Chapter no. 24 The Creator of The War God, The Heavenly God and the Void God Technique

{ Author Note : It may be a little late but HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone . I pray to God 🙏 that for everyone this year will be an amazing year

Amen ! }


[ A Lingering intent on the War God's Technique text is responding to the changes of War God Technique ]

' Wait what ? '

[Your mind has been invaded by an intent , Added Status: Great Old Dream… Host has given up on the mental resistance effect, the effects of the Great Old Dream are complete.]

[ Great Old Dream: A message left behind by the Creator of the War God Technique , Su Woo ] [ Duration : 4 minutes ] ( - + )

Before Lin Lingtian could do anything his surroundings began to change as he found himself on top of a hill .

" Greetings , My successor ."

Lin Lingtian immediately turned and saw an old man smiling at him .

The old man was laying on a tree with a bluish grey wolf laying beside him as the old man petted a crow with a Golden orb in it's beak.

( A.N : This is the image of the old man )

The old man didn't look at his direction and he said ," To anyone who finds this , I am an intent left behind by the creator of the War God, Heavenly God and Void God Technique . I am just going to repeat a message and dissipate so listen carefully ,my successor ."

' This old man created the War God Technique '

Looking at the tribal tattoos on the old man's arms Lin Lingtian could see they were the tribal tattoos that one needed to make to form the second heart / core .

" My successor , my name is Su Woo , I was born to a noble Family but to them I was a burden as I was born with a Attributeless red soul realm that didn't have any soul form , while my siblings were geniuses with extremely rare soul forms . But I never let them get to me as I studied to find some way to make myself stronger . At the age of 30 I wasted my life using the resources of the family to gain more and more knowledge while my siblings went on to create their own clans , I was finally kicked out of my home . But all those years I wasted in my pursuit of knowledge didn't let me down as I built up my cultivation from the ground up using runes to form arrays that gathered soul force directly into my dantian . Even though I was gaining strength fast , my love and thirst for knowledge was not finished as I began stealing books , journals , ancient murals e. t. c. Everything I stole , I used to gain more power. I had studied alchemy , inscription array , law calculations e.t.c. to the most highest degree possible and I found something horrifying at the end of it all ."

" I have always hated this term " We are cultivators , we go against the will of the heavens " this was because I never ever saw the Heavens stop any cultivator as why would the heavens not retaliate against someone who is going against their will . Just this question alone made me walk through Ancestral Demonic Saint Land where I saw his rise . The Rise of the Sage Emperor . With his power , he tried to conquer the entirety of Space and Time . This caused wars through all the realms . While people were wagging war , I used this opportunity to obtain millions of ancient inheritances as I began to unravel the mystery . After the fall of the six ancient masters who tried to comprehend the Heavenly Dao since the beginning of Time and Space I had absorbed the intent of 3 ancient masters . I knew that the sage emperor would eventually find me and kill me but I needed to know the answer . So using the intent and understanding of the Heavenly Dao of the Ancient Masters I found clues hidden all over the realms and I found it . The reason why heavens don't retaliate against cultivators even though cultivators go against the will of heaven is because what we were all doing is not true cultivation . I found murals from the time before everything existed . Those murals gave me knowledge about the World of Sages . "

The old man was his hands as a mirror began to form besides them .

The mirror showed a first person view as candles with green flames layed in a triskelion formation .

The Flames began to burn with such light that the entire mirror was covered in light . On the bright mirror much to Lin Lingtian's surprise words began to form in a language he couldn't understand as a voice that sounded like a man , a woman and a child saying something is complete unison the language was unknown but with his 1000% Enlightenment Increase since he had Xiao Ning'er become his General and he gained the Nether Dragon Soul Resonation . His mind began to be hurt as blood began to flow out of his eyes , ears and nose .

His 1000% Enlightenment increase was forcing his brain to understand it .

' Aghhhhhhhh ! ' Greeting his teeth , Lin Lingtian endured the pain as he began to understand what the voice was saying.

"My Dao will perish. Sage, neither man nor god, is undying and indestructible. Return to the palace and fall into the void, gather the treasures of the world."

"Primordial Beginning Heavenly Venerable, in the Clear Profound Sky, in the Seven Treasures Mystic Garden, the Jade Emperor Palace, on the Ascension Throne, with countless others, speaks of spiritual treasures"

"Golden Immortals of the Brahma Heaven, Mahayana Bodhisattva, the four factions and eight great sects, attend the Azure Rainbow four Summit, circling in front of the Dao. The rain of Profundity Flowers will fall like clouds, and under the candle will be the Everlasting Limitless World, the Profound Capital Realm…"

"With a sigh, the mass will not inherit the Dao, and the heaven will has been angered ."

" "With mortals and saints colliding, the Darkness breaks the light, and the world shakes. There is no peace. All the Qi in the living world will become turbid, the sky will shake and the earth will crack, and bones will grow. Corpses will be buried, souls will fly away, and Fengdu City will be

surrounded by iron. The Nine Nether of eternal night will collapse and be destroyed."

"The souls suffering in hell have no hope of reaching the heavens. The cycle of reincarnation has collapsed, in the Immortal tomb and Buddhist cemetery, all sin is abandoned and virtue is eliminated. The three evils speak of suffering, and there will never be relief. At this time, how can the sinners of the world live with their meager strength…"

"My Dao is about to perish, and so will the other Dao."

Lin Lingtian heavily breathed on the ground as the old man said ," My successor , I don't know how much of that you could understand or if any but when I encountered the text in the murals I didn't understand what it said so don't be too discouraged . I only understood the intent that heavens destroyed the true Cultivation world somehow and during the time of the Sages as I like to call it when they advanced in rank , heavens would always try to interfere in some shape way or form but know due to the heavens placing imperfections on the now Cultivation we use , nothing like that ever happens . After getting the answers I always wanted , knowing my death at the hands of the Sage Emperor was near I created 3 Cultivation Techniques using all the knowledge and the Heavenly Dao of the ancient masters I had . I created the Void God Technique , The Heavenly God Technique and the War God Technique . Out of the three the Heavenly God was the most strongest as it was the only Technique that could bring the user close to true Cultivation as the user would absorb 7 demon spirits and gain 7 attributes . But I put my intent into the War God Technique because out of all the 3 it was the only Technique that had the potential to actually pave way to true Cultivation . After calculating fate which gave me the answer that no one would rise to be a true Cultivator I didn't give up hope because if a true Cultivator is going to go against heavens then how can his/her fate be set in stone .

The War God Technique was made to adapt to the soul form and gradually gain an Attribute from the demon spirit , due to the Attribute the War God Technique would adapt and change to become much much stronger . This unique feature made me believe that someone one day would rise to gain true Cultivation.

I leave behind this intent to activate when the War God Technique gains all 7 main attributes and 2 auxiliary attributes and adapts to such as I later found out from the other ancient murals that a true Cultivator has all of them .

This intent was to deliver the message to the one who will rise against the will of the heavens . The Heavens will retaliate against those that oppose it. So be careful when you advance through any major rank as that is when the heavens would act ."

Cracks began to form all over the world as he heard the Oldman threw a weird badge say ," My successor , please forgive me for this old man doesn't have anything to give you for your journey . All my life I was a thief that ran after an obsession but if your are listening to this intent then that means I have succeeded what I wanted to accomplish . Thank You "

The old man kowtowed to him as everything went black and Lin Lingtian found himself back in his cell .

( Lub Dub ) ( Lub Dub )

( Lub Dub ) ( Lub Dub )

Lin Lingtian could hear his two heartbeats as he began to think . He could feel it . He could advance to the Silver rank but what stopped Lin Lingtian was the warning that old man gave him .

Currently he was a true Cultivator and when he ranks up to silver rank , the heavens would react to him and try to stop him and that was what made Lin Lingtian hesitate .

' Status .'

Name : Lin Lingtian ]

[ Age : 13 ]

[ Lifespan : 200 ]

[ Race : Human ]

[ Spiritualist Rank : 5 star bronze rank ]

[ Fighter Rank : 5 Star Bronze Rank ]

[ Soul Realm : Yellow Soul Realm ( 12.56%) ]

[ Soul Attribute : Attributeless , Chaos , Wood , Fire , Snow , Wind , Lightning ,Earth , Yin , Yang ]

[ Soul Form : Nine Nether Dragon ]

[ Law : ------- ]

[ Soul Force : 999 ]

[ Cultivation technique : War God Technique : Army of the Heavenly Monarch ]

[ Skill : Appraisal level 5 , Demon Blood Seal level 1 , Wood Dao Scripture level 0 , Fire Dao Scripture ( Locked ) , Earth Dao Scripture ( locked ) , Chaos Dao Scripture (locked) , Snow Dao Scripture (Locked ) , Wind Dao Scripture ( locked ) , Lightning Dao Scripture ( Locked ) , Yin Dao Scripture ( Locked ) , Yang Dao Scripture ( Locked ) ]

[ Positive Status : Nine Nether Dragon Soul Resonation , War God Chant level 5 , Body

Strengthening , Hearing Enhancement , War God's Battle Instincts level 5 , Heavenly Dao Flower , Soul Nurturing , Self suppression of Cultivation Rank ]

[ Negative Status : Heart Demon Soul Contract

Lin Lingtian touched the Wood Dao Scripture as he closed his eyes and began to comprehend the words that are flowing into his mind .

Lin Lingtian felt like there must be a reason that the wood Dao Scripture was available to him whereas the others are not . Maybe he just needed to comprehend the Wood Dao Scripture to find a way to survive whatever shit heavens are going to throw at him when he Advances to silver rank .









[ Two Days Later ]

( ~Crack~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Clap ~ )

A thunderstorm had been raging on for the last two days .

The weird thing was that the lightning was black and red .

The people of glory City were getting more and more scared .

Just what was happening .

Yesterday , Chen Linjian and his group went outside of Glory City only find themselves being attacked by various demon beasts who were behaving very aggressively .

The mauled group of Chen Linjian that returned to Glory City raised slot of concerns .

As today every family in Glory City was working their absolute hardest to defend against the constant aggression of Glory City .

Anxiety had spread to everyone in Glory City .

[ City Lord's Mansion ]

" City Lord , Lord Ye Mo has responded with his Communication inscription array . He is rushing back to Glory City but ...."

Ye Zong raised his an eyebrow when looking at the guard .

" We have a problem that you need to check out ."

Ye Zong's eyes narrowed as black and red lighting danced in the sky .






" What am I looking at ?" Ye Zong asked the guard .

The guard said ," City lord , In the morning when we checked Lin Lingtian's cell , this was here .

Ye Zong looked at the cocoon Infront of him .

Green vines emerged from the ground and wrapped around a blood red sphere with the vines holding up the entire thing .

( A.N : Imagine the Cocoon to be like this )

Ye Zong could hear a heartbeat from this cocoon .

(~Sniff~ )

(~ Sniff ~ )

Ye Zong smelled the air and identified that the cocoon was made of blood of Fanged Panda and Demon Horned Sheep .

A thought flashed in Ye Zong's head ,' Was the aggressive behaviour of demon beasts related to this thing ?'

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Boom~ )

( ~ Clap ~ )

A thunderclap resounded throughout the sky as red and black Lightning flashed through the sky

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars ).