Chapter no. 33 Temporal Qilin

{ A.N : Do you want Yang Xin in Lin Lingtian's harem ? }


Lin Lingtian placed all 11 Divine/ God Growth rate Demon Spirits Stones infront of him .

Closing his eye , Lin Lingtian took a deep breath as he an ethereal vine sprouted out from the middle of his brows and wrapped around the 11 demon spirit stones .

Lin Lingtian found himself in the arena where he last battled the demon beasts that were added to his army .

The Abyss like arena was lit by the ethereal temporal vine sprouting in the middle .

( Roar ! )

All 11 demon beast spirit were eyeing one another except for one demon beast that actually had the gall to sleep .

The Temporal Qilin was sleeping sounding disregarding any of them .

Lin Lingtian's mouth twitched as he looked at the blatant show of arrogance by the Temporal Qilin yet none of the remaining demon beasts even tried to show hostility to the temporal Qilin ... it was like they were afraid of it .

Soul Force flowed into Lin Lingtian's palm that formed into two crimson katars .

The attention of the demon beasts was on Lin Lingtian who just pointed his katars at the 1 star legend rank .

The elder tree lich frowned as it warily looked at the sleeping temporal Qilin , completely disregarding Lin Lingtian who was suppressing his power to try out a new technique had in mind .

Lin Lingtian took a deep breath an channeled Heavenly Lightning through the katars causing an electromagnetic fields to form in the same of circular rings around the hands of Lin Lingtian .

Orbs of black and white merged in the the center of the katars as the circular rings spun in one direction with Lin Lingtian aiming at the elder lich who felt his senses scream at him .

But it was to late as the Lorenz Force propelled the condensed yin yang sphere cleanly through the body of the Elder Lich while also dislocating both of Lin Lingtian's shoulders from the recoil effect .

Lin Lingtian couldn't help but grin , he had used the same concept and physics's of a rail gun to launch the condensed the Yin Yang Blast cleanly through the body of a 1 star legend rank granted it was distracted by the Temporal Qilin who had just glanced at Lin Lingtian and closed it's eyes .

Lin Lingtian gritted his teeth , ' This Arrogance is going to be your downfall . '

Lin Lingtian channeled soul force through his soul katars as began counting as he closed his eyes and began using echolocation while clicking his tongue .





With a backflip , Lin Lingtian dodged flaming snake emerging from the abyss below .

Feeling the heat from a few meters away , Lin Lingtian's body was enveloped in a sphere of blue flame as the scorching breath of the flaming snake and the blazing heat of the blue flame sphere met .

(~ BOOM ~ )

( ~ Woosh ~ )

A beam of light emerged from the smoke as directly hit the crown of the flaming snake .

( ~ Hiss ~ )

The Flaming Snake looked up to see Lin Lingtian and a crimson katar heading his way as darkness enveloped his mind .

Ignoring the disappearing body of the flaming snake into the temporal vine , Lin Lingtian saw that unlike the others these demon beasts were not even attempting to work together .

The Golden Narwhal effortlessly kill the Abyssal Anteater .

In the skies of the abyss , the White Ash Griffin and wither bird were having a battle of agility .

The Abyssal Wolf and the Toxic frog were also duking it out .

With the toxic frog releasing fogs of posion and the Abyssal Wolf using long range wind and lightning attacks out of the range of the two beasts .

Similarly the howling reapers and the blue spikes stingray were fighting .

A sigh escaped Lin Lingtian's mouth . Looks like he has to make these beasts see him as a proper threat or he would have missed this opportunity a free one way ticket to advance to the 5 star silver rank .

Taking a deep breath , Lin Lingtian began to merge with his demon spirit form which was much stronger then before as he had absorbed the elder tree lich and the others .

The intensity of the soul force was so much so that all the demon beasts stop fighting and look at Lin Lingtian with even the Qilin showing caution and a look in it's eyes indicating it saw Lin Lingtian as a threat .

( ~ Woosh ~ )

The Abyssal Golden Narwhal charged at Lin Lingtian .

Lin Lingtian looked at the Golden Narwhal as the turned invisible , an ability he had gotten after absorbing the Abyssal Anteater , knowing that with it's heightened senses the narwhal would easily find him so he wanted to eliminate the most troublesome one , the toxic frog .







[ POV Change ]

Ever since Lin Lingtian had disappeared , the demon beasts were on high alert from one another and from the invisible human .

( ~ Woosh ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

The Head of the Toxic frog was turned into a bloody mist as the golden Narwhal charged at a spot causing the others to launch various long rang attacks except the temporal Qilin .

But it seemed like the Abyssal Golden Narwhal was enveloped in some kind of force causing it to crash into the howling reaper .

( ~ Boom ~ )

Like a second sun had been born , an explosion enveloped their bodies .










( ~ Roar ~ )

( ~ Swish ~ )

The body of the blue spike stingray was pierced by the crimson spear of Lin Lingtian as he looked at the Temporal Qilin .

" Thanks for waiting ."

Lin Lingtian had battled every other demon beast yet the temporal Qilin stood there like it was a part of the audience .

" I didn't want ants to bother my battle ." The Temporal Qilin spoke in an arrogant manner .

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow as a crimson light engulfed him .

His armour began to shift from knight like to a more demonic form .

As 6 wings sprouted out of his back . 3 of which looked like that of an angels while 3 looked like that of a demons .

2 horns sprouted of from his skull as his hair was replaced by a fire with a blood red crown .

This was Lin Lingtian's new war God Form that had been formed by absorbing and combining the 10 Divine Growth rate Demon Spirits with his old form .

( A.N : This is Lin Lingtian's Form )

The Temporal Qilin smirked ,' Interesting .'

Lin Lingtian's eye glowed as beams of crimson red shot from his eyes towards the Temporal Qilin . This was the optical laser ability of the White Ash Griffin .

" BOo !"

Lin Lingtian felt the breath of the temporal Qilin on the nape of his neck .

( ~ Thud ~ )

His body was viciously attacked from the back . Flying a few meters away , Lin Lingtian readjusted his position as he glanced at the smirking Temporal Qilin .

His mind raced to find an answer and in a few seconds it clicked ,' This beast actually bent space around itself and teleported behind me to attack .'

The Horns of the Temporal Qilin glowed with a Jade green glow as multiple rings made of energy shot towards Lin Lingtian .

His pointer Finger and middle finger rose up with shards of ice intercepting the rings but it was for nothing as ice seemed to melt the moment the rings touched them .

Lin Lingtian channeled soul force into his eyes as the heightened senses of the Abyssal Golden Narwhal took effect and with a clear view , he could see that the moment the rings touched the ice it turned to water yet not steam .

In a few seconds , Lin Lingtian figured that the attack was time related .

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Woosh ~ )

A giant slab of crystals formed in front of Lin Lingtian as the rings landed and promptly dissipated .

The Temporal Qilin was surprised that it's attack was stopped .

Sensing something , the space around it bent and twisted as it appeared a couple of meters away . While a giant tree root had sprouted where it used to be .

Similarly more and more tree root emerged and formed into a forest covering the abyss .

[ Wood Dao Scripture : Pholeo's Forest ]

While this technique may effect many people , someone like the temporal Qilin which was born from the merging of multiple beings into one creating a new entity was not effected in the same way . The Strength of this technique was that it trapped victims in an illusion of their loved ones yet what does a new entity that only finds itself beautiful and perfect love .





The Trees bend as a mirror temporal Qilin walked towards the temporal Qilin that was fighting Lin Lingtian .

The Temporal Qilin and the mirror version looked at one another not knowing what to do .

Outside of Pholeo's Forest , walls made of crystals formed around the forest .

Lin Lingtian took a deep breath , he could feel the War God Technique circulate throughout this fight . Even though it was not a long brutal battle it still stimulated the War God Technique .

He needed one push and 5 star silver rank will be achieved .

In his right hand , a sphere of light .

In his left hand , a sphere of dark 🌑 floated .

These were the two spheres that made the yin yang blast .

Merging into one , Lin Lingtian began to condense them more and more as a large amount of soul force entered and got trapped in the extremely condensed Yin Yang Blast .

Channeling Soul Force similar to that of a fanged panda , Lin Lingtian made the Condense Yin Yang Blast more and more tiny using the Gravity field .

Looking onward , Lin Lingtian saw the entirety of Pholeo's Forest being disintegrated by the a ring made the Temporal Qilin .

In theory , time and space both are effected by the gravity of a black hole , Lin Lingtian looked at the extremely condensed ball of yin and yang in his hands .

Like of a pitcher in a baseball game , Lin Lingtian threw his singularity towards the Temporal Qilin that looked absolutely pissed .

It tried to bend space but the singularity approaching it began to effect the crystal dome, sucking it into center along with the temporal Qilin which was continuing to struggle but was gradually escaping with it's strength .

More and More Soul Force from Lin Lingtian caused the black hole to get much much stronger as this way the finish push he needed .

Soul Force erupted from his body . Lin Lingtian was now a 5 star Silver rank .

Looking from afar , Lin Lingtian opened his palm as the gravitational force keeping the yin yang blast dissipated and a chain reaction occured . The Yin Yang Blast exploded in a gigantic display of power covering the body of the temporal Qilin .

Looking at the blast , Lin Lingtian clapped his hands .

[ Wood Dao Scripture : Advent of the World Tree ]

The Temporal Vine sprouted infront of Lin Lingtian and began to absorb the massive amounts of soul force producing the explosion erupted from the chain reaction that Lin Lingtian had caused .










[ POV Change ]

Guarding the camp site , the members of the Army of War God watched the General " Xiao Ning'er " as she sat in a lotus position , her body was covered in discharging lightning ... her body looked like it was made of lightning .

Feeling a wave of power , multiple members looked at the cave where Lin Lingtian was cultivating as multiple shadows emerged .


[ Species : Toxic Frog ]

[ Rank : 1 star legend ]

[ Growth Rate : Divine / God ]

[ Attribute : Chaos ]

[ Mutations : Secretion Glands ]

A frog with sliming greyish green skin , horns and fangs made it's way near the others .

( A.N : This is the toxic frog ) ------------------------------------------------------------

[ Species :Wither Bird ]

[ Rank : 4 star black gold rank ]

[ Growth Rate : Divine / God ]

[ Attribute : Wind ]

[ Mutations : Size Augmentation ]

An avian with the size of 1 meter flew through the air .

It's face resembling that of an owl as the feathers on it's body made it look like it was made of darkness .

( A.N : The Wither bird )


[ Species : Flaming Snake ]

[ Rank : 1 star Legend rank ]

[ Growth Rate : Divine / God]

[ Attribute : Fire , Earth ]

Coiling around the elder tree lich was a beautiful white snake with a ruby red crystal embedded in it's crown .

( A.N : This is the Flaming Snake )


[ Species : Abyssal Wolf ]

[ Rank : 1 star Legend rank ]

[ Growth Rate : Divine / God ]

[ Attribute : Lightning ]

[ Mutations : Physique Shape and Bone Structure ]

A weird creature with it's head and tail was covered in shadows yet it's fur was as white as snow .

( A.N : This is the Abyssal Wolf )


[ Species : Elder Tree Lich ]

[ Rank : 1 star Legend rank ]

[ Growth Rate : Divine / God ]

[ Attribute : Yin , Wood ]

[ Mutations : Soul Storage ]

When absorbing some of Lin Lingtian's soul force , the elder tree lich mutated as it's body structure changed from a humanoid to a serpentine like body made of trees .

( A.N : Elder Tree Lich ) -------------------------------------------------------------

[ Species : Abyssal Anteater ]

[ Rank : 5 star black gold rank ]

[ Growth Rate : Divine / God ]

[ Attribute : None ]

[ Mutations : Invisibility ]


[ Species : White Ash Griffin ]

[ Rank : 4 star black gold rank ]

[ Growth Rate : Divine / God

[ Attribute : Wind ]

[ Mutations : Optical lasers ]

The body of a lion and the head of an eagle made a very beautiful combination as the elegant creature emerged from the shadows .

( A.N : Imagine this )


[ Species : Abyssal Golden Narwhal ]

[ Rank : 1 star Legend rank ]

[ Growth Rate : Divine / God ]

[ Attribute : Wind ]

[ Mutations : Extreme Sense Augmentation ]

A whale like being with a Golden crystal horn floated above them .

( A.N : Abyssal Golden Narwhal ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ Species : Howling Reapers ]

[ Rank : 1 star legend rank ]

[ Growth Rate : Divine / God ]

[ Attribute : Yin ]

With a mammalian body covered in slits that had rows of teeth , a nightamrish creature that looked like it emerged from the abyss itself made it's way to the others .

( A.N : The Howling Reaper )


[ Species : Blue Spiked Stingray ]

[ Rank : 5 star black gold rank ]

[ Growth Rate : Divine / God ]

[ Attribute : Earth ]

[ Mutations : Poison Manipulation ]

Unlike the others the blue spiked stingray had gone through a mutation causing it to become more humanoid .

It looked alien like to any normal human as it floated near the other demon beasts .

( A. N : This is the Blue Spiked Stingray )


[ Species : Temporal Qilin ]

[ Rank : 3 Star Legend rank ]

[ Attributes : Time and Space ]

[ Type : Nightmare ]

With the body of a horse covered by dragon scales as clouds of orange followed behind in . The Temporal Qilin exuded elegance , grace and beauty befitting of it's mythical status .

( A.N : The temporal Qilin )


( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )