials. From her mind, she thought of the best superhero suit and Homelander's came in mind. So, finding a quiet room with a sewing machine, she sat down and started working.

Danielle probably didn't know just how fast she was working and if she knew, she would probably think about how disadvantageous that would be for her past self. She was paid by the hour and if she finished her work fast then her pay would have been deducted. The owner says it was for a fair chance to all but they all knew it was bullshit.

In just an hour, she had done with the rough patchwork of the suit. Basically, it made sure it covered her whole body nicely and thick enough not to show just how curvecious she really was. The cape behind her was to hide her ass from the lecherous males that she was once a part of. The suit had a pair of pants instead of skirt like other female superhero suits and the boots were made of the same cloths but with real soles of a hiking boot. Then, it was time to do the finishing touches and that is dyeing the suit.

Her primary colour would be royal blue which she dyed the whole suit. After waiting for the dye to dry up, it was time to add more settings to it. Using sprayers filled with dye, she made the suit look like it was made out of interwoven threads of metal. She also added some features like a six pack, made her chest to look more like a breast plate and added faint touches of three ribs to her sides. Then, her symbol. She decided to draw a shield on her chest using red dye then drew inside it a D. She had already thought of her superhero name, Domina. This was a nod to the person whose powers she had, Supreme.

"Now, I need to make spare suits incase I find myself needing them," she told herself. For hours, she went on working on her suit, each identical to the last. When she noticed the sun was setting, she decided to stop for the day, ten more suits in her possession and she was pleased. Of course, they were just her noob suits, soon, she would upgrade but these eleven will do for now. Getting out the same way she did, she put the suits in her trunk and drove back to her house. She then proceeded

to put each of the suit in her closet hanging on a hanger. The dye had to dry up completely if she was gonna wear them or she would be left with patches of it on her skin. Not a bad day on her first day after transmigration.

For the following two weeks, Danielle practiced her powers in a junkyard in order to be used to them. With her intellect, she actually found it easy to adopt to them and suppress herself enough not to be noticed as a super powered being. From supreme strength, supreme speed, supreme stamina, supreme sense, supreme sight and supreme endurance. She hand even tested the last one with a vehicle crusher and was glad when it broke from too much stress.

By the end of the two weeks, the dyes had dried up and the suits were good to go. She was no wearing the first one and looking at herself in the mirror. The suit had a high neck and a zipper that went to the waist. The zipper was made inconspicuous by an extended flap that went over it and adhesively stuck on the other side. The zipper allowed for easier time in removing and wearing the suit. The boots were very comfortable thanks to the fluffy like soles she had installed and the seamlessly blended with the pants above. A pair of gloves made sure she didn't leave her prints for identification and a mask that covered her eyes and nose made it hard for facial recognition. The cape had a hood extension just for her hair Incase it rained!

"I'm ready," she told herself in the mirror.