
First Crime

New York had always been a chaotic city, even by normal world's standard. It's population of different ethnicity brought more to the chaotic nature of New York and it was not going to stop soon. As a big city, it's crime rate was just as big. With each passing day the NYPD work tirelessly in trying to put some peace in the city. Gotham was by worse part of New York that even the city itself decided to give it independence. It now had its own police department and government from the mayor.

Domina's first day as a superhero was filled with excitement. It was a day that would either mark her rise to be like Superman or Aquaman. Both are heroes but one of the two isn't so beloved. So, she needed a solid crime, a crime that would make the public view her in a more positive light. So, she patiently waited for the perfect crime and luckily, the opportunity had presented itself. A bank robbery!

In a second, she had in her super hero suit and was flying towards the bank. Flying was easy, like walking only like it was instinctual. She could increase, decrease her speed or even break suddenly easily. Her mobility in the air was as swift and seamless as a fish swimming. After a minute of flying, she reached the bank and decided to go hover a distance above it. She used her telescopic sight to look at the scene beneath her and determine what cause of auction to take.

She saw the NYPD had surrounded the whole building and put parameters. They were keeping the civilians as far away from the scene as they could and she cod understand why. When a shootout occured, they didn't want any civilian to be injured because they were close. Also, they didn't want the nosy ones to overhear what they plan to do. She could see they were hurriedly making a tent where their strategies would be made.

"Listen! I want to talk with the man in charge or else me and my partners start shooting," Danielle heard someone shout from the bank. She was reminded that the bank robbers had still not be caught and we're holding people hostage inside the building.

"My name is Francis Tribianni, the Captain of the NYPD. What do you want to talk about?" Danielle heard someone from the police side answer. Looking through the roof of the tent with X-ray vision, she saw a middle aged man in a suit say via a megaphone. He looked a little tired from his sluggish movement and voice.

"I want you to tell your men and the SWAT team obviously on their way to back down!" the bank robber said, authoritatively. Domina turned her X-ray vision to the bank.

"Then I need you and your buddies to surrender," the Captain shot back.

"YOU'RE IN NO POSITION TO GIVE DEMANDS!" the bank robber roared. "We have thirty seven hostages with us and each time you do not cooperate, we will kill one hostage."

Domina could see the man hiding behind a pillar about five metres from the main entrance. He was holding a fully loaded revolver and had body armor on him. She then turned to look at his accomplices. They were four of them, each holding an automatic rifle and watching the hostages like hawks. They also has body armors which fascinated her to no end. From the way the four moved to the way they held their guns, Domina could infer they were military. She was about to decide what plan of action to execute when she saw the armed man by the door raise his hand and she could see a detonator.

"If you or your men decide to breach, I am going to make me, my men and the hostage in her go splat! Try me if you think I'm joking!" the man screamed. Domina saw the captain was conflicted. She could already foresee he will try to buy more time in order to find the bomb and see if they can disarm it.

"But I can totally use this," she said to herself then started looking all over the bank with her X-ray vision. A few seconds later, she saw it in a bag pack tucked under Teller 2's desk. Now, she can jump into action.

She flew away from the bank upto a mile before turning to face it once more. She took a deep breath, her eyes fixated on the bag then flew towards the bank. She could have flown faster but going supersonic would have injured many people in the bank due to the debris of the wall she was going to smash into. It might even bring down the building so she kept it at six hundred miles an hour but even then no normal human could track her with just their sight.

She flew past the police blockade, making it fly away and the police get hold of their hats while resisting flying away due to the speed. Putting out her hands for a Superman punch, she ripped through the wall in front of her with ease like it was a wet carton, got hold of the bag pack then flew upwards, ripping through the floor above and the second above then the roof before throwing the bag with all her might. It only flew thirty miles above when it exploded. Why? Friction it the atmosphere due to its speed and the materials the bag pack was created in. Since she flew away from the bank, a minute hadn't even passed and she was sure the bank robbers would be alarmed and do something crazy so she floated back down into the bank using the holes she created till she was floating in front of them.

"I have to tell you boys to give yourself in," Domina told them. The man we're flabbergasted and just stared as she continued hovering above them. "I will take that as a no." She took a deep breath in then released it in form of a hurricane like blast of wind, knocking each one of them backwards and out cold. The one at the entrance actually got sent out of the bank through the glass doors. Domina winced a bit when she saw the damage caused by herself before turning to the hostages.

"Alright everyone, time to go back to your loved ones," she said, making them sigh in relief and they ran out of the bank. A Teller, however, approached him with a worried look.

"Hey, uhmm, Martin looked himself in the vault when he saw the men take out their guns. It has no air circulation and it has been half an hour since. I'm afraid he might die," she said, fidgeting a little bit. She was nervous because here was a woman who could send fully grown men fly thirty feet away just by breathing out air! She could also fly and she also guessed she was reason why the bank had a hole on a wall, first, second floor and the roof!

"Do you have the combination?" Domina asked her.

"No, only the Manager does but he had called in sick today. The vault has a timer to open up at 8:30 if the manager did not open it up. To close it you just have to push it. I don't know what Martin was thinking by locking himself inside," the Teller answered. Domina could already think why the man did so but decided not to share it. She asked the Teller to take her to the vault. Using her X-ray vision, she could see the man seated on the floor breathing heavily, his clothes covered in sweat.

"He seems not to be doing well," she told the Teller then got hold of the vault. She could rip it open but she didn't want the bank to hate her more. So, she started vibrating as fast as she could, transferring it all to the vault door. It started rippling like a water surface after throwing in a stone before it started blurring too.

"Tell him to walk through the door," she told the Teller who snapped out of her amazement.

"Yeah, sure," she said then turned to the door. "Martin, it's Gracie. I need you to do something for me, walk through the door!"

"Gracie? What happened to the bank robbers? And what do you mean...Holy fuck! What's happening to the door?" they both heard the man inside say or rather panic. Gracie looked at Domina before taking a step through the blurred metal vault door. She couldn't help but shudder at the uncomfortable feeling of passing through another matter even if it was vibrating so much it became like air. She saw Martin looking at her with wide eyes.

"How did you do that?" he asked her in both amazement and slight fear.

"Someone saved us and she is the one making this vault door let us pass through," she encouraged him and stretched out her arms for him. Martin gulped down his fear and took the hand. He let her lead the way, passing through the blurred door as if it was made of air and he followed, shuddering along the way. When Domina saw both of them were out, she stopped vibrating the door and smiled at them. Then, she looked at the front door and sighed. If the police find her, she might be questioned and pressured to tell them her identity and she would have to retaliate. So, she flew off, using the hole she made in the roof, disappearing in the sky.

Hours later, the news all over New York was about a female in a superhero customer who saved hostages in the bank after taking out the bank robbers with nothing but her breath! The police had tried to keep the surveillance tapes from them but they forgot how reporters can become bloodhounds when they smelt a story.

They found a way to find the whole tapes and they aired it on live television for the whole of New York and America to see. From her first entrance, her second, knocking out the bank robbers using her breath then vibrating the vault doors so that a trapped employee, who was actually part of the heist, could get out! Everyone found this story to be like some sort of fairytale and some people called the media fake news. But interviews from the former hostages made them open up to the idea that this might be the first public sight of someone with powers appearing. While they were still taking in the shock, a certain man was looking at the news with hope.

"She has the same powers as I do! Perhaps she can help me find out my purpose here," he said before removing the apron he was wearing.