Chapter no. 25 Heaven's Wrath

[ Ye Zong's POV ]

( Lub Dub ! )

( Lub Dub ! )

Each Heartbeat had an interval of 7 minutes .

Each Heartbeat from that cocoon made me feel fear on a primal level .

With each Heartbeat , a thunderclap would be heard like they were in a Harmony .

Ye Zong erupted with soul force as he began to merge with his demon beast Black Scaled Earth Dragon .

( A.N : This is the Black Scaled Earth Dragon )

In a fiery aura , Ye Zong charged towards the cocoon his black scales glowing with a yellowish glow .





[ Holy Orchid Dormitory ]


( ~Knock~ )

" Ning'er it's me , Ye Ziyun , I wanted to ask if you are fine and did the treatment work ."

An anxious Ye Ziyun looked at Xiao Ning'er's room .

These few days have been quite bad for her .

First the attacks of the demon beasts that happened when she was with Chen Linjian's group going to the Ancient Orchid Ruins .

She had only survived due to guards that her father had assigned to her .

She then had to hear a handful from her father and now with Xiao Ning'er not coming to class from the past two days , her anxiety was going through the roof .

Shaking her head , she used her strength to break through the door as she froze when looking at Xiao Ning'er's room.

[ Flashback ]

( 2 days ago )

Lin Lingtian floated through his soul sea. Because of him absorbing all attributed and attributeless soul force his soul sea looked a like it was it's a new world .

( A.N : This is Lin Lingtian's soul sea )

It took him quite some time to raise the Wood Dao Scripture from level 0 to level 1 but it gave him the knowledge on what to do when the heavens would retaliate against him .

Looking at the center of his soul sea he smiled , these were the first two additions to his army .

Connected to the Temporal Vine which was infact his second heart were the demon spirits of the Horned sheep and fanged panda .

A smirk made it's way onto his face when he looked at the mutations that his soul force has brought onto the demon spirits .He was amazed at these mutations as they looked like different beasts entirely if he was honest .

Walking to the ethereal dragon , he asked { Xiao Ning'er , are you ready ? }

{ Yes }

Lin Lingtian willed the soul force to flow through his Soul shard that resided in Xiao Ning'er's dantian .

With this way he had Xiao Ning'er barely pass the qualifications of being a true cultivator .

This led him to ask if it was so hard to create true cultivators how did the ancient world do it ? Create so many true cultivators that they showed up on banquets every week .

Looking at the constant flow of soul force into the ethereal dragon that connected Xiao Ning'er's soul with his . Lin Lingtian nodded and began to form the Demon Blood Seal using the blood of the Horned Sheep , Fanged Panda , Spotted Tiger .

The Demon blood seal was a technique that allowed him to create tattoos out of the blood of demon beasts . These tattoos allow the user to exert the strength of the demon beasts for a period of time until the tattoos disappear . Leaving 20-40% strength of the tattoos to remain on the user but that was if it was used normally but to him he could just have 100% of the strength remain in his body using the system .

The secondary benefit was that if the blood he used to create the tattoo had a bloodline then he could also get a bloodline .

This is why the next thing on his agenda is after he survives the heavens wrath he is hunting down a dragon to get it's bloodline .

[ Flashback End ]

In the middle of the room was a cocoon made out of vines from plants merged from the ground .

Ye Ziyun could even see the silhouette of a woman inside the cocoon .

( A.N : Imagine the Xiao Ning'er's cocoon to be like this )

( ~ Crack ~ )

A crack formed on the cocoon as Ye Ziyun could hear the thunderclap began to get more and more louder.

She was scared , She was absolutely terrified .

( ~ Crack ~ )

" It's Time ."

A voice calmly said from the cocoon and even with loud thunderstorm , the voice was clearly heard by Ye Ziyun .

( ~ Crack ~ )







[ POV Change ]

Ye Zong's hand was beginning stopped inches away from the cocoon by a giant paw of a bear emerging from the shadows .

A purple electricity flashed through the palm as Ye Zong jumped back sensing the danger from the palm .

From the shadows the rest of the body of the Beast merged as if it was protecting the cocoon .

There were two beasts circling around the cocoon like they were protecting it .

The first beast was bear like creature with multiple crystal like projections all over it's body .

( A.N : Imagine the first beast to be )

The second beast was a deer like creature with beautiful antlers and a weird avian tail .

( A.N : Imagine the second beast to be )

These two beasts were the two demon beasts that displayed the most potential when Lin Lingtian had killed the groups of Demon Horned Sheep and the Fanged Panda .

Having absorbed some of Lin Lingtian's soul force when he absorbed their Demon spirits into his second heart causing mutations .

Ye Zong warily looked at the demon beasts as he felt their aura the demon beasts emitted the aura of black gold rank as the mutated Fanged Panda launched a yin Yang blast towards him .

Seeing the beam of light approaching him , Ye Zong crossed his arms as .

( Boom ! )

The entire building that contained Lin Lingtian's cell shook .

Emerging from the smoke was Ye Zong holding in his arms an injured guard .

From the smoke a flaming projectile moved at fast speed towards Ye Zong .

( Thud ! )

The Mutated Horned Sheep with its flaming antlers crashed into Ye Zong .

Ye Zong roared and charged forward towards the mutated horned sheep .

( Crrrrrsssss ! )

Sparks flew out as Ye Zong physical wrestled with the Mutated Horned Sheep .

( Agghhh ! )

Ye Zong gritted his teeth as he felt gravity increase around him .

His feet sank into the ground .

( Thud ! )

( Crash ! )

The mutated horned sheep hit Ye Zong's jaw with its antlers as Ye Zong's body crashed through multiple trees outside the building .

Standing up , Ye Zong wiped the blood from his mouth .

( Baaaa ! )

With a bellow , the mutated horned sheep charged towards Ye Zong it's body being engulfed in a sphere of flames .

( Thud ! )

( Boom ! )

( Crrrrssss ! )

Before it could reach Ye Zong , a human goat like figure intercepted the attack .

This human goat like figure was Ye Xiu , a black gold rank who was the third most strongest in the Snow Wind Family .

" City Lord , Are you alright ? "

" Yes , Elder Xiu be carefully these demon beasts have some unusually abilities like ....."

Before Ye Zong could say anything another beam of light tore through the air towards them .

Ye Zong and Ye Xiu jumped into the air but another flaming projectile intercepted them .

Ye Xiu took a deep breath and blew out a Icy wind at the flaming projectile .

(~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

Inside Lin Lingtian's cell , cracks began to form on the cocoon .

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Clap ~ )

The black and red lightning flashes through the sky .

Outside of the building , Ye Zong and Ye Xiu felt danger behind them as they dodged the attacks of the two demon beasts .

( Thud ! )

Looking at the sky and then at the building , Ye Zong and Ye Xiu sensed it .

Something powerful .

Something dangerous was in that building as their senses were filled with an image , a mirage to form in their minds .

( A.N : Imagine Ye Zong and Ye Xiu mirage )

Ye Zong and Ye Xiu took a step back as they looked up .

Lightning was gathering in the sky .

There senses where screaming at them .

Run .








" RUN ! "

Ye Zong's scream resounded throughout the area as Ye Zong , Ye Xiu and everyone who was in the territory in the Snow Wind Family and near their territory began to run .






( ~ Wisssssh ~ )

Wind began to pick up .


The members of the snow wind family and everyone ran like their lives demanded on it because it actually did .

( ~ Crack ~ )

More and more cracks formed on the cocoon of Lin Lingtian .





( POV Change )

Citizens of Glory City looked on in horror and helplessness.

Some cried .

Some fell on the ground in despair .

Some prayed .

Some laughed thinking this was a nightmare but this was real .

Ye Zong looking over the territory of the Snow Wind Family could only gulp in ....fear , his throat felt dry .

Looking at the sky , it was as if the world was bleeding .

The Heavens were mad .

As a thought crossed his mind ,' Did we anger the heavens ? '

Red and black Lightning flashed through the sky .

( A.N : Imagine the Heavenly Tribulation to be like this )

[ Lin Lingtian's Cocoon ]

( ~Crack~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

Lin Lingtian's hand emerged from the cocoon showing cracks all over the skin of his hands as the lightning in the sky began to gather in on point and crashed down from the sky like the heavens have given their judgement against Lin Lingtian .

Sensing the danger , Lin Lingtian from the cocoon said calmly , " The First Dao of the Wood Scripture : Advent of ...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )