Chapter no.34 Xiao Ning'er Vs Lin Lingtian

{ A. N : Hello 👋 Everyone ! I just wanted to ask you guys some things ; since the majority of you want Yang Xin in Lin Lingtian's harem I have produced 3 scenarios in my mind and I want you guys to vote on it .

1 ) Scenario #1 : Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er after finding the entire treasure ( just the gold ) of the ancient orchids decide to sell it and Lin Lingtian decides to sell all the gold via Yang Xin after hearing her backstory . Yang Xin is confronted by masked figures in her office and knowing that these figures bypassed her guards who are black gold rank she remains professional and respectful . Lin Lingtian has her sell all the gold and then use that gold to help the commoners and orphans of Glory City leaving quite an impression on Yang Xin . And then stuff happens e. t. c.

e. t.c. Yang Xin slowly falls in love with Lin Lingtian . Emphasis on Slowly .

2) Scenario # 2 : Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er get the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword which alerts many high ranks in Glory City when it is pulled out . Yang Xin and her guards ( black gold rank ) confront them but get absolutely demolished and Yang Xin gets groped by Lin Lingtian . This is their first meeting with Yang Xin viewing Lin Lingtian as a pervert . Yang Xin gets intrigued by Lin Lingtian when a large group of people from the Heavenly Fate Plateau arrive at Glory City and sing praises for Lin Lingtian . This intrigue leads to Yang Xin confronting Yu Ling which leads her to coming in contact Lin Lingtian and striking a deal with him to protect Glory City . This deal is done and Yang Xin goes from respecting Lin Lingtian to trusting him and that trust turns into Love . This all happens over the course of the story .

3 ) Scenario # 3 : Lin Lingtian tries to gain understanding of the Fire Dao Scripture causing a spiritual flame to erupt where he is . In Glory City all the Alchemist Flames turn in one direction causing them to know that a Spiritual Flame has been formed which to the Alchemists of Glory City is just a legend and Yang Xin due to her talent is selected to gain the Spiritual Flame . When Yang Xin and black gold rank guards arrive at that place , a shockwave due to Lin Lingtian understanding the first technique of the Fire Dao Scripture happens causing the black gold rank guards to be knocked out and due to the guards protecting her , She is left standing . Viewing Lin Lingtian as a Grandmaster Alchemist with that flawless Flame control , she begs Lin Lingtian to become her master . Lin Lingtian accepts because of some reason I will think of 🤔 . Things happens e. t. c. e. t. c. Yang Xin falls for Lin Lingtian .

So those are the scenarios I could come up with , if you have a better scenario then write it in the comment section .


[ Lin Lingtian's POV ]

It has been over an hour since I completed absorbing the 11 Divine/God Growth rate Demon Spirits . Observing Xiao Ning'er , the discharges of Electricity were becoming more and more frequent .

Looks like she was adapting quickly and making that Technique her own .

The modified Cultivation Technique used the similar concept of changing matter from one form to another .

The flesh and bones are converted into a coherent system of self organizing electromagnetic system . In this system , one could actually control the separation of charges on a quantum level essentially turning into lightning itself contained in a shape due to the electromagnetic system .

Lin Lingtian looked at Xiao Ning'er sitting in a lotus position as a dome of lightning covered her body in a beautiful display of lightning and power .

Previous he wanted to give Xiao Ning'er the Wind And Lightning Dao Scripture but there was one problem . To access any of the Dao Scriptures he needed to meet some conditions .

For the Wood Dao Scripture he needed to have a spiritual seed inside his soul sea which was done due to him possessing the temporal seed inside his soul sea .

A smile bloomed on Lin Lingtian's face as he gazed at Xiao Ning'er . He needed to thank Xiao Ning'er for everything she had done for him but a simple thank you was not something he wanted to give so what should he do .

" Is She your mate , my king ? " The Temporal Qilin asked as he shifted from his beast form into his humanoid form .

Around the age of 17 or 18 , with green jade like eyes a handsome male that could be considered a top male model looked at Lin Lingtian in reverence .

Lin Lingtian didn't answer as he felt his heart sink .

With his soul shards inside her dantian , Lin Lingtian could sense what Xiao Ning'er was doing .

Xiao Ning'er was using Sheng Mu's modified cultivation technique to gain the ability to turn herself into lightning yet something was wrong .

The soul force inside her dantian was suddenly shifting from lightning attribute to dual attributes of Yin and Lightning . Yin and Lightning Soul Force was merging inside her dantian . She was using the small amounts of Heavenly Lightning to gain the ability to turn into Heavenly Lightning .

' Fuck , What the hell is this idiot thinking ? That lightning can damage your soul '

Closing his eyes , Lin Lingtian in his astral form rushed towards the center of his soul sea where the ethereal dragon remained .

Using his will , large amounts of Yang and Earth attributed Soul Force entered into ethereal dragon .

Lin Lingtian focused on channeling and circulating the Yang and Earth attributed Soul Force in such a way inside Xiao Ning'er's soul sea and body that it doesn't interfere with the circulation of soul force according to the modified cultivation technique and also protects her soul and body from the Heavenly Lightning . This was only possible because Lin Lingtian was the one who modified the cultivation technique of Sheng Mu .

[ Xiao Ning'er's Soul Sea ]

( ~ Clap ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

Xiao Ning'er couldn't help but anxiously looking on in horror as she felt the wisps of Heavenly Lightning slip out of her control .

Pain engulfed her as she felt cracks forming all over her soul sea .

' No .'

Even with the pain , Xiao Ning'er gritted her teeth as she tried to gain control of the Heavenly Lightning .

( ~ Woosh ~ )

A warmth engulfed her soul sea as she saw the Soul shard of Lin Lingtian in her dantian glow with power as soul force of Earth and Yang Attributes exploded out in waves and to her surprise the soul force was not only protecting her soul sea but was also circulating in such a way that she could clearly feel the path in which she had to take to gain complete control of Heavenly Lightning and refine it .










( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Clap ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

The cackling of lightning resonated inside Xiao Ning'er's soul sea as the entirety of her soul sea was like a thunderstorm , chaotic and powerful .

Xiao Ning'er opened her eyes and looked at her hands as they began to change . The Flesh and Blood of Xiao Ning'er changed into black electricity .

A smile broke out on her face as she heard roars from all around her .

( ~ Roar ~ )

( ~ Roar ~ )

All the members of the Army were congratulating her .

Turning around towards Lin Lingtian , she expected him to congratulate her as she excitedly made her way towards him .

" Lin , I did it , I gained control over heavenly lightning ."

Xiao Ning'er looked up and her excited smile faltered as she looked at Lin Lingtian's expressionless face and sensed Lin Lingtian's fury .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Bam ~ )

( ~ Slap ~ )

On Xiao Ning'er's face , a look of surprise was evident . Her eyes were wide open.

Her hand touched her cheek as she felt the stinging sensation .

Lin Lingtian had slapped her face . Looking at him , Xiao Ning'er held her red cheek in one hand as she saw a look of fury on his face .


Xiao Ning'er felt her heart began to race .


Gritting her teeth , Xiao Ning'er frustratingly said ," Why do you care ?! It's my DECISION ."

Lin Lingtian sighed and said ," Ning'er , why did you did it ? "








" Ning'er ... Why did you do it ?"







" Ning'er ..."

Xiao Ning'er shouted back , " BECAUSE I AM WEAK ! "



" I WANTED ..... TO PROVE .... THAT I AM WORTHY OF BEING THE GENERAL .... " Xiao Ning'er vented to all her frustration as tears ran down her face .

A warmth engulfed her as Lin Lingtian hug her .

" Ning'er .... without you ... I wouldn't be here ... maybe I would have been rotting in prison waiting for the right moment to escape ..... Ning'er .... without you I wouldn't have this power ..... Ning'er I choose you as the General not because of your talent ... but because I knew that this woman is someone I want beside me ..... I chose you because of your will ..... Ning'er even if a goddess descends from the heavens and asks me that she wanted your position I would never agree to it .... "

Lin Lingtian's hug tighten as he could hear the light sobs of Xiao Ning'er .

Xiao Ning'er wiped her tears and looked at Lin Lingtian ," Lin Lingtian ."

" Yes ."

" Fight me ."

" Why ? "

" I will prove that it was the right decision ."

Lin Lingtian pinched his brows ,' She had to be this stubborn .'

" Fine ."

Before they could even get into fighting positions , Xiao Ning'er's body exploded in a shower of lightning .

Lin Lingtian just barely dodged it with the space warping ability of the temporal Qilin .

( ~ Woosh ~ )

Space bent as Lin Lingtian landed with a thud while observing Xiao Ning'er from a far .

Xiao Ning'er smirked at Lin Lingtian as she began to float in the air like a goddess .

Her kusarigama was being held by a magnetic field .

Black discharges of heavenly lightning flowed through the kusarigama .

With just a command of her mind , Xiao Ning'er used her own electromagnetic system to form Lances of pure lightning .

The Charges of Lightning turned the very air into plasma so now Lances of plasma were aimed at Lin Lingtian .

Lin Lingtian looked at the lances of plasma and couldn't help but sigh .

( ~ Whooooooooosh ~ )

Lances of light tore through the air , flying at blinding light towards Lin Lingtian .

Lin Lingtian touched the ground as layers of crystals and ice formed a shield Infront of Lin Lingtian .

( ~ BOOM 💥 ~ )

The lances of plasma destroyed Lin Lingtian's shield .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The smoke cleared as Lin Lingtian had disappeared .

Behind Xiao Ning'er , space tore as an invisible Lin Lingtian charged at her with a halberd .

But Lin Lingtian froze in mid air , the iron inside his body was being controlled by Xiao Ning'er .

" ~ Lin ~ ~ Lin ~ ~ Lin ~ " Xiao Ning'er said as she smiled at Lin Lingtian .

Feeling a sense of danger , space tore around Lin Lingtian as he appeared 20 meters away .

Crossing his arms , crimson soul force reinforced his arms as a Lance of plasma blasted Lin Lingtian and the force pushed him quite a few feet away .

( ~ Ssssss ~ )

The Sizzling sound of his flesh being burnt by the plasma was heard throughout the camp .


Hearing her shout , Lin Lingtian sighed as soul force erupted from his body .

As a true Cultivator Xiao Ning'er could actually feel what Lin Lingtian's monstrous power was as even among true Cultivator of the ancient world who took millennia just to achieve one small breath through as they slowly collected soul force of every attribute slowly but Lin Lingtian was anomaly who did what the masters of old did every single day , Lin Lingtian's imagine began to contort into a monstrous silhouette .

( ~ Roar ~ )

Xiao Ning'er felt she was Infront of a tiger , Infront of a predator . One wrong move and your dead .

( A.N : This what Xiao Ning'er saw )

Xiao Ning'er took a step back ,' So this is his true power .'

He activated the Beast Blood Seal of Mutated Demon Horned Sheep and Mutated Fanged Panda .

[Consumed 20 drops of Blood Essence of the Mutated Horned Sheep and Fanged Panda. Added Status: Blood Essence Ignition ]

[ Blood Essence Ignition: Attributes of the Beast Blood Seal has been enhanced temporarily. Attribute enhancement effect increased by 100%. Duration: 5 minutes] (− +)

Lin's muscles seemed to have a life of their own as they swelled and rolled under his blood-red skin.

The Demon Blood Seal was a passive Technique in which the blood of a demon beast integrates physical attributes in one's body .

It can be done over a period of time or all at once but the effect of stacking the attributes would diminish by 80% when used at once after 5 minutes but that would be for normal people , for Lin Lingtian he could just extend the duration .

[ Blood Essence Ignition: Attributes of the Beast Blood Seal has been enhanced temporarily. Attribute enhancement effect increased by 100%. Duration: ∞] ( - )

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Meters long chains with sickles rushed at Lin Lingtian who was in his archangel like and demonic hybrid demon spirit form.

Feeling Lin Lingtian's insanely dense soul force's pressure , Xiao Ning'er waisted no time as she fired hundreds of lances of plasma towards Lin Lingtian yet her vision showed darkness and feeling a cold on the skin of her face .

Lin Lingtian had torn space and had grabbed her by her face as Yang and Earth Attributed Soul Force nullified the Xiao Ning'er's ability to turn into Heavenly Lightning .

Lin Lingtian had underestimated his 200% dual black gold rank strength enhancing his already monstrous stats as he lifted Xiao Ning'er up and slammed her into the mountain Clif behind them .

Feeling a sense of vertigo , Xiao Ning'er couldn't feel nothing as a darkness and coldness enveloped .

( ~ THUD ~ )

( ~ BOOM ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ CRack ~ )

( ~ CRACK ~ )

The entire clip behind Xiao Ning'er was reduced to gravel as large chunks of the cliff was destroyed .

( A.N : Imagine the cliff to look like this )
























Sitting beside the camp fire , the moon shined brightly in the night sky as no clouds could be seen , Lin Lingtian tended to the curry he was making.

A few feet away from him was the " Knocked out " Xiao Ning'er .

" So ..... when are you going to start pretending to be still knocked out ."

Xiao Ning'er didn't say anything as she had a melancholy look on her when looking at the stars .

Lin Lingtian when he saw that look in her eyes realized why his gut told him if was a bad idea for going all out against her . Now she was demoralised .

Lin Lingtian poured in a bowl as he placed it beside her .

" Ning'er ...." Before Lin Lingtian could even continue , Xiao Ning'er cut him off.

" Don't "


" It was a mistake for you to choose me as your General ."

" NING'ER !" In concern for her , Lin Lingtian stood up .

" Ning'er ."

" Ning'er ."

Seeing her act like an emo , Lin Lingtian picked up the bowl and then picked up Xiao Ning'er bridal style as he began to float up into the night sky .

" Ning'er , can you please look up ." As her eye trailed up , a look of surprise was captured on her face as she stared at the breathtaking beauty of the stars and full moon .

In awe of nature's beauty , Xiao Ning'er's mind left behind negative thoughts of the fight in which she was confident of contending with Lin Lingtian in a bout yet she was absolutely destroyed .

" Ning'er ."

Her ears perked up as she began to listen to him say ," Ning'er ... I know you feel that our fight was a complete white wash for you but before you get depressed hear me out ."

Xiao Ning'er's full attention was on Lin Lingtian ," I only won because I could escape your attacks with space warp and I could nullify the Heavenly Lightning ..... Ning'er ... You are not weak ... on the contrary I doubt that you would ever meet someone that could actually be your rival in this world

( ~ Shush ~ )

{ Xiao Ning'er tried to say something but was cut off by Lin Lingtian }

Xiao Ning'er ..... this power I have ..... this strength ... This was all thanks to you .....

{ A smile broke on Xiao Ning'er's face }

Xiao Ning'er , you were there for me when I was conflicted , when I was trapped in my own mental prison and even in the physical world when I was in a prison ... when I had no one ..... I had you to have my back ..... Ning'er ! remember that even if I could turn time , I will always choose you as my general ."

Xiao Ning'er smiled as she snuggled in his arms .

" Ning'er ."

" Yes ."

" Thank You ."


{ A.N : Ok , so I thought a lot about it and I decided to go with a slow paced romance development between Xiao Ning'er and Lin Lingtian .}


{ A.N : Quick Question I am thinking of introducing other Dao Scriptures in such a way that there are some certain conditions that need to be met and I wanted to ask what do you think should be the next Dao Scripture Lin Lingtian should Cultivation and What should be the conditions for unlocking the Dao Scripture ? }

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )